/* * Copyright 2015 Google Inc. * * Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be * found in the LICENSE file. */ #ifndef SkLightingShader_DEFINED #define SkLightingShader_DEFINED #include "SkPoint3.h" #include "SkShader.h" class SK_API SkLightingShader { public: struct Light { SkVector3 fDirection; // direction towards the light (+Z is out of the screen). // If degenerate, it will be replaced with (0, 0, 1). SkColor3f fColor; // linear (unpremul) color. Range is 0..1 in each channel. }; /** Returns a shader that lights the diffuse and normal maps with a single light. It returns a shader with a reference count of 1. The caller should decrement the shader's reference count when done with the shader. It is an error for count to be < 2. @param diffuse the diffuse bitmap @param normal the normal map @param light the light applied to the normal map @param ambient the linear (unpremul) ambient light color. Range is 0..1/channel. @param localMatrix the matrix mapping the textures to the dest rect NULL will be returned if: either 'diffuse' or 'normal' are empty either 'diffuse' or 'normal' are too big (> 65535 on a side) 'diffuse' and 'normal' aren't the same size The lighting equation is currently: result = LightColor * DiffuseColor * (Normal * LightDir) + AmbientColor The normal map is currently assumed to be an 8888 image where the normal at a texel is retrieved by: N.x = R-127; N.y = G-127; N.z = B-127; N.normalize(); The +Z axis is thus encoded in RGB as (127, 127, 255) while the -Z axis is (127, 127, 0). */ static SkShader* Create(const SkBitmap& diffuse, const SkBitmap& normal, const SkLightingShader::Light& light, const SkColor3f& ambient, const SkMatrix* localMatrix); SK_DECLARE_FLATTENABLE_REGISTRAR_GROUP() }; #endif