/* * Copyright 2010 Google Inc. * * Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be * found in the LICENSE file. */ #include "GrTextContext.h" #include "GrAtlas.h" #include "GrContext.h" #include "GrTextStrike.h" #include "GrTextStrike_impl.h" #include "GrFontScaler.h" #include "GrIndexBuffer.h" #include "GrGpuVertex.h" #include "GrDrawTarget.h" enum { kGlyphMaskStage = GrPaint::kTotalStages, }; void GrTextContext::flushGlyphs() { if (fCurrVertex > 0) { GrDrawTarget::AutoStateRestore asr(fDrawTarget); GrDrawState* drawState = fDrawTarget->drawState(); // setup our sampler state for our text texture/atlas GrSamplerState::Filter filter; if (fExtMatrix.isIdentity()) { filter = GrSamplerState::kNearest_Filter; } else { filter = GrSamplerState::kBilinear_Filter; } drawState->sampler(kGlyphMaskStage)->reset( GrSamplerState::kRepeat_WrapMode,filter); GrAssert(GrIsALIGN4(fCurrVertex)); int nIndices = fCurrVertex + (fCurrVertex >> 1); GrAssert(fCurrTexture); drawState->setTexture(kGlyphMaskStage, fCurrTexture); if (!GrPixelConfigIsAlphaOnly(fCurrTexture->config())) { if (kOne_BlendCoeff != fPaint.fSrcBlendCoeff || kISA_BlendCoeff != fPaint.fDstBlendCoeff || fPaint.hasTexture()) { GrPrintf("LCD Text will not draw correctly.\n"); } // setup blend so that we get mask * paintColor + (1-mask)*dstColor drawState->setBlendConstant(fPaint.fColor); drawState->setBlendFunc(kConstC_BlendCoeff, kISC_BlendCoeff); // don't modulate by the paint's color in the frag since we're // already doing it via the blend const. drawState->setColor(0xffffffff); } else { // set back to normal in case we took LCD path previously. drawState->setBlendFunc(fPaint.fSrcBlendCoeff, fPaint.fDstBlendCoeff); drawState->setColor(fPaint.fColor); } fDrawTarget->setIndexSourceToBuffer(fContext->getQuadIndexBuffer()); fDrawTarget->drawIndexed(kTriangles_PrimitiveType, 0, 0, fCurrVertex, nIndices); fDrawTarget->resetVertexSource(); fVertices = NULL; fMaxVertices = 0; fCurrVertex = 0; fCurrTexture->unref(); fCurrTexture = NULL; } } GrTextContext::GrTextContext(GrContext* context, const GrPaint& paint, const GrMatrix* extMatrix) : fPaint(paint) { fContext = context; fStrike = NULL; fCurrTexture = NULL; fCurrVertex = 0; if (NULL != extMatrix) { fExtMatrix = *extMatrix; } else { fExtMatrix = GrMatrix::I(); } if (context->getClip().hasConservativeBounds()) { if (!fExtMatrix.isIdentity()) { GrMatrix inverse; GrRect r = context->getClip().getConservativeBounds(); if (fExtMatrix.invert(&inverse)) { inverse.mapRect(&r); r.roundOut(&fClipRect); } } else { context->getClip().getConservativeBounds().roundOut(&fClipRect); } } else { fClipRect.setLargest(); } // save the context's original matrix off and restore in destructor // this must be done before getTextTarget. fOrigViewMatrix = fContext->getMatrix(); fContext->setMatrix(fExtMatrix); /* We need to call preConcatMatrix with our viewmatrix's inverse, for each texture and mask in the paint. However, computing the inverse can be expensive, and its possible we may not have any textures or masks, so these two loops are written such that we only compute the inverse (once) if we need it. We do this on our copy of the paint rather than directly on the draw target because we re-provide the paint to the context when we have to flush our glyphs or draw a glyph as a path midstream. */ bool invVMComputed = false; GrMatrix invVM; for (int t = 0; t < GrPaint::kMaxTextures; ++t) { if (NULL != fPaint.getTexture(t)) { if (invVMComputed || fOrigViewMatrix.invert(&invVM)) { invVMComputed = true; fPaint.textureSampler(t)->preConcatMatrix(invVM); } } } for (int m = 0; m < GrPaint::kMaxMasks; ++m) { if (NULL != fPaint.getMask(m)) { if (invVMComputed || fOrigViewMatrix.invert(&invVM)) { invVMComputed = true; fPaint.maskSampler(m)->preConcatMatrix(invVM); } } } fDrawTarget = fContext->getTextTarget(fPaint); fVertices = NULL; fMaxVertices = 0; fVertexLayout = GrDrawTarget::kTextFormat_VertexLayoutBit | GrDrawTarget::StageTexCoordVertexLayoutBit(kGlyphMaskStage, 0); int stageMask = paint.getActiveStageMask(); if (stageMask) { for (int i = 