/* * Copyright 2011 Google Inc. * * Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be * found in the LICENSE file. */ #include "GrGLConfig.h" #include "GrGLInterface.h" void GrGLClearErr(const GrGLInterface* gl) { while (GR_GL_NO_ERROR != gl->fGetError()) {} } void GrGLCheckErr(const GrGLInterface* gl, const char* location, const char* call) { uint32_t err = GR_GL_GET_ERROR(gl); if (GR_GL_NO_ERROR != err) { GrPrintf("---- glGetError %x", err); if (NULL != location) { GrPrintf(" at\n\t%s", location); } if (NULL != call) { GrPrintf("\n\t\t%s", call); } GrPrintf("\n"); } } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// #if GR_GL_LOG_CALLS bool gLogCallsGL = !!(GR_GL_LOG_CALLS_START); #endif #if GR_GL_CHECK_ERROR bool gCheckErrorGL = !!(GR_GL_CHECK_ERROR_START); #endif