/* * Copyright 2014 Google Inc. * * Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be * found in the LICENSE file. */ // This file is intentionally empty. We add it to the dependencies of skia_lib // so that GYP detects that libskia is a C++ library (implicitly depending on // the standard library, -lm, etc.) from its file extension. // // If we didn't do this, GYP would link libskia.so as a C library and we'd get // link-time failures for simple binaries that don't themselves depend on the // C++ standard library. // // Even if we try hard not to depend on the standard library, say, never // calling new or delete, the compiler can still insert calls on our behalf // that make us depend on it anyway: a handler when we call a for a pure // virtual, thread-safety guards around statics, probably other similar // language constructs.