/* * Copyright 2011 Google Inc. * * Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be * found in the LICENSE file. */ #include "SkTypefaceCache.h" #include "SkAtomics.h" #include "SkMutex.h" #define TYPEFACE_CACHE_LIMIT 1024 SkTypefaceCache::SkTypefaceCache() {} SkTypefaceCache::~SkTypefaceCache() { const Rec* curr = fArray.begin(); const Rec* stop = fArray.end(); while (curr < stop) { curr->fFace->unref(); curr += 1; } } void SkTypefaceCache::add(SkTypeface* face, const SkFontStyle& requestedStyle) { if (fArray.count() >= TYPEFACE_CACHE_LIMIT) { this->purge(TYPEFACE_CACHE_LIMIT >> 2); } Rec* rec = fArray.append(); rec->fFace = SkRef(face); rec->fRequestedStyle = requestedStyle; } SkTypeface* SkTypefaceCache::findByProcAndRef(FindProc proc, void* ctx) const { const Rec* curr = fArray.begin(); const Rec* stop = fArray.end(); while (curr < stop) { SkTypeface* currFace = curr->fFace; if (proc(currFace, curr->fRequestedStyle, ctx)) { return SkRef(currFace); } curr += 1; } return nullptr; } void SkTypefaceCache::purge(int numToPurge) { int count = fArray.count(); int i = 0; while (i < count) { SkTypeface* face = fArray[i].fFace; if (face->unique()) { face->unref(); fArray.remove(i); --count; if (--numToPurge == 0) { return; } } else { ++i; } } } void SkTypefaceCache::purgeAll() { this->purge(fArray.count()); } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// SkTypefaceCache& SkTypefaceCache::Get() { static SkTypefaceCache gCache; return gCache; } SkFontID SkTypefaceCache::NewFontID() { static int32_t gFontID; return sk_atomic_inc(&gFontID) + 1; } SK_DECLARE_STATIC_MUTEX(gMutex); void SkTypefaceCache::Add(SkTypeface* face, const SkFontStyle& requestedStyle) { SkAutoMutexAcquire ama(gMutex); Get().add(face, requestedStyle); } SkTypeface* SkTypefaceCache::FindByProcAndRef(FindProc proc, void* ctx) { SkAutoMutexAcquire ama(gMutex); SkTypeface* typeface = Get().findByProcAndRef(proc, ctx); return typeface; } void SkTypefaceCache::PurgeAll() { SkAutoMutexAcquire ama(gMutex); Get().purgeAll(); } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// #ifdef SK_DEBUG static bool DumpProc(SkTypeface* face, const SkFontStyle& s, void* ctx) { SkDebugf("SkTypefaceCache: face %p fontID %d weight %d width %d style %d refcnt %d\n", face, face->uniqueID(), s.weight(), s.width(), s.slant(), face->getRefCnt()); return false; } #endif void SkTypefaceCache::Dump() { #ifdef SK_DEBUG SkAutoMutexAcquire ama(gMutex); (void)Get().findByProcAndRef(DumpProc, nullptr); #endif }