/* * Copyright 2010 Google Inc. * * Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be * found in the LICENSE file. */ #include "GrGpu.h" #include "GrRectanizer.h" #include "GrSurfacePriv.h" #include "GrTextStrike.h" #include "GrTextStrike_impl.h" #include "SkString.h" #include "SkDistanceFieldGen.h" /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// #define GR_ATLAS_TEXTURE_WIDTH 1024 #define GR_ATLAS_TEXTURE_HEIGHT 2048 #define GR_PLOT_WIDTH 256 #define GR_PLOT_HEIGHT 256 #define GR_NUM_PLOTS_X (GR_ATLAS_TEXTURE_WIDTH / GR_PLOT_WIDTH) #define GR_NUM_PLOTS_Y (GR_ATLAS_TEXTURE_HEIGHT / GR_PLOT_HEIGHT) #define FONT_CACHE_STATS 0 #if FONT_CACHE_STATS static int g_PurgeCount = 0; #endif GrFontCache::GrFontCache(GrGpu* gpu) : fGpu(gpu) { gpu->ref(); for (int i = 0; i < kAtlasCount; ++i) { fAtlases[i] = NULL; } fHead = fTail = NULL; } GrFontCache::~GrFontCache() { SkTDynamicHash::Iter iter(&fCache); while (!iter.done()) { SkDELETE(&(*iter)); ++iter; } for (int i = 0; i < kAtlasCount; ++i) { delete fAtlases[i]; } fGpu->unref(); #if FONT_CACHE_STATS GrPrintf("Num purges: %d\n", g_PurgeCount); #endif } static GrPixelConfig mask_format_to_pixel_config(GrMaskFormat format) { static const GrPixelConfig sPixelConfigs[] = { kAlpha_8_GrPixelConfig, kRGB_565_GrPixelConfig, kSkia8888_GrPixelConfig, kSkia8888_GrPixelConfig }; SK_COMPILE_ASSERT(SK_ARRAY_COUNT(sPixelConfigs) == kMaskFormatCount, array_size_mismatch); return sPixelConfigs[format]; } static int mask_format_to_atlas_index(GrMaskFormat format) { static const int sAtlasIndices[] = { GrFontCache::kA8_AtlasType, GrFontCache::k565_AtlasType, GrFontCache::k8888_AtlasType, GrFontCache::k8888_AtlasType }; SK_COMPILE_ASSERT(SK_ARRAY_COUNT(sAtlasIndices) == kMaskFormatCount, array_size_mismatch); SkASSERT(sAtlasIndices[format] < GrFontCache::kAtlasCount); return sAtlasIndices[format]; } GrTextStrike* GrFontCache::generateStrike(GrFontScaler* scaler) { GrMaskFormat format = scaler->getMaskFormat(); GrPixelConfig config = mask_format_to_pixel_config(format); int atlasIndex = mask_format_to_atlas_index(format); if (NULL == fAtlases[atlasIndex]) { SkISize textureSize = SkISize::Make(GR_ATLAS_TEXTURE_WIDTH, GR_ATLAS_TEXTURE_HEIGHT); fAtlases[atlasIndex] = SkNEW_ARGS(GrAtlas, (fGpu, config, kNone_GrTextureFlags, textureSize, GR_NUM_PLOTS_X, GR_NUM_PLOTS_Y, true)); } GrTextStrike* strike = SkNEW_ARGS(GrTextStrike, (this, scaler->getKey(), format, fAtlases[atlasIndex])); fCache.add(strike); if (fHead) { fHead->fPrev = strike; } else { SkASSERT(NULL == fTail); fTail = strike; } strike->fPrev = NULL; strike->fNext = fHead; fHead = strike; return strike; } void GrFontCache::freeAll() { SkTDynamicHash::Iter iter(&fCache); while (!iter.done()) { SkDELETE(&(*iter)); ++iter; } fCache.rewind(); for (int i = 0; i < kAtlasCount; ++i) { delete fAtlases[i]; fAtlases[i] = NULL; } fHead = NULL; fTail = NULL; } void GrFontCache::purgeStrike(GrTextStrike* strike) { fCache.remove(*(strike->fFontScalerKey)); this->detachStrikeFromList(strike); delete strike; } bool GrFontCache::freeUnusedPlot(GrTextStrike* preserveStrike) { SkASSERT(preserveStrike); GrAtlas* atlas = preserveStrike->fAtlas; GrPlot* plot = atlas->getUnusedPlot(); if (NULL == plot) { return false; } plot->resetRects(); GrTextStrike* strike = fHead; GrMaskFormat maskFormat = preserveStrike->fMaskFormat; while (strike) { if (maskFormat != strike->fMaskFormat) { strike = strike->fNext; continue; } GrTextStrike* strikeToPurge = strike; strike = strikeToPurge->fNext; strikeToPurge->removePlot(plot); // clear out any empty strikes (except this one) if (strikeToPurge != preserveStrike && strikeToPurge->fPlotUsage.isEmpty()) { this->purgeStrike(strikeToPurge); } } #if FONT_CACHE_STATS ++g_PurgeCount; #endif return true; } #ifdef SK_DEBUG void