#include "SkPictureRecord.h" #include "SkShape.h" #include "SkTSearch.h" #define MIN_WRITER_SIZE 16384 #define HEAP_BLOCK_SIZE 4096 SkPictureRecord::SkPictureRecord(uint32_t flags) : fHeap(HEAP_BLOCK_SIZE), fWriter(MIN_WRITER_SIZE), fRecordFlags(flags) { fBitmapIndex = fMatrixIndex = fPaintIndex = fRegionIndex = 1; #ifdef SK_DEBUG_SIZE fPointBytes = fRectBytes = fTextBytes = 0; fPointWrites = fRectWrites = fTextWrites = 0; #endif fRestoreOffsetStack.setReserve(32); fRestoreOffsetStack.push(0); fPathHeap = NULL; // lazy allocate } SkPictureRecord::~SkPictureRecord() { reset(); } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// int SkPictureRecord::save(SaveFlags flags) { addDraw(SAVE); addInt(flags); fRestoreOffsetStack.push(0); validate(); return this->INHERITED::save(flags); } int SkPictureRecord::saveLayer(const SkRect* bounds, const SkPaint* paint, SaveFlags flags) { addDraw(SAVE_LAYER); addRectPtr(bounds); addPaintPtr(paint); addInt(flags); fRestoreOffsetStack.push(0); validate(); /* Don't actually call saveLayer, because that will try to allocate an offscreen device (potentially very big) which we don't actually need at this time (and may not be able to afford since during record our clip starts out the size of the picture, which is often much larger than the size of the actual device we'll use during playback). */ return this->INHERITED::save(flags); } void SkPictureRecord::restore() { // check for underflow if (fRestoreOffsetStack.count() == 0) { return; } // patch up the clip offsets uint32_t restoreOffset = (uint32_t)fWriter.size(); uint32_t offset = fRestoreOffsetStack.top(); while (offset) { uint32_t* peek = fWriter.peek32(offset); offset = *peek; *peek = restoreOffset; } fRestoreOffsetStack.pop(); addDraw(RESTORE); validate(); return this->INHERITED::restore(); } bool SkPictureRecord::translate(SkScalar dx, SkScalar dy) { addDraw(TRANSLATE); addScalar(dx); addScalar(dy); validate(); return this->INHERITED::translate(dx, dy); } bool SkPictureRecord::scale(SkScalar sx, SkScalar sy) { addDraw(SCALE); addScalar(sx); addScalar(sy); validate(); return this->INHERITED::scale(sx, sy); } bool SkPictureRecord::rotate(SkScalar degrees) { addDraw(ROTATE); addScalar(degrees); validate(); return this->INHERITED::rotate(degrees); } bool SkPictureRecord::skew(SkScalar sx, SkScalar sy) { addDraw(SKEW); addScalar(sx); addScalar(sy); validate(); return this->INHERITED::skew(sx, sy); } bool SkPictureRecord::concat(const SkMatrix& matrix) { validate(); addDraw(CONCAT); addMatrix(matrix); validate(); return this->INHERITED::concat(matrix); } void SkPictureRecord::setMatrix(const SkMatrix& matrix) { validate(); addDraw(SET_MATRIX); addMatrix(matrix); validate(); this->INHERITED::setMatrix(matrix); } bool SkPictureRecord::clipRect(const SkRect& rect, SkRegion::Op op) { addDraw(CLIP_RECT); addRect(rect); addInt(op); size_t offset = fWriter.size(); addInt(fRestoreOffsetStack.top()); fRestoreOffsetStack.top() = offset; validate(); return this->INHERITED::clipRect(rect, op); } bool SkPictureRecord::clipPath(const SkPath& path, SkRegion::Op op) { addDraw(CLIP_PATH); addPath(path); addInt(op); size_t offset = fWriter.size(); addInt(fRestoreOffsetStack.top()); fRestoreOffsetStack.top() = offset; validate(); if (fRecordFlags & SkPicture::kUsePathBoundsForClip_RecordingFlag) { return this->INHERITED::clipRect(path.getBounds(), op); } else { return this->INHERITED::clipPath(path, op); } } bool