/* * Copyright 2011 Google Inc. * * Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be * found in the LICENSE file. */ #ifndef GrInOrderDrawBuffer_DEFINED #define GrInOrderDrawBuffer_DEFINED #include "GrDrawTarget.h" #include "GrAllocPool.h" #include "GrAllocator.h" #include "GrPath.h" #include "SkClipStack.h" #include "SkStrokeRec.h" #include "SkTemplates.h" class GrGpu; class GrIndexBufferAllocPool; class GrVertexBufferAllocPool; /** * GrInOrderDrawBuffer is an implementation of GrDrawTarget that queues up draws for eventual * playback into a GrGpu. In theory one draw buffer could playback into another. When index or * vertex buffers are used as geometry sources it is the callers the draw buffer only holds * references to the buffers. It is the callers responsibility to ensure that the data is still * valid when the draw buffer is played back into a GrGpu. Similarly, it is the caller's * responsibility to ensure that all referenced textures, buffers, and render-targets are associated * in the GrGpu object that the buffer is played back into. The buffer requires VB and IB pools to * store geometry. */ class GrInOrderDrawBuffer : public GrDrawTarget { public: /** * Creates a GrInOrderDrawBuffer * * @param gpu the gpu object where this will be played back * (possible indirectly). GrResources used with the draw * buffer are created by this gpu object. * @param vertexPool pool where vertices for queued draws will be saved when * the vertex source is either reserved or array. * @param indexPool pool where indices for queued draws will be saved when * the index source is either reserved or array. */ GrInOrderDrawBuffer(const GrGpu* gpu, GrVertexBufferAllocPool* vertexPool, GrIndexBufferAllocPool* indexPool); virtual ~GrInOrderDrawBuffer(); /** * Provides the buffer with an index buffer that can be used for quad rendering. * The buffer may be able to batch consecutive drawRects if this is provided. * @param indexBuffer index buffer with quad indices. */ void setQuadIndexBuffer(const GrIndexBuffer* indexBuffer); /** * Empties the draw buffer of any queued up draws. This must not be called while inside an * unbalanced pushGeometrySource(). The current draw state and clip are preserved. */ void reset(); /** * This plays the queued up draws to another target. It also resets this object (i.e. flushing * is destructive). This buffer must not have an active reserved vertex or index source. Any * reserved geometry on the target will be finalized because it's geometry source will be pushed * before flushing and popped afterwards. * * @return false if the playback trivially drew nothing because nothing was recorded. * * @param target the target to receive the playback */ bool flushTo(GrDrawTarget* target); /** * This function allows the draw buffer to automatically flush itself to another target. This * means the buffer may internally call this->flushTo(target) when it is safe to do so. * * When the auto flush target is set to NULL (as it initially is) the draw buffer will never * automatically flush itself. */ void setAutoFlushTarget(GrDrawTarget* target); // overrides from GrDrawTarget virtual void drawRect(const GrRect& rect, const SkMatrix* matrix = NULL, const GrRect* srcRects[] = NULL, const SkMatrix* srcMatrices[] = NULL) SK_OVERRIDE; virtual void drawIndexedInstances(GrPrimitiveType type, int instanceCount, int verticesPerInstance, int indicesPerInstance) SK_OVERRIDE; virtual bool geometryHints(GrVertexLayout vertexLayout, int* vertexCount, int* indexCount) const SK_OVERRIDE; virtual void clear(const GrIRect* rect, GrColor color, GrRenderTarget* renderTarget = NULL) SK_OVERRIDE; protected: