/* * Copyright 2013 Google Inc. * * Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be * found in the LICENSE file. */ #include "SkBuffer.h" #include "SkOnce.h" #include "SkPath.h" #include "SkPathRef.h" ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// SkPathRef::Editor::Editor(SkAutoTUnref* pathRef, int incReserveVerbs, int incReservePoints) { if ((*pathRef)->unique()) { (*pathRef)->incReserve(incReserveVerbs, incReservePoints); } else { SkPathRef* copy = SkNEW(SkPathRef); copy->copy(**pathRef, incReserveVerbs, incReservePoints); pathRef->reset(copy); } fPathRef = *pathRef; fPathRef->fGenerationID = 0; fPathRef->fIsOval = false; SkDEBUGCODE(sk_atomic_inc(&fPathRef->fEditorsAttached);) } SkPoint* SkPathRef::Editor::growForConic(SkScalar w) { SkDEBUGCODE(fPathRef->validate();) SkPoint* pts = fPathRef->growForVerb(SkPath::kConic_Verb); *fPathRef->fConicWeights.append() = w; return pts; } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// void SkPathRef::CreateEmptyImpl(SkPathRef** empty) { *empty = SkNEW(SkPathRef); (*empty)->computeBounds(); // Preemptively avoid a race to clear fBoundsIsDirty. } SkPathRef* SkPathRef::CreateEmpty() { static SkPathRef* gEmptyPathRef; SK_DECLARE_STATIC_ONCE(once); SkOnce(&once, SkPathRef::CreateEmptyImpl, &gEmptyPathRef); return SkRef(gEmptyPathRef); } void SkPathRef::CreateTransformedCopy(SkAutoTUnref* dst, const SkPathRef& src, const SkMatrix& matrix) { SkDEBUGCODE(src.validate();) if (matrix.isIdentity()) { if (*dst != &src) { src.ref(); dst->reset(const_cast(&src)); SkDEBUGCODE((*dst)->validate();) } return; } if (!(*dst)->unique()) { dst->reset(SkNEW(SkPathRef)); } if (*dst != &src) { (*dst)->resetToSize(src.fVerbCnt, src.fPointCnt, src.fConicWeights.count()); memcpy((*dst)->verbsMemWritable(), src.verbsMemBegin(), src.fVerbCnt * sizeof(uint8_t)); (*dst)->fConicWeights = src.fConicWeights; } SkASSERT((*dst)->countPoints() == src.countPoints()); SkASSERT((*dst)->countVerbs() == src.countVerbs()); SkASSERT((*dst)->fConicWeights.count() == src.fConicWeights.count()); // Need to check this here in case (&src == dst) bool canXformBounds = !src.fBoundsIsDirty && matrix.rectStaysRect() && src.countPoints() > 1; matrix.mapPoints((*dst)->fPoints, src.points(), src.fPointCnt); /* * Here we optimize the bounds computation, by noting if the bounds are * already known, and if so, we just transform those as well and mark * them as "known", rather than force the transformed path to have to * recompute them. * * Special gotchas if the path is effectively empty (<= 1 point) or * if it is non-finite. In those cases bounds need to stay empty, * regardless of the matrix. */ if (canXformBounds) { (*dst)->fBoundsIsDirty = false; if (src.fIsFinite) { matrix.mapRect(&(*dst)->fBounds, src.fBounds); if (!((*dst)->fIsFinite = (*dst)->fBounds.isFinite())) { (*dst)->fBounds.setEmpty(); } } else { (*dst)->fIsFinite = false; (*dst)->fBounds.setEmpty(); } } else { (*dst)->fBoundsIsDirty = true; } // It's an oval only if it stays a rect. (*dst)->fIsOval = src.fIsOval && matrix.rectStaysRect(); SkDEBUGCODE((*dst)->validate();) } SkPathRef* SkPathRef::CreateFromBuffer(SkRBuffer* buffer #ifndef DELETE_THIS_CODE_WHEN_SKPS_ARE_REBUILT_AT_V16_AND_ALL_OTHER_INSTANCES_TOO , bool newFormat, int32_t oldPacked #endif ) { SkPathRef* ref = SkNEW(SkPathRef); bool isOval; int32_t packed; if (!buffer->readS32(&packed)) { SkDELETE(ref); return NULL; } ref->fIsFinite = (packed >> kIsFinite_SerializationShift) & 1; #ifndef