0; i < GrPaint::kTotalStages; ++i) { if ((1 << i) & stageMask) { fVertexLayout |= GrDrawTarget::StagePosAsTexCoordVertexLayoutBit(i); GrAssert(i != kGlyphMaskStage); } } } } GrTextContext::~GrTextContext() { this->flushGlyphs(); fContext->setMatrix(fOrigViewMatrix); } void GrTextContext::flush() { this->flushGlyphs(); } static inline void setRectFan(GrGpuTextVertex v[4], int l, int t, int r, int b, int stride) { v[0 * stride].setI(l, t); v[1 * stride].setI(l, b); v[2 * stride].setI(r, b); v[3 * stride].setI(r, t); } void GrTextContext::drawPackedGlyph(GrGlyph::PackedID packed, GrFixed vx, GrFixed vy, GrFontScaler* scaler) { if (NULL == fStrike) { fStrike = fContext->getFontCache()->getStrike(scaler); } GrGlyph* glyph = fStrike->getGlyph(packed, scaler); if (NULL == glyph || glyph->fBounds.isEmpty()) { return; } vx += GrIntToFixed(glyph->fBounds.fLeft); vy += GrIntToFixed(glyph->fBounds.fTop); // keep them as ints until we've done the clip-test GrFixed width = glyph->fBounds.width(); GrFixed height = glyph->fBounds.height(); // check if we clipped out if (true || NULL == glyph->fAtlas) { int x = vx >> 16; int y = vy >> 16; if (fClipRect.quickReject(x, y, x + width, y + height)) { // Gr_clz(3); // so we can set a break-point in the debugger return; } } if (NULL == glyph->fAtlas) { if (fStrike->getGlyphAtlas(glyph, scaler)) { goto HAS_ATLAS; } // before we purge the cache, we must flush any accumulated draws this->flushGlyphs(); fContext->flushText(); // try to purge fContext->getFontCache()->purgeExceptFor(fStrike); if (fStrike->getGlyphAtlas(glyph, scaler)) { goto HAS_ATLAS; } if (NULL == glyph->fPath) { GrPath* path = new GrPath; if (!scaler->getGlyphPath(glyph->glyphID(), path)) { // flag the glyph as being dead? delete path; return; } glyph->fPath = path; } GrPoint translate; translate.set(GrFixedToScalar(vx - GrIntToFixed(glyph->fBounds.fLeft)), GrFixedToScalar(vy - GrIntToFixed(glyph->fBounds.fTop))); fContext->drawPath(fPaint, *glyph->fPath, kWinding_PathFill, &translate); return; } HAS_ATLAS: GrAssert(glyph->fAtlas); // now promote them to fixed width = GrIntToFixed(width); height = GrIntToFixed(height); GrTexture* texture = glyph->fAtlas->texture(); GrAssert(texture); if (fCurrTexture != texture || fCurrVertex + 4 > fMaxVertices) { this->flushGlyphs(); fCurrTexture = texture; fCurrTexture->ref(); } if (NULL == fVertices) { // If we need to reserve vertices allow the draw target to suggest // a number of verts to reserve and whether to perform a flush. fMaxVertices = kMinRequestedVerts; bool flush = fDrawTarget->geometryHints(fVertexLayout, &fMaxVertices, NULL); if (flush) { this->flushGlyphs(); fContext->flushText(); fDrawTarget = fContext->getTextTarget(fPaint); fMaxVertices = kDefaultRequestedVerts; // ignore return, no point in flushing again. fDrawTarget->geometryHints(fVertexLayout, &fMaxVertices, NULL); } int maxQuadVertices = 4 * fContext->getQuadIndexBuffer()->maxQuads(); if (fMaxVertices < kMinRequestedVerts) { fMaxVertices = kDefaultRequestedVerts; } else if (fMaxVertices > maxQuadVertices) { // don't exceed the limit of the index buffer fMaxVertices = maxQuadVertices; } bool success = fDrawTarget->reserveVertexAndIndexSpace( fVertexLayout, fMaxVertices, 0, GrTCast(&fVertices), NULL); GrAlwaysAssert(success); } GrFixed tx = GrIntToFixed(glyph->fAtlasLocation.fX); GrFixed ty = GrIntToFixed(glyph->fAtlasLocation.fY); #if GR_GL_TEXT_TEXTURE_NORMALIZED int x = vx >> 16; int y = vy >> 16; int w = width >> 16; int h = height >> 16; setRectFan(&fVertices[2*fCurrVertex], x, y, x + w, y + h, 2); setRectFan(&fVertices[2*fCurrVertex+1], texture->normalizeFixedX(tx), texture->normalizeFixedY(ty), texture->normalizeFixedX(tx + width), texture->normalizeFixedY(ty + height), 2); #else fVertices[2*fCurrVertex].setXRectFan(vx, vy, vx + width, vy + height, 2 * sizeof(GrGpuTextVertex)); fVertices[2*fCurrVertex+1].setXRectFan(texture->normalizeFixedX(tx), texture->normalizeFixedY(ty), texture->normalizeFixedX(tx + width), texture->normalizeFixedY(ty + height), 2 * sizeof(GrGpuTextVertex)); #endif fCurrVertex += 4; }