SkPictureRecord::clipRegion(const SkRegion& region, SkRegion::Op op) { addDraw(CLIP_REGION); addRegion(region); addInt(op); size_t offset = fWriter.size(); addInt(fRestoreOffsetStack.top()); fRestoreOffsetStack.top() = offset; validate(); return this->INHERITED::clipRegion(region, op); } void SkPictureRecord::drawPaint(const SkPaint& paint) { addDraw(DRAW_PAINT); addPaint(paint); validate(); } void SkPictureRecord::drawPoints(PointMode mode, size_t count, const SkPoint pts[], const SkPaint& paint) { addDraw(DRAW_POINTS); addPaint(paint); addInt(mode); addInt(count); fWriter.writeMul4(pts, count * sizeof(SkPoint)); validate(); } void SkPictureRecord::drawRect(const SkRect& rect, const SkPaint& paint) { addDraw(DRAW_RECT); addPaint(paint); addRect(rect); validate(); } void SkPictureRecord::drawPath(const SkPath& path, const SkPaint& paint) { addDraw(DRAW_PATH); addPaint(paint); addPath(path); validate(); } void SkPictureRecord::drawBitmap(const SkBitmap& bitmap, SkScalar left, SkScalar top, const SkPaint* paint = NULL) { addDraw(DRAW_BITMAP); addPaintPtr(paint); addBitmap(bitmap); addScalar(left); addScalar(top); validate(); } void SkPictureRecord::drawBitmapRect(const SkBitmap& bitmap, const SkIRect* src, const SkRect& dst, const SkPaint* paint) { addDraw(DRAW_BITMAP_RECT); addPaintPtr(paint); addBitmap(bitmap); addIRectPtr(src); // may be null addRect(dst); validate(); } void SkPictureRecord::drawBitmapMatrix(const SkBitmap& bitmap, const SkMatrix& matrix, const SkPaint* paint) { addDraw(DRAW_BITMAP_MATRIX); addPaintPtr(paint); addBitmap(bitmap); addMatrix(matrix); validate(); } void SkPictureRecord::drawSprite(const SkBitmap& bitmap, int left, int top, const SkPaint* paint = NULL) { addDraw(DRAW_SPRITE); addPaintPtr(paint); addBitmap(bitmap); addInt(left); addInt(top); validate(); } void SkPictureRecord::addFontMetricsTopBottom(const SkPaint& paint, SkScalar baselineY) { SkPaint::FontMetrics metrics; paint.getFontMetrics(&metrics); SkRect bounds; // construct a rect so we can see any adjustments from the paint. // we use 0,1 for left,right, just so the rect isn't empty bounds.set(0, metrics.fTop + baselineY, SK_Scalar1, metrics.fBottom + baselineY); (void)paint.computeFastBounds(bounds, &bounds); // now record the top and bottom addScalar(bounds.fTop); addScalar(bounds.fBottom); } void SkPictureRecord::drawText(const void* text, size_t byteLength, SkScalar x, SkScalar y, const SkPaint& paint) { bool fast = paint.canComputeFastBounds(); addDraw(fast ? DRAW_TEXT_TOP_BOTTOM : DRAW_TEXT); addPaint(paint); addText(text, byteLength); addScalar(x); addScalar(y); if (fast) { addFontMetricsTopBottom(paint, y); } validate(); } void SkPictureRecord::drawPosText(const void* text, size_t byteLength, const SkPoint pos[], const SkPaint& paint) { size_t points = paint.countText(text, byteLength); if (0 == points) return; bool canUseDrawH = true; // check if the caller really should have used drawPosTextH() { const SkScalar firstY = pos[0].fY; for (size_t index = 1; index < points; index++) { if (pos[index].fY != firstY) { canUseDrawH = false; break; } } } bool fast = canUseDrawH && paint.canComputeFastBounds(); if (fast) { addDraw(DRAW_POS_TEXT_H_TOP_BOTTOM); } else { addDraw(canUseDrawH ? DRAW_POS_TEXT_H : DRAW_POS_TEXT); } addPaint(paint); addText(text, byteLength); addInt(points); #ifdef SK_DEBUG_SIZE size_t start = fWriter.size(); #endif if (canUseDrawH) { if (fast) { addFontMetricsTopBottom(paint, pos[0].fY); } addScalar(pos[0].fY); SkScalar* xptr = (SkScalar*)fWriter.reserve(points * sizeof(SkScalar)); for (size_t index = 0; index < points; index++) *xptr++ = pos[index].fX; } else { fWriter.writeMul4(pos, points * sizeof(SkPoint)); } #ifdef SK_DEBUG_SIZE fPointBytes += fWriter.size() - start; fPointWrites += points; #endif validate(); } void SkPictureRecord::drawPosTextH(const void* text, size_t byteLength, const SkScalar xpos[], SkScalar constY, const SkPaint& paint) { size_t points = paint.countText(text, byteLength); if (0 == points) return; bool fast = paint.canComputeFastBounds(); addDraw(fast ? DRAW_POS_TEXT_H_TOP_BOTTOM : DRAW_POS_TEXT_H); addPaint(paint); addText(text, byteLength); addInt(points); #ifdef SK_DEBUG_SIZE size_t start = fWriter.size(); #endif if (fast) { addFontMetricsTopBottom(paint, constY); } addScalar(constY); fWriter.writeMul4(xpos, points * sizeof(SkScalar)); #ifdef SK_DEBUG_SIZE fPointBytes += fWriter.size() - start; fPointWrites += points; #endif validate(); } void SkPictureRecord::drawTextOnPath(const void* text, size_t byteLength, const SkPath& path, const SkMatrix* matrix, const SkPaint& paint) { addDraw(DRAW_TEXT_ON_PATH); addPaint(paint); addText(text, byteLength); addPath(path); addMatrixPtr(matrix); validate(); } void SkPictureRecord::drawPicture(SkPicture& picture) { addDraw(DRAW_PICTURE); addPicture(picture); validate(); } void SkPictureRecord::drawShape(SkShape* shape) { addDraw(DRAW_SHAPE); int index = fShapes.find(shape); if (index < 0) { // not found index = fShapes.count(); *fShapes.append() = shape; shape->ref(); } // follow the convention of recording a 1-based index addInt(index + 1); validate(); } void SkPictureRecord::drawVertices(VertexMode vmode, int vertexCount, const SkPoint vertices[], const SkPoint texs[], const SkColor colors[], SkXfermode*, const uint16_t indices[], int indexCount, const SkPaint& paint) { uint32_t flags = 0; if (texs) { flags |= DRAW_VERTICES_HAS_TEXS; } if (colors) { flags |= DRAW_VERTICES_HAS_COLORS; } if (indexCount > 0) { flags |= DRAW_VERTICES_HAS_INDICES; } addDraw(DRAW_VERTICES); addPaint(paint); addInt(flags); addInt(vmode); addInt(vertexCount); addPoints(vertices, vertexCount); if (flags & DRAW_VERTICES_HAS_TEXS) { addPoints(texs, vertexCount); } if (flags & DRAW_VERTICES_HAS_COLORS) { fWriter.writeMul4(colors, vertexCount * sizeof(SkColor)); } if (flags & DRAW_VERTICES_HAS_INDICES) { addInt(indexCount); fWriter.writePad(indices, indexCount * sizeof(uint16_t)); } } void SkPictureRecord::drawData(const void* data, size_t length) { addDraw(DRAW_DATA); addInt(length); fWriter.writePad(data, length); } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// void SkPictureRecord::reset() { SkSafeUnref(fPathHeap); fPathHeap = NULL; fBitmaps.reset(); fMatrices.reset(); fPaints.reset(); fPictureRefs.unrefAll(); fRegions.reset(); fShapes.safeUnrefAll(); fWriter.reset(); fHeap.reset(); fRestoreOffsetStack.setCount(1); fRestoreOffsetStack.top() = 0; fRCRecorder.reset(); fTFRecorder.reset(); } void SkPictureRecord::addBitmap(const SkBitmap& bitmap) { addInt(find(fBitmaps, bitmap)); } void SkPictureRecord::addMatrix(const SkMatrix& matrix) { addMatrixPtr(&matrix); } void SkPictureRecord::addMatrixPtr(const SkMatrix* matrix) { addInt(find(fMatrices, matrix)); } void SkPictureRecord::addPaint(const SkPaint& paint) { addPaintPtr(&paint); } void SkPictureRecord::addPaintPtr(const SkPaint* paint) { addInt(find(fPaints, paint)); } void