virtual void willReserveVertexAndIndexSpace(GrVertexLayout vertexLayout, int vertexCount, int indexCount) SK_OVERRIDE; private: enum Cmd { kDraw_Cmd = 1, kStencilPath_Cmd = 2, kSetState_Cmd = 3, kSetClip_Cmd = 4, kClear_Cmd = 5, }; struct Draw { GrPrimitiveType fPrimitiveType; int fStartVertex; int fStartIndex; int fVertexCount; int fIndexCount; GrVertexLayout fVertexLayout; const GrVertexBuffer* fVertexBuffer; const GrIndexBuffer* fIndexBuffer; }; struct StencilPath { StencilPath(); SkAutoTUnref fPath; SkStrokeRec fStroke; SkPath::FillType fFill; }; struct Clear { Clear() : fRenderTarget(NULL) {} ~Clear() { GrSafeUnref(fRenderTarget); } GrIRect fRect; GrColor fColor; GrRenderTarget* fRenderTarget; }; // overrides from GrDrawTarget virtual void onDrawIndexed(GrPrimitiveType primitiveType, int startVertex, int startIndex, int vertexCount, int indexCount) SK_OVERRIDE; virtual void onDrawNonIndexed(GrPrimitiveType primitiveType, int startVertex, int vertexCount) SK_OVERRIDE; virtual void onStencilPath(const GrPath*, const SkStrokeRec& stroke, SkPath::FillType) SK_OVERRIDE; virtual bool onReserveVertexSpace(GrVertexLayout layout, int vertexCount, void** vertices) SK_OVERRIDE; virtual bool onReserveIndexSpace(int indexCount, void** indices) SK_OVERRIDE; virtual void releaseReservedVertexSpace() SK_OVERRIDE; virtual void releaseReservedIndexSpace() SK_OVERRIDE; virtual void onSetVertexSourceToArray(const void* vertexArray, int vertexCount) SK_OVERRIDE; virtual void onSetIndexSourceToArray(const void* indexArray, int indexCount) SK_OVERRIDE; virtual void releaseVertexArray() SK_OVERRIDE; virtual void releaseIndexArray() SK_OVERRIDE; virtual void geometrySourceWillPush() SK_OVERRIDE; virtual void geometrySourceWillPop( const GeometrySrcState& restoredState) SK_OVERRIDE; virtual void clipWillBeSet(const GrClipData* newClip) SK_OVERRIDE; // we lazily record state and clip changes in order to skip clips and states // that have no effect. bool needsNewState() const; bool needsNewClip() const; // these functions record a command void recordState(); void recordClip(); Draw* recordDraw(); StencilPath* recordStencilPath(); Clear* recordClear(); // call this to invalidate the tracking data that is used to concatenate // multiple draws into a single draw. void resetDrawTracking(); enum { kCmdPreallocCnt = 32, kDrawPreallocCnt = 8, kStencilPathPreallocCnt = 8, kStatePreallocCnt = 8, kClipPreallocCnt = 8, kClearPreallocCnt = 4, kGeoPoolStatePreAllocCnt = 4, }; SkSTArray fCmds; GrSTAllocator fDraws; GrSTAllocator fStencilPaths; GrSTAllocator fStates; GrSTAllocator fClears; GrSTAllocator fClips; GrSTAllocator fClipOrigins; GrDrawTarget* fAutoFlushTarget; bool fClipSet; GrVertexBufferAllocPool& fVertexPool; GrIndexBufferAllocPool& fIndexPool; // these are used to attempt to concatenate drawRect calls GrVertexLayout fLastRectVertexLayout; const GrIndexBuffer* fQuadIndexBuffer; int fMaxQuads; int fCurrQuad; // bookkeeping to attempt to concatenate drawIndexedInstances calls struct { int fVerticesPerInstance; int fIndicesPerInstance; void reset() { fVerticesPerInstance = 0; fIndicesPerInstance = 0; } } fInstancedDrawTracker; struct GeometryPoolState { const GrVertexBuffer* fPoolVertexBuffer; int fPoolStartVertex; const GrIndexBuffer* fPoolIndexBuffer; int fPoolStartIndex; // caller may conservatively over reserve vertices / indices. // we release unused space back to allocator if possible // can only do this if there isn't an intervening pushGeometrySource() size_t fUsedPoolVertexBytes; size_t fUsedPoolIndexBytes; }; SkSTArray fGeoPoolStateStack; bool fFlushing; typedef GrDrawTarget INHERITED; }; #endif