/* * Copyright 2010 Google Inc. * * Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be * found in the LICENSE file. */ #ifndef GrAllocator_DEFINED #define GrAllocator_DEFINED #include "GrConfig.h" #include "GrTypes.h" #include "SkTArray.h" #include "SkTypes.h" class GrAllocator : public SkNoncopyable { public: ~GrAllocator() { reset(); } /** * Create an allocator * * @param itemSize the size of each item to allocate * @param itemsPerBlock the number of items to allocate at once * @param initialBlock optional memory to use for the first block. * Must be at least itemSize*itemsPerBlock sized. * Caller is responsible for freeing this memory. */ GrAllocator(size_t itemSize, int itemsPerBlock, void* initialBlock) : fItemSize(itemSize), fItemsPerBlock(itemsPerBlock), fOwnFirstBlock(NULL == initialBlock), fCount(0) { SkASSERT(itemsPerBlock > 0); fBlockSize = fItemSize * fItemsPerBlock; fBlocks.push_back() = initialBlock; SkDEBUGCODE(if (!fOwnFirstBlock) {*((char*)initialBlock+fBlockSize-1)='a';} ); } /** * Adds an item and returns pointer to it. * * @return pointer to the added item. */ void* push_back() { int indexInBlock = fCount % fItemsPerBlock; // we always have at least one block if (0 == indexInBlock) { if (0 != fCount) { fBlocks.push_back() = GrMalloc(fBlockSize); } else if (fOwnFirstBlock) { fBlocks[0] = GrMalloc(fBlockSize); } } void* ret = (char*)fBlocks[fCount/fItemsPerBlock] + fItemSize * indexInBlock; ++fCount; return ret; } /** * removes all added items */ void reset() { int blockCount = GrMax((unsigned)1, GrUIDivRoundUp(fCount, fItemsPerBlock)); for (int i = 1; i < blockCount; ++i) { GrFree(fBlocks[i]); } if (fOwnFirstBlock) { GrFree(fBlocks[0]); fBlocks[0] = NULL; } fBlocks.pop_back_n(blockCount-1); fCount = 0; } /** * count of items */ int count() const { return fCount; } /** * is the count 0 */ bool empty() const { return fCount == 0; } /** * access last item, only call if count() != 0 */ void* back() { SkASSERT(fCount); return (*this)[fCount-1]; } /** * access last item, only call if count() != 0 */ const void* back() const { SkASSERT(fCount); return (*this)[fCount-1]; } /** * access item by index. */ void* operator[] (int i) { SkASSERT(i >= 0 && i < fCount); return (char*)fBlocks[i / fItemsPerBlock] + fItemSize * (i % fItemsPerBlock); } /** * access item by index. */ const void* operator[] (int i) const { SkASSERT(i >= 0 && i < fCount); return (const char*)fBlocks[i / fItemsPerBlock] + fItemSize * (i % fItemsPerBlock); } private: static const int NUM_INIT_BLOCK_PTRS = 8; SkSTArray fBlocks; size_t fBlockSize; size_t fItemSize; int fItemsPerBlock; bool fOwnFirstBlock; int fCount; typedef SkNoncopyable INHERITED; }; template class GrTAllocator : public SkNoncopyable { public: virtual ~GrTAllocator() { this->reset(); }; /** * Create an allocator * * @param itemsPerBlock the number of items to allocate at once * @param initialBlock optional memory to use for the first block. * Must be at least size(T)*itemsPerBlock sized. * Caller is responsible for freeing this memory. */ explicit GrTAllocator(int itemsPerBlock) : fAllocator(sizeof(T), itemsPerBlock, NULL) {} /** * Adds an item and returns it. * * @return the added item. */ T& push_back() { void* item = fAllocator.push_back(); SkASSERT(NULL != item); SkNEW_PLACEMENT(item, T); return *(T*)item; } T& push_back(const T& t) { void* item = fAllocator.push_back(); SkASSERT(NULL != item); SkNEW_PLACEMENT_ARGS(item, T, (t)); return *(T*)item; } /** * removes all added items */ void reset() { int c = fAllocator.count(); for (int i = 0; i < c; ++i) { ((T*)fAllocator[i])->~T(); } fAllocator.reset(); } /** * count of items */ int count() const { return fAllocator.count(); } /** * is the count 0 */ bool empty() const { return fAllocator.empty(); } /** * access last item, only call if count() != 0 */ T& back() { return *(T*)fAllocator.back(); } /** * access last item, only call if count() != 0 */ const T& back() const { return *(const T*)fAllocator.back(); } /** * access item by index. */ T& operator[] (int i) { return *(T*)(fAllocator[i]); } /** * access item by index. */ const T& operator[] (int i) const { return *(const T*)(fAllocator[i]); } protected: GrTAllocator(int itemsPerBlock, void* initialBlock) : fAllocator(sizeof(T), itemsPerBlock, initialBlock) { } private: GrAllocator fAllocator; typedef SkNoncopyable INHERITED; }; template class GrSTAllocator : public GrTAllocator { private: typedef GrTAllocator INHERITED; public: GrSTAllocator() : INHERITED(N, fStorage.get()) { } private: SkAlignedSTStorage fStorage; }; #endif