/* * Copyright 2016 Google Inc. * * Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be * found in the LICENSE file. */ #include "SkLights.h" #include "SkReadBuffer.h" sk_sp SkLights::MakeFromBuffer(SkReadBuffer& buf) { int numLights = buf.readInt(); Builder builder; for (int l = 0; l < numLights; ++l) { bool isAmbient = buf.readBool(); bool isPoint = buf.readBool(); SkColor3f color; if (!buf.readScalarArray(&color.fX, 3)) { return nullptr; } if (isAmbient) { builder.add(Light::MakeAmbient(color)); } else { SkVector3 dirOrPos; if (!buf.readScalarArray(&dirOrPos.fX, 3)) { return nullptr; } sk_sp depthMap; bool hasShadowMap = buf.readBool(); if (hasShadowMap) { if (!(depthMap = buf.readImage())) { return nullptr; } } if (isPoint) { Light light = Light::MakePoint(color, dirOrPos); light.setShadowMap(depthMap); builder.add(light); } else { Light light = Light::MakeDirectional(color, dirOrPos); light.setShadowMap(depthMap); builder.add(light); } } } return builder.finish(); } void SkLights::flatten(SkWriteBuffer& buf) const { buf.writeInt(this->numLights()); for (int l = 0; l < this->numLights(); ++l) { const Light& light = this->light(l); bool isAmbient = Light::kAmbient_LightType == light.type(); bool isPoint = Light::kPoint_LightType == light.type(); buf.writeBool(isAmbient); buf.writeBool(isPoint); buf.writeScalarArray(&light.color().fX, 3); if (!isAmbient) { buf.writeScalarArray(&light.dir().fX, 3); bool hasShadowMap = light.getShadowMap() != nullptr; buf.writeBool(hasShadowMap); if (hasShadowMap) { buf.writeImage(light.getShadowMap()); } } } }