/* * Copyright 2010 Google Inc. * * Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be * found in the LICENSE file. */ #include "GrAtlas.h" #include "GrGpu.h" #include "GrRectanizer.h" #include "GrTextStrike.h" #include "GrTextStrike_impl.h" #include "GrRect.h" SK_DEFINE_INST_COUNT(GrFontScaler) SK_DEFINE_INST_COUNT(GrKey) /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// GrFontCache::GrFontCache(GrGpu* gpu) : fGpu(gpu) { gpu->ref(); fAtlasMgr = NULL; fHead = fTail = NULL; } GrFontCache::~GrFontCache() { fCache.deleteAll(); delete fAtlasMgr; fGpu->unref(); } GrTextStrike* GrFontCache::generateStrike(GrFontScaler* scaler, const Key& key) { if (NULL == fAtlasMgr) { fAtlasMgr = SkNEW_ARGS(GrAtlasMgr, (fGpu)); } GrTextStrike* strike = SkNEW_ARGS(GrTextStrike, (this, scaler->getKey(), scaler->getMaskFormat(), fAtlasMgr)); fCache.insert(key, strike); if (fHead) { fHead->fPrev = strike; } else { GrAssert(NULL == fTail); fTail = strike; } strike->fPrev = NULL; strike->fNext = fHead; fHead = strike; return strike; } void GrFontCache::freeAll() { fCache.deleteAll(); delete fAtlasMgr; fAtlasMgr = NULL; fHead = NULL; fTail = NULL; } void GrFontCache::purgeExceptFor(GrTextStrike* preserveStrike) { GrTextStrike* strike = fTail; while (strike) { if (strike == preserveStrike) { strike = strike->fPrev; continue; } GrTextStrike* strikeToPurge = strike; // keep going if we won't free up any atlases with this strike. strike = (NULL == strikeToPurge->fAtlas) ? strikeToPurge->fPrev : NULL; int index = fCache.slowFindIndex(strikeToPurge); GrAssert(index >= 0); fCache.removeAt(index, strikeToPurge->fFontScalerKey->getHash()); this->detachStrikeFromList(strikeToPurge); delete strikeToPurge; } } #if GR_DEBUG void GrFontCache::validate() const { int count = fCache.count(); if (0 == count) { GrAssert(!fHead); GrAssert(!fTail); } else if (1 == count) { GrAssert(fHead == fTail); } else { GrAssert(fHead != fTail); } int count2 = 0; const GrTextStrike* strike = fHead; while (strike) { count2 += 1; strike = strike->fNext; } GrAssert(count == count2); count2 = 0; strike = fTail; while (strike) { count2 += 1; strike = strike->fPrev; } GrAssert(count == count2); } #endif /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// #if GR_DEBUG static int gCounter; #endif /* The text strike is specific to a given font/style/matrix setup, which is represented by the GrHostFontScaler object we are given in getGlyph(). We map a 32bit glyphID to a GrGlyph record, which in turn points to a atlas and a position within that texture. */ GrTextStrike::GrTextStrike(GrFontCache* cache, const GrKey* key, GrMaskFormat format, GrAtlasMgr* atlasMgr) : fPool(64) { fFontScalerKey = key; fFontScalerKey->ref(); fFontCache = cache; // no need to ref, it won't go away before we do fAtlasMgr = atlasMgr; // no need to ref, it won't go away before we do fAtlas = NULL; fMaskFormat = format; #if GR_DEBUG // GrPrintf(" GrTextStrike %p %d\n", this, gCounter); gCounter += 1; #endif } static void FreeGlyph(GrGlyph*& glyph) { glyph->free(); } GrTextStrike::~GrTextStrike() { GrAtlas::FreeLList(fAtlas); fFontScalerKey->unref(); fCache.getArray().visitAll(FreeGlyph); #if GR_DEBUG gCounter -= 1; // GrPrintf("~GrTextStrike %p %d\n", this, gCounter); #endif } GrGlyph* GrTextStrike::generateGlyph(GrGlyph::PackedID packed, GrFontScaler* scaler) { GrIRect bounds; if (!scaler->getPackedGlyphBounds(packed, &bounds)) { return NULL; } GrGlyph* glyph = fPool.alloc(); glyph->init(packed, bounds); fCache.insert(packed, glyph); return glyph; } bool GrTextStrike::getGlyphAtlas(GrGlyph* glyph, GrFontScaler* scaler) { #if 0 // testing hack to force us to flush our cache often static int gCounter; if ((++gCounter % 10) == 0) return false; #endif GrAssert(glyph); GrAssert(scaler); GrAssert(fCache.contains(glyph)); if (glyph->fAtlas) { return true; } GrAutoRef ar(scaler); int bytesPerPixel = GrMaskFormatBytesPerPixel(fMaskFormat); size_t size = glyph->fBounds.area() * bytesPerPixel; SkAutoSMalloc<1024> storage(size); if (!scaler->getPackedGlyphImage(glyph->fPackedID, glyph->width(), glyph->height(), glyph->width() * bytesPerPixel, storage.get())) { return false; } GrAtlas* atlas = fAtlasMgr->addToAtlas(fAtlas, glyph->width(), glyph->height(), storage.get(), fMaskFormat, &glyph->fAtlasLocation); if (NULL == atlas) { return false; } // update fAtlas as well, since they may be chained in a linklist glyph->fAtlas = fAtlas = atlas; return true; }