/* * Copyright 2012 Google Inc. * * Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be * found in the LICENSE file. */ #include "GrSoftwarePathRenderer.h" #include "GrContext.h" #include "GrSWMaskHelper.h" //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// bool GrSoftwarePathRenderer::canDrawPath(const SkPath& path, GrPathFill fill, const GrDrawTarget* target, bool antiAlias) const { if (!antiAlias || NULL == fContext) { // TODO: We could allow the SW path to also handle non-AA paths but // this would mean that GrDefaultPathRenderer would never be called // (since it appears after the SW renderer in the path renderer // chain). Some testing would need to be done r.e. performance // and consistency of the resulting images before removing // the "!antiAlias" clause from the above test return false; } return true; } namespace { //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // gets device coord bounds of path (not considering the fill) and clip. The // path bounds will be a subset of the clip bounds. returns false if // path bounds would be empty. bool get_path_and_clip_bounds(const GrDrawTarget* target, const SkPath& path, const GrMatrix& matrix, GrIRect* pathBounds, GrIRect* clipBounds) { // compute bounds as intersection of rt size, clip, and path const GrRenderTarget* rt = target->getDrawState().getRenderTarget(); if (NULL == rt) { return false; } *pathBounds = GrIRect::MakeWH(rt->width(), rt->height()); const GrClip& clip = target->getClip(); if (clip.hasConservativeBounds()) { clip.getConservativeBounds().roundOut(clipBounds); if (!pathBounds->intersect(*clipBounds)) { return false; } } else { // pathBounds is currently the rt extent, set clip bounds to that rect. *clipBounds = *pathBounds; } if (!path.getBounds().isEmpty()) { GrRect pathSBounds; matrix.mapRect(&pathSBounds, path.getBounds()); GrIRect pathIBounds; pathSBounds.roundOut(&pathIBounds); if (!pathBounds->intersect(pathIBounds)) { // set the correct path bounds, as this would be used later. *pathBounds = pathIBounds; return false; } } else { *pathBounds = GrIRect::EmptyIRect(); return false; } return true; } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// void draw_around_inv_path(GrDrawTarget* target, GrDrawState::StageMask stageMask, const GrIRect& clipBounds, const GrIRect& pathBounds) { GrDrawTarget::AutoDeviceCoordDraw adcd(target, stageMask); GrRect rect; if (clipBounds.fTop < pathBounds.fTop) { rect.iset(clipBounds.fLeft, clipBounds.fTop, clipBounds.fRight, pathBounds.fTop); target->drawSimpleRect(rect, NULL, stageMask); } if (clipBounds.fLeft < pathBounds.fLeft) { rect.iset(clipBounds.fLeft, pathBounds.fTop, pathBounds.fLeft, pathBounds.fBottom); target->drawSimpleRect(rect, NULL, stageMask); } if (clipBounds.fRight > pathBounds.fRight) { rect.iset(pathBounds.fRight, pathBounds.fTop, clipBounds.fRight, pathBounds.fBottom); target->drawSimpleRect(rect, NULL, stageMask); } if (clipBounds.fBottom > pathBounds.fBottom) { rect.iset(clipBounds.fLeft, pathBounds.fBottom, clipBounds.fRight, clipBounds.fBottom); target->drawSimpleRect(rect, NULL, stageMask); } } } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // return true on success; false on failure bool GrSoftwarePathRenderer::onDrawPath(const SkPath& path, GrPathFill fill, const GrVec* translate, GrDrawTarget* target, GrDrawState::StageMask stageMask, bool antiAlias) { if (NULL == fContext) { return false; } GrDrawState* drawState = target->drawState(); GrMatrix vm = drawState->getViewMatrix(); if (NULL != translate) { vm.postTranslate(translate->fX, translate->fY); } GrAutoScratchTexture ast; GrIRect pathBounds, clipBounds; if (!get_path_and_clip_bounds(target, path, vm, &pathBounds, &clipBounds)) { if (GrIsFillInverted(fill)) { draw_around_inv_path(target, stageMask, clipBounds, pathBounds); } return true; } if (GrSWMaskHelper::DrawToTexture(fContext, path, pathBounds, fill, &ast, antiAlias, &vm)) { SkAutoTUnref texture(ast.detach()); GrAssert(NULL != texture); GrDrawTarget::AutoDeviceCoordDraw adcd(target, stageMask); enum { // the SW path renderer shares this stage with glyph // rendering (kGlyphMaskStage in GrBatchedTextContext) kPathMaskStage = GrPaint::kTotalStages, }; GrAssert(NULL == drawState->getTexture(kPathMaskStage)); drawState->setTexture(kPathMaskStage, texture); drawState->sampler(kPathMaskStage)->reset(); GrScalar w = GrIntToScalar(pathBounds.width()); GrScalar h = GrIntToScalar(pathBounds.height()); GrRect maskRect = GrRect::MakeWH(w / texture->width(), h / texture->height()); const GrRect* srcRects[GrDrawState::kNumStages] = {NULL}; srcRects[kPathMaskStage] = &maskRect; stageMask |= 1 << kPathMaskStage; GrRect dstRect = GrRect::MakeLTRB( SK_Scalar1* pathBounds.fLeft, SK_Scalar1* pathBounds.fTop, SK_Scalar1* pathBounds.fRight, SK_Scalar1* pathBounds.fBottom); target->drawRect(dstRect, NULL, stageMask, srcRects, NULL); drawState->setTexture(kPathMaskStage, NULL); if (GrIsFillInverted(fill)) { draw_around_inv_path(target, stageMask, clipBounds, pathBounds); } return true; } return false; }