SkPictureRecord::addPath(const SkPath& path) { if (NULL == fPathHeap) { fPathHeap = SkNEW(SkPathHeap); } addInt(fPathHeap->append(path)); } void SkPictureRecord::addPicture(SkPicture& picture) { int index = fPictureRefs.find(&picture); if (index < 0) { // not found index = fPictureRefs.count(); *fPictureRefs.append() = &picture; picture.ref(); } // follow the convention of recording a 1-based index addInt(index + 1); } void SkPictureRecord::addPoint(const SkPoint& point) { #ifdef SK_DEBUG_SIZE size_t start = fWriter.size(); #endif fWriter.writePoint(point); #ifdef SK_DEBUG_SIZE fPointBytes += fWriter.size() - start; fPointWrites++; #endif } void SkPictureRecord::addPoints(const SkPoint pts[], int count) { fWriter.writeMul4(pts, count * sizeof(SkPoint)); #ifdef SK_DEBUG_SIZE fPointBytes += count * sizeof(SkPoint); fPointWrites++; #endif } void SkPictureRecord::addRect(const SkRect& rect) { #ifdef SK_DEBUG_SIZE size_t start = fWriter.size(); #endif fWriter.writeRect(rect); #ifdef SK_DEBUG_SIZE fRectBytes += fWriter.size() - start; fRectWrites++; #endif } void SkPictureRecord::addRectPtr(const SkRect* rect) { if (fWriter.writeBool(rect != NULL)) { fWriter.writeRect(*rect); } } void SkPictureRecord::addIRectPtr(const SkIRect* rect) { if (fWriter.writeBool(rect != NULL)) { *(SkIRect*)fWriter.reserve(sizeof(SkIRect)) = *rect; } } void SkPictureRecord::addRegion(const SkRegion& region) { addInt(find(fRegions, region)); } void SkPictureRecord::addText(const void* text, size_t byteLength) { #ifdef SK_DEBUG_SIZE size_t start = fWriter.size(); #endif addInt(byteLength); fWriter.writePad(text, byteLength); #ifdef SK_DEBUG_SIZE fTextBytes += fWriter.size() - start; fTextWrites++; #endif } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// int SkPictureRecord::find(SkTDArray& bitmaps, const SkBitmap& bitmap) { SkFlatBitmap* flat = SkFlatBitmap::Flatten(&fHeap, bitmap, fBitmapIndex, &fRCRecorder); int index = SkTSearch((const SkFlatData**) bitmaps.begin(), bitmaps.count(), (SkFlatData*) flat, sizeof(flat), &SkFlatData::Compare); if (index >= 0) { (void)fHeap.unalloc(flat); return bitmaps[index]->index(); } index = ~index; *bitmaps.insert(index) = flat; return fBitmapIndex++; } int SkPictureRecord::find(SkTDArray& matrices, const SkMatrix* matrix) { if (matrix == NULL) return 0; SkFlatMatrix* flat = SkFlatMatrix::Flatten(&fHeap, *matrix, fMatrixIndex); int index = SkTSearch((const SkFlatData**) matrices.begin(), matrices.count(), (SkFlatData*) flat, sizeof(flat), &SkFlatData::Compare); if (index >= 0) { (void)fHeap.unalloc(flat); return matrices[index]->index(); } index = ~index; *matrices.insert(index) = flat; return fMatrixIndex++; } int SkPictureRecord::find(SkTDArray& paints, const SkPaint* paint) { if (paint == NULL) { return 0; } SkFlatPaint* flat = SkFlatPaint::Flatten(&fHeap, *paint, fPaintIndex, &fRCRecorder, &fTFRecorder); int index = SkTSearch((const SkFlatData**) paints.begin(), paints.count(), (SkFlatData*) flat, sizeof(flat), &SkFlatData::Compare); if (index >= 0) { (void)fHeap.unalloc(flat); return paints[index]->index(); } index = ~index; *paints.insert(index) = flat; return fPaintIndex++; } int SkPictureRecord::find(SkTDArray& regions, const SkRegion& region) { SkFlatRegion* flat = SkFlatRegion::Flatten(&fHeap, region, fRegionIndex); int index = SkTSearch((const SkFlatData**) regions.begin(), regions.count(), (SkFlatData*) flat, sizeof(flat), &SkFlatData::Compare); if (index >= 0) { (void)fHeap.unalloc(flat); return