/* * Copyright 2017 Google Inc. * * Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be * found in the LICENSE file. */ #ifndef GrCCPathParser_DEFINED #define GrCCPathParser_DEFINED #include "GrMesh.h" #include "GrNonAtomicRef.h" #include "SkRect.h" #include "SkRefCnt.h" #include "ccpr/GrCCCoverageProcessor.h" #include "ccpr/GrCCGeometry.h" #include "ops/GrDrawOp.h" class GrOnFlushResourceProvider; class SkMatrix; class SkPath; /** * This class parses SkPaths into CCPR primitives in GPU buffers, then issues calls to draw their * coverage counts. */ class GrCCPathParser : public GrNonAtomicRef { public: // Indicates whether a path should enforce a scissor clip when rendering its mask. (Specified // as an int because these values get used directly as indices into arrays.) enum class ScissorMode : int { kNonScissored = 0, kScissored = 1 }; static constexpr int kNumScissorModes = 2; GrCCPathParser(int maxTotalPaths, int maxPathPoints, int numSkPoints, int numSkVerbs); ~GrCCPathParser() { // Enforce the contract that the client always calls saveParsedPath or discardParsedPath. SkASSERT(!fParsingPath); } using CoverageCountBatchID = int; // Parses an SkPath into a temporary staging area. The path will not be included in the current // batch until there is a matching call to saveParsedPath. The user must complement this with a // following call to either saveParsedPath or discardParsedPath. // // Returns two tight bounding boxes: device space and "45 degree" (| 1 -1 | * devCoords) space. // | 1 1 | void parsePath(const SkMatrix&, const SkPath&, SkRect* devBounds, SkRect* devBounds45); // Parses a device-space SkPath into a temporary staging area. The path will not be included in // the current batch until there is a matching call to saveParsedPath. The user must complement // this with a following call to either saveParsedPath or discardParsedPath. void parseDeviceSpacePath(const SkPath&); // Commits the currently-parsed path from staging to the current batch, and specifies whether // the mask should be rendered with a scissor in effect. Accepts an optional post-device-space // translate for placement in an atlas. void saveParsedPath(ScissorMode, const SkIRect& clippedDevIBounds, int16_t atlasOffsetX, int16_t atlasOffsetY); void discardParsedPath(); // Compiles the outstanding saved paths into a batch, and returns an ID that can be used to draw // their coverage counts in the future. CoverageCountBatchID closeCurrentBatch(); // Builds internal GPU buffers and prepares for calls to drawCoverageCount. Caller must close // the current batch before calling this method, and cannot parse new paths afer. bool finalize(GrOnFlushResourceProvider*); // Called after finalize. Draws the given batch of parsed paths. void drawCoverageCount(GrOpFlushState*, CoverageCountBatchID, const SkIRect& drawBounds) const; private: using PrimitiveTallies = GrCCGeometry::PrimitiveTallies; // Every kBeginPath verb has a corresponding PathInfo entry. struct PathInfo { ScissorMode fScissorMode; int16_t fAtlasOffsetX, fAtlasOffsetY; }; // Defines a batch of CCPR primitives. Start indices are deduced by looking at the previous // CoverageCountBatch in the list. struct CoverageCountBatch { PrimitiveTallies fEndNonScissorIndices; int fEndScissorSubBatchIdx; }; // Defines a sub-batch from CoverageCountBatch that will be drawn with the given scissor rect. // Start indices are deduced by looking at the previous ScissorSubBatch in the list. struct ScissorSubBatch { PrimitiveTallies fEndPrimitiveIndices; SkIRect fScissor; }; void parsePath(const SkPath&, const SkPoint* deviceSpacePts); void endContourIfNeeded(bool insideContour); void drawRenderPass(GrOpFlushState*, const GrPipeline&, CoverageCountBatchID, GrCCCoverageProcessor::RenderPass, int PrimitiveTallies::*instanceType, const SkIRect& drawBounds) const; // Staging area for the path being parsed. SkDEBUGCODE(int fParsingPath = false); const SkAutoSTArray<32, SkPoint> fLocalDevPtsBuffer; int fCurrPathPointsIdx; int fCurrPathVerbsIdx; PrimitiveTallies fCurrPathPrimitiveCounts; GrCCGeometry fGeometry; SkSTArray<32, PathInfo, true> fPathsInfo; SkSTArray<32, CoverageCountBatch, true> fCoverageCountBatches; SkSTArray<32, ScissorSubBatch, true> fScissorSubBatches; PrimitiveTallies fTotalPrimitiveCounts[kNumScissorModes]; int fMaxMeshesPerDraw = 0; sk_sp fInstanceBuffer; PrimitiveTallies fBaseInstances[kNumScissorModes]; mutable SkSTArray<32, GrMesh> fMeshesScratchBuffer; mutable SkSTArray<32, GrPipeline::DynamicState> fDynamicStatesScratchBuffer; }; #endif