GrFontCache::validate() const { int count = fCache.count(); if (0 == count) { SkASSERT(!fHead); SkASSERT(!fTail); } else if (1 == count) { SkASSERT(fHead == fTail); } else { SkASSERT(fHead != fTail); } int count2 = 0; const GrTextStrike* strike = fHead; while (strike) { count2 += 1; strike = strike->fNext; } SkASSERT(count == count2); count2 = 0; strike = fTail; while (strike) { count2 += 1; strike = strike->fPrev; } SkASSERT(count == count2); } #endif void GrFontCache::dump() const { static int gDumpCount = 0; for (int i = 0; i < kAtlasCount; ++i) { if (fAtlases[i]) { GrTexture* texture = fAtlases[i]->getTexture(); if (texture) { SkString filename; #ifdef SK_BUILD_FOR_ANDROID filename.printf("/sdcard/fontcache_%d%d.png", gDumpCount, i); #else filename.printf("fontcache_%d%d.png", gDumpCount, i); #endif texture->surfacePriv().savePixels(filename.c_str()); } } } ++gDumpCount; } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// #ifdef SK_DEBUG static int gCounter; #endif /* The text strike is specific to a given font/style/matrix setup, which is represented by the GrHostFontScaler object we are given in getGlyph(). We map a 32bit glyphID to a GrGlyph record, which in turn points to a atlas and a position within that texture. */ GrTextStrike::GrTextStrike(GrFontCache* cache, const GrFontDescKey* key, GrMaskFormat format, GrAtlas* atlas) : fPool(64) { fFontScalerKey = key; fFontScalerKey->ref(); fFontCache = cache; // no need to ref, it won't go away before we do fAtlas = atlas; // no need to ref, it won't go away before we do fMaskFormat = format; #ifdef SK_DEBUG // GrPrintf(" GrTextStrike %p %d\n", this, gCounter); gCounter += 1; #endif } GrTextStrike::~GrTextStrike() { fFontScalerKey->unref(); SkTDynamicHash::Iter iter(&fCache); while (!iter.done()) { (*iter).free(); ++iter; } #ifdef SK_DEBUG gCounter -= 1; // GrPrintf("~GrTextStrike %p %d\n", this, gCounter); #endif } GrGlyph* GrTextStrike::generateGlyph(GrGlyph::PackedID packed, GrFontScaler* scaler) { SkIRect bounds; if (fUseDistanceField) { if (!scaler->getPackedGlyphDFBounds(packed, &bounds)) { return NULL; } } else { if (!scaler->getPackedGlyphBounds(packed, &bounds)) { return NULL; } } GrGlyph* glyph = fPool.alloc(); glyph->init(packed, bounds); fCache.add(glyph); return glyph; } void GrTextStrike::removePlot(const GrPlot* plot) { SkTDynamicHash::Iter iter(&fCache); while (!iter.done()) { if (plot == (*iter).fPlot) { (*iter).fPlot = NULL; } ++iter; } GrAtlas::RemovePlot(&fPlotUsage, plot); } bool GrTextStrike::glyphTooLargeForAtlas(GrGlyph* glyph) { int width = glyph->fBounds.width(); int height = glyph->fBounds.height(); int pad = fUseDistanceField ? 2 * SK_DistanceFieldPad : 0; if (width + pad > GR_PLOT_WIDTH) { return true; } if (height + pad > GR_PLOT_HEIGHT) { return true; } return false; } bool GrTextStrike::addGlyphToAtlas(GrGlyph* glyph, GrFontScaler* scaler) { #if 0 // testing hack to force us to flush our cache often static int gCounter; if ((++gCounter % 10) == 0) return false; #endif SkASSERT(glyph); SkASSERT(scaler); SkASSERT(fCache.find(glyph->fPackedID)); SkASSERT(NULL == glyph->fPlot); SkAutoUnref ar(SkSafeRef(scaler)); int bytesPerPixel = GrMaskFormatBytesPerPixel(fMaskFormat); size_t size = glyph->fBounds.area() * bytesPerPixel; GrAutoMalloc<1024> storage(size); if (fUseDistanceField) { if (!scaler->getPackedGlyphDFImage(glyph->fPackedID, glyph->width(), glyph->height(), storage.get())) { return false; } } else { if (!scaler->getPackedGlyphImage(glyph->fPackedID, glyph->width(), glyph->height(), glyph->width() * bytesPerPixel, storage.get())) { return false; } } GrPlot* plot = fAtlas->addToAtlas(&fPlotUsage, glyph->width(), glyph->height(), storage.get(), &glyph->fAtlasLocation); if (NULL == plot) { return false; } glyph->fPlot = plot; return true; }