DELETE_THIS_CODE_WHEN_SKPS_ARE_REBUILT_AT_V16_AND_ALL_OTHER_INSTANCES_TOO if (newFormat) { #endif isOval = (packed >> kIsOval_SerializationShift) & 1; #ifndef DELETE_THIS_CODE_WHEN_SKPS_ARE_REBUILT_AT_V16_AND_ALL_OTHER_INSTANCES_TOO } else { isOval = (oldPacked >> SkPath::kOldIsOval_SerializationShift) & 1; } #endif int32_t verbCount, pointCount, conicCount; if (!buffer->readU32(&(ref->fGenerationID)) || !buffer->readS32(&verbCount) || !buffer->readS32(&pointCount) || !buffer->readS32(&conicCount)) { SkDELETE(ref); return NULL; } ref->resetToSize(verbCount, pointCount, conicCount); SkASSERT(verbCount == ref->countVerbs()); SkASSERT(pointCount == ref->countPoints()); SkASSERT(conicCount == ref->fConicWeights.count()); if (!buffer->read(ref->verbsMemWritable(), verbCount * sizeof(uint8_t)) || !buffer->read(ref->fPoints, pointCount * sizeof(SkPoint)) || !buffer->read(ref->fConicWeights.begin(), conicCount * sizeof(SkScalar)) || !buffer->read(&ref->fBounds, sizeof(SkRect))) { SkDELETE(ref); return NULL; } ref->fBoundsIsDirty = false; ref->fIsOval = isOval; return ref; } void SkPathRef::Rewind(SkAutoTUnref* pathRef) { if ((*pathRef)->unique()) { SkDEBUGCODE((*pathRef)->validate();) (*pathRef)->fBoundsIsDirty = true; // this also invalidates fIsFinite (*pathRef)->fVerbCnt = 0; (*pathRef)->fPointCnt = 0; (*pathRef)->fFreeSpace = (*pathRef)->currSize(); (*pathRef)->fGenerationID = 0; (*pathRef)->fConicWeights.rewind(); (*pathRef)->fIsOval = false; SkDEBUGCODE((*pathRef)->validate();) } else { int oldVCnt = (*pathRef)->countVerbs(); int oldPCnt = (*pathRef)->countPoints(); pathRef->reset(SkNEW(SkPathRef)); (*pathRef)->resetToSize(0, 0, 0, oldVCnt, oldPCnt); } } bool SkPathRef::operator== (const SkPathRef& ref) const { SkDEBUGCODE(this->validate();) SkDEBUGCODE(ref.validate();) bool genIDMatch = fGenerationID && fGenerationID == ref.fGenerationID; #ifdef SK_RELEASE if (genIDMatch) { return true; } #endif if (fPointCnt != ref.fPointCnt || fVerbCnt != ref.fVerbCnt) { SkASSERT(!genIDMatch); return false; } if (0 != memcmp(this->verbsMemBegin(), ref.verbsMemBegin(), ref.fVerbCnt * sizeof(uint8_t))) { SkASSERT(!genIDMatch); return false; } if (0 != memcmp(this->points(), ref.points(), ref.fPointCnt * sizeof(SkPoint))) { SkASSERT(!genIDMatch); return false; } if (fConicWeights != ref.fConicWeights) { SkASSERT(!genIDMatch); return false; } // We've done the work to determine that these are equal. If either has a zero genID, copy // the other's. If both are 0 then genID() will compute the next ID. if (0 == fGenerationID) { fGenerationID = ref.genID(); } else if (0 == ref.fGenerationID) { ref.fGenerationID = this->genID(); } return true; } void SkPathRef::writeToBuffer(SkWBuffer* buffer) { SkDEBUGCODE(this->validate();) SkDEBUGCODE(size_t beforePos = buffer->pos();) // Call getBounds() to ensure (as a side-effect) that fBounds // and fIsFinite are computed. const SkRect& bounds = this->getBounds(); int32_t packed = ((fIsFinite & 1) << kIsFinite_SerializationShift) | ((fIsOval & 1) << kIsOval_SerializationShift); buffer->write32(packed); // TODO: write gen ID here. Problem: We don't know if we're cross process or not from // SkWBuffer. Until this is fixed we write 0. buffer->write32(0); buffer->write32(fVerbCnt); buffer->write32(fPointCnt); buffer->write32(fConicWeights.count()); buffer->write(verbsMemBegin(), fVerbCnt * sizeof(uint8_t)); buffer->write(fPoints, fPointCnt * sizeof(SkPoint)); buffer->write(fConicWeights.begin(), fConicWeights.bytes()); buffer->write(&bounds, sizeof(bounds)); SkASSERT(buffer->pos() - beforePos == (size_t) this->writeSize()); } uint32_t SkPathRef::writeSize() { return uint32_t(5 * sizeof(uint32_t) + fVerbCnt * sizeof(uint8_t) + fPointCnt * sizeof(SkPoint) + fConicWeights.bytes() + sizeof(SkRect)); } void SkPathRef::copy(const SkPathRef& ref, int additionalReserveVerbs, int additionalReservePoints) { SkDEBUGCODE(this->validate();) this->resetToSize(ref.fVerbCnt, ref.fPointCnt, ref.fConicWeights.count(), additionalReserveVerbs, additionalReservePoints); memcpy(this->verbsMemWritable(), ref.verbsMemBegin(), ref.fVerbCnt * sizeof(uint8_t)); memcpy(this->fPoints, ref.fPoints, ref.fPointCnt * sizeof(SkPoint)); fConicWeights = ref.fConicWeights; // We could call genID() here to force a real ID (instead of 0). However, if we're making // a copy then presumably we intend to make a modification immediately afterwards. fGenerationID = ref.fGenerationID; fBoundsIsDirty = ref.fBoundsIsDirty; if (!fBoundsIsDirty) { fBounds = ref.fBounds; fIsFinite = ref.fIsFinite; } fIsOval = ref.fIsOval; SkDEBUGCODE(this->validate();) } SkPoint* SkPathRef::growForVerb(int /* SkPath::Verb*/ verb) { SkDEBUGCODE(this->validate();) int pCnt; bool dirtyAfterEdit = true; switch (verb) { case SkPath::kMove_Verb: pCnt = 1; dirtyAfterEdit = false; break; case SkPath::kLine_Verb: pCnt = 1; break; case SkPath::kQuad_Verb: // fall through case SkPath::kConic_Verb: pCnt = 2; break; case SkPath::kCubic_Verb: pCnt = 3; break; case SkPath::kClose_Verb: pCnt = 0; dirtyAfterEdit = false; break; case SkPath::kDone_Verb: SkDEBUGFAIL("growForVerb called for kDone"); // fall through default: SkDEBUGFAIL("default is not reached"); dirtyAfterEdit = false; pCnt = 0; } size_t space = sizeof(uint8_t) + pCnt * sizeof (SkPoint); this->makeSpace(space); this->fVerbs[~fVerbCnt] = verb; SkPoint* ret = fPoints + fPointCnt; fVerbCnt += 1; fPointCnt += pCnt; fFreeSpace -= space; fBoundsIsDirty = true; // this also invalidates fIsFinite if (dirtyAfterEdit) { fIsOval = false; } SkDEBUGCODE(this->validate();) return ret; } uint32_t SkPathRef::genID() const { SkASSERT(!fEditorsAttached); static const uint32_t kMask = (static_cast(1) << SkPath::kPathRefGenIDBitCnt) - 1; if (!fGenerationID) { if (0 == fPointCnt && 0 == fVerbCnt) { fGenerationID = kEmptyGenID; } else { static int32_t gPathRefGenerationID; // do a loop in case our global wraps around, as we never want to return a 0 or the // empty ID do { fGenerationID = (sk_atomic_inc(&gPathRefGenerationID) + 1) & kMask; } while (fGenerationID <= kEmptyGenID); } } return fGenerationID; } #ifdef SK_DEBUG void SkPathRef::validate() const { this->INHERITED::validate(); SkASSERT(static_cast(fFreeSpace) >= 0); SkASSERT(reinterpret_cast(fVerbs) - reinterpret_cast(fPoints) >= 0); SkASSERT((NULL == fPoints) == (NULL == fVerbs)); SkASSERT(!(NULL == fPoints && 0 != fFreeSpace)); SkASSERT(!(NULL == fPoints && 0 != fFreeSpace)); SkASSERT(!(NULL == fPoints && fPointCnt)); SkASSERT(!(NULL == fVerbs && fVerbCnt)); SkASSERT(this->currSize() == fFreeSpace + sizeof(SkPoint) * fPointCnt + sizeof(uint8_t) * fVerbCnt); if (!fBoundsIsDirty && !fBounds.isEmpty()) { bool isFinite = true; for (int i = 0; i < fPointCnt; ++i) { SkASSERT(!fPoints[i].isFinite() || ( fBounds.fLeft - fPoints[i].fX < SK_ScalarNearlyZero && fPoints[i].fX - fBounds.fRight < SK_ScalarNearlyZero && fBounds.fTop - fPoints[i].fY < SK_ScalarNearlyZero && fPoints[i].fY - fBounds.fBottom < SK_ScalarNearlyZero)); if (!fPoints[i].isFinite()) { isFinite = false; } } SkASSERT(SkToBool(fIsFinite) == isFinite); } } #endif