/* * Copyright 2015 Google Inc. * * Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be * found in the LICENSE file. */ #ifndef GrVertexBatch_DEFINED #define GrVertexBatch_DEFINED #include "GrDrawOp.h" #include "GrGeometryProcessor.h" #include "GrMesh.h" #include "GrPendingProgramElement.h" #include "SkTLList.h" class GrBatchFlushState; /** * Base class for mesh-drawing GrDrawOps. */ class GrMeshDrawOp : public GrDrawOp { public: class Target; GrMeshDrawOp(uint32_t classID); protected: /** Helper for rendering instances using an instanced index index buffer. This class creates the space for the vertices and flushes the draws to the batch target. */ class InstancedHelper { public: InstancedHelper() {} /** Returns the allocated storage for the vertices. The caller should populate the vertices before calling recordDraws(). */ void* init(Target*, GrPrimitiveType, size_t vertexStride, const GrBuffer*, int verticesPerInstance, int indicesPerInstance, int instancesToDraw); /** Call after init() to issue draws to the batch target.*/ void recordDraw(Target*, const GrGeometryProcessor*); private: GrMesh fMesh; }; static const int kVerticesPerQuad = 4; static const int kIndicesPerQuad = 6; /** A specialization of InstanceHelper for quad rendering. */ class QuadHelper : private InstancedHelper { public: QuadHelper() : INHERITED() {} /** Finds the cached quad index buffer and reserves vertex space. Returns nullptr on failure and on success a pointer to the vertex data that the caller should populate before calling recordDraws(). */ void* init(Target*, size_t vertexStride, int quadsToDraw); using InstancedHelper::recordDraw; private: typedef InstancedHelper INHERITED; }; private: void onPrepare(GrBatchFlushState* state) final; void onDraw(GrBatchFlushState* state, const SkRect& bounds) final; virtual void onPrepareDraws(Target*) const = 0; // A set of contiguous draws that share a draw token and primitive processor. The draws all use // the batch's pipeline. The meshes for the draw are stored in the fMeshes array and each // Queued draw uses fMeshCnt meshes from the fMeshes array. The reason for coallescing meshes // that share a primitive processor into a QueuedDraw is that it allows the Gpu object to setup // the shared state once and then issue draws for each mesh. struct QueuedDraw { int fMeshCnt = 0; GrPendingProgramElement fGeometryProcessor; }; // All draws in all the vertex batches have implicit tokens based on the order they are // enqueued globally across all batches. This is the offset of the first entry in fQueuedDraws. // fQueuedDraws[i]'s token is fBaseDrawToken + i. GrDrawOpUploadToken fBaseDrawToken; SkSTArray<4, GrMesh> fMeshes; SkSTArray<4, QueuedDraw, true> fQueuedDraws; typedef GrDrawOp INHERITED; }; #endif