/* * Copyright 2018 Google Inc. * * Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be * found in the LICENSE file. */ #ifndef GrCCPathCache_DEFINED #define GrCCPathCache_DEFINED #include "SkExchange.h" #include "SkTHash.h" #include "SkTInternalLList.h" #include "ccpr/GrCCAtlas.h" #include "ccpr/GrCCPathProcessor.h" class GrCCPathCacheEntry; class GrShape; /** * This class implements an LRU cache that maps from GrShape to GrCCPathCacheEntry objects. Shapes * are only given one entry in the cache, so any time they are accessed with a different matrix, the * old entry gets evicted. */ class GrCCPathCache { public: #ifdef SK_DEBUG ~GrCCPathCache() { // Ensure the hash table and LRU list are still coherent. fHashTable.reset(); SkASSERT(fLRU.isEmpty()); } #endif // Stores the components of a transformation that affect a path mask (i.e. everything but // integer translation). During construction, any integer portions of the matrix's translate are // shaved off and returned to the caller. The caller is responsible for those integer shifts. struct MaskTransform { MaskTransform(const SkMatrix& m, SkIVector* shift); float fMatrix2x2[4]; float fSubpixelTranslate[2]; }; enum class CreateIfAbsent : bool { kNo = false, kYes = true }; // Finds an entry in the cache. Shapes are only given one entry, so any time they are accessed // with a different MaskTransform, the old entry gets evicted. sk_sp find(const GrShape&, const MaskTransform&, CreateIfAbsent = CreateIfAbsent::kNo); void evict(const GrCCPathCacheEntry*); private: // Wrapper around a raw GrShape key that has a specialized operator==. Used by the hash table. struct HashKey { const uint32_t* fData; }; friend bool operator==(const HashKey&, const HashKey&); // This is a special ref ptr for GrCCPathCacheEntry, used by the hash table. It can only be // moved, which guarantees the hash table holds exactly one reference for each entry. When a // HashNode goes out of scope, it therefore means the entry has been evicted from the cache. class HashNode : SkNoncopyable { public: static HashKey GetKey(const HashNode& node) { return GetKey(node.fEntry); } static HashKey GetKey(const GrCCPathCacheEntry*); static uint32_t Hash(HashKey); HashNode() = default; HashNode(GrCCPathCache*, const MaskTransform&, const GrShape&); HashNode(HashNode&& node) { fEntry = skstd::exchange(node.fEntry, nullptr); } ~HashNode(); // Called when fEntry (if not null) has been evicted from the cache. HashNode& operator=(HashNode&&); GrCCPathCacheEntry* entry() const { return fEntry; } private: GrCCPathCacheEntry* fEntry = nullptr; // The GrShape's unstyled key is stored as a variable-length footer to the 'fEntry' // allocation. GetKey provides access to it. }; SkTHashTable fHashTable; SkTInternalLList fLRU; }; /** * This class stores all the data necessary to draw a specific path from its corresponding cached * atlas. */ class GrCCPathCacheEntry : public SkPathRef::GenIDChangeListener { public: SK_DECLARE_INTERNAL_LLIST_INTERFACE(GrCCPathCacheEntry); // Does this entry reference a permanent, 8-bit atlas that resides in the resource cache? // (i.e. not a temporarily-stashed, fp16 coverage count atlas.) bool hasCachedAtlas() const { return SkToBool(fCachedAtlasInfo); } const SkIRect& devIBounds() const { return fDevIBounds; } int width() const { return fDevIBounds.width(); } int height() const { return fDevIBounds.height(); } // Called once our path has been rendered into the mainline CCPR (fp16, coverage count) atlas. // The caller will stash this atlas texture away after drawing, and during the next flush, // recover it and attempt to copy any paths that got reused into permanent 8-bit atlases. void initAsStashedAtlas(const GrUniqueKey& atlasKey, const SkIVector& atlasOffset, const SkRect& devBounds, const SkRect& devBounds45, const SkIRect& devIBounds, const SkIVector& maskShift); // Called once our path mask has been copied into a permanent, 8-bit atlas. This method points // the entry at the new atlas and updates the CachedAtlasInfo data. void updateToCachedAtlas(const GrUniqueKey& atlasKey, const SkIVector& newAtlasOffset, sk_sp); const GrUniqueKey& atlasKey() const { return fAtlasKey; } void resetAtlasKeyAndInfo() { fAtlasKey.reset(); fCachedAtlasInfo.reset(); } // This is a utility for the caller to detect when a path gets drawn more than once during the // same flush, with compatible matrices. Before adding a path to an atlas, the caller may check // here to see if they have already placed the path previously during the same flush. The caller // is required to reset all currFlushAtlas references back to null before any subsequent flush. void setCurrFlushAtlas(const GrCCAtlas* currFlushAtlas) { // This should not get called more than once in a single flush. Once fCurrFlushAtlas is // non-null, it can only be set back to null (once the flush is over). SkASSERT(!fCurrFlushAtlas || !currFlushAtlas); fCurrFlushAtlas = currFlushAtlas; } const GrCCAtlas* currFlushAtlas() const { return fCurrFlushAtlas; } private: using MaskTransform = GrCCPathCache::MaskTransform; GrCCPathCacheEntry(GrCCPathCache* cache, const MaskTransform& m) : fCacheWeakPtr(cache), fMaskTransform(m) {} // Called when our corresponding path is modified or deleted. void onChange() override; GrCCPathCache* fCacheWeakPtr; // Gets manually reset to null by the path cache upon eviction. const MaskTransform fMaskTransform; GrUniqueKey fAtlasKey; SkIVector fAtlasOffset; // If null, then we are referencing a "stashed" atlas (see initAsStashedAtlas()). sk_sp fCachedAtlasInfo; SkRect fDevBounds; SkRect fDevBounds45; SkIRect fDevIBounds; // This field is for when a path gets drawn more than once during the same flush. const GrCCAtlas* fCurrFlushAtlas = nullptr; friend class GrCCPathCache; friend void GrCCPathProcessor::Instance::set(const GrCCPathCacheEntry&, const SkIVector&, uint32_t, DoEvenOddFill); // To access data. }; inline void GrCCPathProcessor::Instance::set(const GrCCPathCacheEntry& entry, const SkIVector& shift, GrColor color, DoEvenOddFill doEvenOddFill) { float dx = (float)shift.fX, dy = (float)shift.fY; this->set(entry.fDevBounds.makeOffset(dx, dy), MakeOffset45(entry.fDevBounds45, dx, dy), entry.fAtlasOffset - shift, color, doEvenOddFill); } #endif