/* * Copyright 2017 Google Inc. * * Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be * found in the LICENSE file. */ #include "GrCoverageCountingPathRenderer.h" #include "GrCaps.h" #include "GrClip.h" #include "GrProxyProvider.h" #include "SkMakeUnique.h" #include "SkPathOps.h" #include "ccpr/GrCCClipProcessor.h" #include "ccpr/GrCCDrawPathsOp.h" #include "ccpr/GrCCPathParser.h" using PathInstance = GrCCPathProcessor::Instance; // If a path spans more pixels than this, we need to crop it or else analytic AA can run out of fp32 // precision. static constexpr float kPathCropThreshold = 1 << 16; static void crop_path(const SkPath& path, const SkIRect& cropbox, SkPath* out) { SkPath cropboxPath; cropboxPath.addRect(SkRect::Make(cropbox)); if (!Op(cropboxPath, path, kIntersect_SkPathOp, out)) { // This can fail if the PathOps encounter NaN or infinities. out->reset(); } out->setIsVolatile(true); } GrCCPerOpListPaths::~GrCCPerOpListPaths() { // Ensure there are no surviving DrawPathsOps with a dangling pointer into this class. if (!fDrawOps.isEmpty()) { SK_ABORT("GrCCDrawPathsOp(s) not deleted during flush"); } // Clip lazy proxies also reference this class from their callbacks, but those callbacks // are only invoked at flush time while we are still alive. (Unlike DrawPathsOps, that // unregister themselves upon destruction.) So it shouldn't matter if any clip proxies // are still around. } bool GrCoverageCountingPathRenderer::IsSupported(const GrCaps& caps) { const GrShaderCaps& shaderCaps = *caps.shaderCaps(); return shaderCaps.integerSupport() && shaderCaps.flatInterpolationSupport() && caps.instanceAttribSupport() && GrCaps::kNone_MapFlags != caps.mapBufferFlags() && caps.isConfigTexturable(kAlpha_half_GrPixelConfig) && caps.isConfigRenderable(kAlpha_half_GrPixelConfig) && !caps.blacklistCoverageCounting(); } sk_sp GrCoverageCountingPathRenderer::CreateIfSupported( const GrCaps& caps, bool drawCachablePaths) { auto ccpr = IsSupported(caps) ? new GrCoverageCountingPathRenderer(drawCachablePaths) : nullptr; return sk_sp(ccpr); } GrCCPerOpListPaths* GrCoverageCountingPathRenderer::lookupPendingPaths(uint32_t opListID) { auto it = fPendingPaths.find(opListID); if (fPendingPaths.end() == it) { sk_sp paths = sk_make_sp(); it = fPendingPaths.insert(std::make_pair(opListID, std::move(paths))).first; } return it->second.get(); } GrPathRenderer::CanDrawPath GrCoverageCountingPathRenderer::onCanDrawPath( const CanDrawPathArgs& args) const { if (args.fShape->hasUnstyledKey() && !fDrawCachablePaths) { return CanDrawPath::kNo; } if (!args.fShape->style().isSimpleFill() || args.fShape->inverseFilled() || args.fViewMatrix->hasPerspective() || GrAAType::kCoverage != args.fAAType) { return CanDrawPath::kNo; } SkPath path; args.fShape->asPath(&path); SkRect devBounds; SkIRect devIBounds; args.fViewMatrix->mapRect(&devBounds, path.getBounds()); devBounds.roundOut(&devIBounds); if (!devIBounds.intersect(*args.fClipConservativeBounds)) { // Path is completely clipped away. Our code will eventually notice this before doing any // real work. return CanDrawPath::kYes; } if (devIBounds.height() * devIBounds.width() > 256 * 256) { // Large paths can blow up the atlas fast. And they are not ideal for a two-pass rendering // algorithm. Give the simpler direct renderers a chance before we commit to drawing it. return CanDrawPath::kAsBackup; } if (args.fShape->hasUnstyledKey() && path.countVerbs() > 50) { // Complex paths do better cached in an SDF, if the renderer will accept them. return CanDrawPath::kAsBackup; } return CanDrawPath::kYes; } bool GrCoverageCountingPathRenderer::onDrawPath(const DrawPathArgs& args) { SkASSERT(!fFlushing); SkIRect clipIBounds; GrRenderTargetContext* rtc = args.fRenderTargetContext; args.fClip->getConservativeBounds(rtc->width(), rtc->height(), &clipIBounds, nullptr); SkPath path; args.fShape->asPath(&path); SkRect devBounds; args.fViewMatrix->mapRect(&devBounds, path.getBounds()); std::unique_ptr op; if (SkTMax(devBounds.height(), devBounds.width()) > kPathCropThreshold) { // The path is too large. Crop it or analytic AA can run out of fp32 precision. SkPath croppedPath; path.transform(*args.fViewMatrix, &croppedPath); crop_path(croppedPath, clipIBounds, &croppedPath); // FIXME: This breaks local coords: http://skbug.com/8003 op = GrCCDrawPathsOp::Make(args.fContext, clipIBounds, SkMatrix::I(), croppedPath, croppedPath.getBounds(), std::move(args.fPaint)); } else { op = GrCCDrawPathsOp::Make(args.fContext, clipIBounds, *args.fViewMatrix, path, devBounds, std::move(args.fPaint)); } this->recordOp(std::move(op), args); return true; } void GrCoverageCountingPathRenderer::recordOp(std::unique_ptr opHolder, const DrawPathArgs& args) { if (GrCCDrawPathsOp* op = opHolder.get()) { GrRenderTargetContext* rtc = args.fRenderTargetContext; if (uint32_t opListID = rtc->addDrawOp(*args.fClip, std::move(opHolder))) { op->wasRecorded(this->lookupPendingPaths(opListID)); } } } std::unique_ptr GrCoverageCountingPathRenderer::makeClipProcessor( GrProxyProvider* proxyProvider, uint32_t opListID, const SkPath& deviceSpacePath, const SkIRect& accessRect, int rtWidth, int rtHeight) { using MustCheckBounds = GrCCClipProcessor::MustCheckBounds; SkASSERT(!fFlushing); GrCCClipPath& clipPath = this->lookupPendingPaths(opListID)->fClipPaths[deviceSpacePath.getGenerationID()]; if (!clipPath.isInitialized()) { // This ClipPath was just created during lookup. Initialize it. const SkRect& pathDevBounds = deviceSpacePath.getBounds(); if (SkTMax(pathDevBounds.height(), pathDevBounds.width()) > kPathCropThreshold) { // The path is too large. Crop it or analytic AA can run out of fp32 precision. SkPath croppedPath; int maxRTSize = proxyProvider->caps()->maxRenderTargetSize(); crop_path(deviceSpacePath, SkIRect::MakeWH(maxRTSize, maxRTSize), &croppedPath); clipPath.init(proxyProvider, croppedPath, accessRect, rtWidth, rtHeight); } else { clipPath.init(proxyProvider, deviceSpacePath, accessRect, rtWidth, rtHeight); } } else { clipPath.addAccess(accessRect); } bool mustCheckBounds = !clipPath.pathDevIBounds().contains(accessRect); return skstd::make_unique(&clipPath, MustCheckBounds(mustCheckBounds), deviceSpacePath.getFillType()); } void GrCoverageCountingPathRenderer::preFlush(GrOnFlushResourceProvider* onFlushRP, const uint32_t* opListIDs, int numOpListIDs, SkTArray>* atlasDraws) { SkASSERT(!fFlushing); SkASSERT(fFlushingPaths.empty()); SkDEBUGCODE(fFlushing = true); if (fPendingPaths.empty()) { return; // Nothing to draw. } GrCCPerFlushResourceSpecs resourceSpecs; int maxPreferredRTSize = onFlushRP->caps()->maxPreferredRenderTargetSize(); resourceSpecs.fAtlasSpecs.fMaxPreferredTextureSize = maxPreferredRTSize; resourceSpecs.fAtlasSpecs.fMinTextureSize = SkTMin(1024, maxPreferredRTSize); // Move the per-opList paths that are about to be flushed from fPendingPaths to fFlushingPaths, // and count them up so we can preallocate buffers. fFlushingPaths.reserve(numOpListIDs); for (int i = 0; i < numOpListIDs; ++i) { auto iter = fPendingPaths.find(opListIDs[i]); if (fPendingPaths.end() == iter) { continue; // No paths on this opList. } fFlushingPaths.push_back(std::move(iter->second)); fPendingPaths.erase(iter); for (const GrCCDrawPathsOp* op : fFlushingPaths.back()->fDrawOps) { op->accountForOwnPaths(&resourceSpecs); } for (const auto& clipsIter : fFlushingPaths.back()->fClipPaths) { clipsIter.second.accountForOwnPath(&resourceSpecs); } } if (resourceSpecs.isEmpty()) { return; // Nothing to draw. } auto resources = sk_make_sp(onFlushRP, resourceSpecs); if (!resources->isMapped()) { return; // Some allocation failed. } // Layout atlas(es) and parse paths. SkDEBUGCODE(int numSkippedPaths = 0); for (const auto& flushingPaths : fFlushingPaths) { for (GrCCDrawPathsOp* op : flushingPaths->fDrawOps) { op->setupResources(resources.get(), onFlushRP); SkDEBUGCODE(numSkippedPaths += op->numSkippedInstances_debugOnly()); } for (auto& clipsIter : flushingPaths->fClipPaths) { clipsIter.second.renderPathInAtlas(resources.get(), onFlushRP); } } SkASSERT(resources->nextPathInstanceIdx() == resourceSpecs.fNumRenderedPaths - numSkippedPaths); // Allocate the atlases and create instance buffers to draw them. if (!resources->finalize(onFlushRP, atlasDraws)) { return; } // Commit flushing paths to the resources once they are successfully completed. for (auto& flushingPaths : fFlushingPaths) { SkASSERT(!flushingPaths->fFlushResources); flushingPaths->fFlushResources = resources; } } void GrCoverageCountingPathRenderer::postFlush(GrDeferredUploadToken, const uint32_t* opListIDs, int numOpListIDs) { SkASSERT(fFlushing); // In DDL mode these aren't guaranteed to be deleted so we must clear out the perFlush // resources manually. for (auto& flushingPaths : fFlushingPaths) { flushingPaths->fFlushResources = nullptr; } // We wait to erase these until after flush, once Ops and FPs are done accessing their data. fFlushingPaths.reset(); SkDEBUGCODE(fFlushing = false); }