regions[index]->index(); } index = ~index; *regions.insert(index) = flat; return fRegionIndex++; } #ifdef SK_DEBUG_DUMP void SkPictureRecord::dumpMatrices() { int count = fMatrices.count(); SkMatrix defaultMatrix; defaultMatrix.reset(); for (int index = 0; index < count; index++) { const SkFlatMatrix* flatMatrix = fMatrices[index]; flatMatrix->dump(); } } void SkPictureRecord::dumpPaints() { int count = fPaints.count(); for (int index = 0; index < count; index++) fPaints[index]->dump(); } #endif #ifdef SK_DEBUG_SIZE size_t SkPictureRecord::size() const { size_t result = 0; size_t sizeData; bitmaps(&sizeData); result += sizeData; matrices(&sizeData); result += sizeData; paints(&sizeData); result += sizeData; paths(&sizeData); result += sizeData; pictures(&sizeData); result += sizeData; regions(&sizeData); result += sizeData; result += streamlen(); return result; } int SkPictureRecord::bitmaps(size_t* size) const { size_t result = 0; int count = fBitmaps.count(); for (int index = 0; index < count; index++) result += sizeof(fBitmaps[index]) + fBitmaps[index]->size(); *size = result; return count; } int SkPictureRecord::matrices(size_t* size) const { int count = fMatrices.count(); *size = sizeof(fMatrices[0]) * count; return count; } int SkPictureRecord::paints(size_t* size) const { size_t result = 0; int count = fPaints.count(); for (int index = 0; index < count; index++) result += sizeof(fPaints[index]) + fPaints[index]->size(); *size = result; return count; } int SkPictureRecord::paths(size_t* size) const { size_t result = 0; int count = fPaths.count(); for (int index = 0; index < count; index++) result += sizeof(fPaths[index]) + fPaths[index]->size(); *size = result; return count; } int SkPictureRecord::regions(size_t* size) const { size_t result = 0; int count = fRegions.count(); for (int index = 0; index < count; index++) result += sizeof(fRegions[index]) + fRegions[index]->size(); *size = result; return count; } size_t SkPictureRecord::streamlen() const { return fWriter.size(); } #endif #ifdef SK_DEBUG_VALIDATE void SkPictureRecord::validate() const { validateBitmaps(); validateMatrices(); validatePaints(); validatePaths(); validatePictures(); validateRegions(); } void SkPictureRecord::validateBitmaps() const { int count = fBitmaps.count(); SkASSERT((unsigned) count < 0x1000); for (int index = 0; index < count; index++) { const SkFlatBitmap* bitPtr = fBitmaps[index]; SkASSERT(bitPtr); bitPtr->validate(); } } void SkPictureRecord::validateMatrices() const { int count = fMatrices.count(); SkASSERT((unsigned) count < 0x1000); for (int index = 0; index < count; index++) { const SkFlatMatrix* matrix = fMatrices[index]; SkASSERT(matrix); matrix->validate(); } } void SkPictureRecord::validatePaints() const { int count = fPaints.count(); SkASSERT((unsigned) count < 0x1000); for (int index = 0; index < count; index++) { const SkFlatPaint* paint = fPaints[index]; SkASSERT(paint); // paint->validate(); } } void SkPictureRecord::validatePaths() const { int count = fPaths.count(); SkASSERT((unsigned) count < 0x1000); for (int index = 0; index < count; index++) { const SkFlatPath* path = fPaths[index]; SkASSERT(path); path->validate(); } } void SkPictureRecord::validateRegions() const { int count = fRegions.count(); SkASSERT((unsigned) count < 0x1000); for (int index = 0; index < count; index++) { const SkFlatRegion* region = fRegions[index]; SkASSERT(region); region->validate(); } } #endif