/* * Copyright 2011 Google Inc. * * Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be * found in the LICENSE file. */ #include "SkEdgeBuilder.h" #include "SkPath.h" #include "SkEdge.h" #include "SkAnalyticEdge.h" #include "SkEdgeClipper.h" #include "SkLineClipper.h" #include "SkGeometry.h" /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// SkEdgeBuilder::SkEdgeBuilder() { fEdgeList = nullptr; } SkEdgeBuilder::Combine SkEdgeBuilder::CombineVertical(const SkEdge* edge, SkEdge* last) { if (last->fCurveCount || last->fDX || edge->fX != last->fX) { return kNo_Combine; } if (edge->fWinding == last->fWinding) { if (edge->fLastY + 1 == last->fFirstY) { last->fFirstY = edge->fFirstY; return kPartial_Combine; } if (edge->fFirstY == last->fLastY + 1) { last->fLastY = edge->fLastY; return kPartial_Combine; } return kNo_Combine; } if (edge->fFirstY == last->fFirstY) { if (edge->fLastY == last->fLastY) { return kTotal_Combine; } if (edge->fLastY < last->fLastY) { last->fFirstY = edge->fLastY + 1; return kPartial_Combine; } last->fFirstY = last->fLastY + 1; last->fLastY = edge->fLastY; last->fWinding = edge->fWinding; return kPartial_Combine; } if (edge->fLastY == last->fLastY) { if (edge->fFirstY > last->fFirstY) { last->fLastY = edge->fFirstY - 1; return kPartial_Combine; } last->fLastY = last->fFirstY - 1; last->fFirstY = edge->fFirstY; last->fWinding = edge->fWinding; return kPartial_Combine; } return kNo_Combine; } static inline bool approximatelyEqual(SkFixed a, SkFixed b) { return SkAbs32(a - b) < 0x100; } SkEdgeBuilder::Combine SkEdgeBuilder::CombineVertical( const SkAnalyticEdge* edge, SkAnalyticEdge* last) { SkASSERT(fEdgeType == kAnalyticEdge); if (last->fCurveCount || last->fDX || edge->fX != last->fX) { return kNo_Combine; } if (edge->fWinding == last->fWinding) { if (edge->fLowerY == last->fUpperY) { last->fUpperY = edge->fUpperY; last->fY = last->fUpperY; return kPartial_Combine; } if (approximatelyEqual(edge->fUpperY, last->fLowerY)) { last->fLowerY = edge->fLowerY; return kPartial_Combine; } return kNo_Combine; } if (approximatelyEqual(edge->fUpperY, last->fUpperY)) { if (approximatelyEqual(edge->fLowerY, last->fLowerY)) { return kTotal_Combine; } if (edge->fLowerY < last->fLowerY) { last->fUpperY = edge->fLowerY; last->fY = last->fUpperY; return kPartial_Combine; } last->fUpperY = last->fLowerY; last->fY = last->fUpperY; last->fLowerY = edge->fLowerY; last->fWinding = edge->fWinding; return kPartial_Combine; } if (approximatelyEqual(edge->fLowerY, last->fLowerY)) { if (edge->fUpperY > last->fUpperY) { last->fLowerY = edge->fUpperY; return kPartial_Combine; } last->fLowerY = last->fUpperY; last->fUpperY = edge->fUpperY; last->fY = last->fUpperY; last->fWinding = edge->fWinding; return kPartial_Combine; } return kNo_Combine; } bool SkEdgeBuilder::vertical_line(const SkEdge* edge) { return !edge->fDX && !edge->fCurveCount; } bool SkEdgeBuilder::vertical_line(const SkAnalyticEdge* edge) { SkASSERT(fEdgeType == kAnalyticEdge); return !edge->fDX && !edge->fCurveCount; } void SkEdgeBuilder::addLine(const SkPoint pts[]) { if (fEdgeType == kBezier) { SkLine* line = fAlloc.make(); if (line->set(pts)) { fList.push(line); } } else if (fEdgeType == kAnalyticEdge) { SkAnalyticEdge* edge = fAlloc.make(); if (edge->setLine(pts[0], pts[1])) { if (vertical_line(edge) && fList.count()) { Combine combine = CombineVertical(edge, (SkAnalyticEdge*)*(fList.end() - 1)); if (kNo_Combine != combine) { if (kTotal_Combine == combine) { fList.pop(); } goto unallocate_analytic_edge; } } fList.push(edge); } else { unallocate_analytic_edge: ; // TODO: unallocate edge from storage... } } else { SkEdge* edge = fAlloc.make(); if (edge->setLine(pts[0], pts[1], fShiftUp)) { if (vertical_line(edge) && fList.count()) { Combine combine = CombineVertical(edge, (SkEdge*)*(fList.end() - 1)); if (kNo_Combine != combine) { if (kTotal_Combine == combine) { fList.pop(); } goto unallocate_edge; } } fList.push(edge); } else { unallocate_edge: ; // TODO: unallocate edge from storage... } } } void SkEdgeBuilder::addQuad(const SkPoint pts[]) { if (fEdgeType == kBezier) { SkQuad* quad = fAlloc.make(); if (quad->set(pts)) { fList.push(quad); } } else if (fEdgeType == kAnalyticEdge) { SkAnalyticQuadraticEdge* edge = fAlloc.make(); if (edge->setQuadratic(pts)) { fList.push(edge); } else { // TODO: unallocate edge from storage... } } else { SkQuadraticEdge* edge = fAlloc.make(); if (edge->setQuadratic(pts, fShiftUp)) { fList.push(edge); } else { // TODO: unallocate edge from storage... } } } void SkEdgeBuilder::addCubic(const SkPoint pts[]) { if (fEdgeType == kBezier) { SkCubic* cubic = fAlloc.make(); if (cubic->set(pts)) { fList.push(cubic); } } else if (fEdgeType == kAnalyticEdge) { SkAnalyticCubicEdge* edge = fAlloc.make(); if (edge->setCubic(pts)) { fList.push(edge); } else { // TODO: unallocate edge from storage... } } else { SkCubicEdge* edge = fAlloc.make(); if (edge->setCubic(pts, fShiftUp)) { fList.push(edge); } else { // TODO: unallocate edge from storage... } } } void SkEdgeBuilder::addClipper(SkEdgeClipper* clipper) { SkPoint pts[4]; SkPath::Verb verb; while ((verb = clipper->next(pts)) != SkPath::kDone_Verb) { switch (verb) { case SkPath::kLine_Verb: this->addLine(pts); break; case SkPath::kQuad_Verb: this->addQuad(pts); break; case SkPath::kCubic_Verb: this->addCubic(pts); break; default: break; } } } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// static void setShiftedClip(SkRect* dst, const SkIRect& src, int shift) { dst->set(SkIntToScalar(src.fLeft >> shift), SkIntToScalar(src.fTop >> shift), SkIntToScalar(src.fRight >> shift), SkIntToScalar(src.fBottom >> shift)); } SkEdgeBuilder::Combine SkEdgeBuilder::checkVertical(const SkEdge* edge, SkEdge** edgePtr) { return !vertical_line(edge) || edgePtr <= (SkEdge**)fEdgeList ? kNo_Combine : CombineVertical(edge, edgePtr[-1]); } SkEdgeBuilder::Combine SkEdgeBuilder::checkVertical(const SkAnalyticEdge* edge, SkAnalyticEdge** edgePtr) { SkASSERT(fEdgeType == kAnalyticEdge); return !vertical_line(edge) || edgePtr <= (SkAnalyticEdge**)fEdgeList ? kNo_Combine : CombineVertical(edge, edgePtr[-1]); } int SkEdgeBuilder::buildPoly(const SkPath& path, const SkIRect* iclip, int shiftUp, bool canCullToTheRight) { SkPath::Iter iter(path, true); SkPoint pts[4]; SkPath::Verb verb; int maxEdgeCount = path.countPoints(); if (iclip) { // clipping can turn 1 line into (up to) kMaxClippedLineSegments, since // we turn portions that are clipped out on the left/right into vertical // segments. maxEdgeCount *= SkLineClipper::kMaxClippedLineSegments; } size_t edgeSize; char* edge; switch (fEdgeType) { case kEdge: edgeSize = sizeof(SkEdge); edge = (char*)fAlloc.makeArrayDefault(maxEdgeCount); break; case kAnalyticEdge: edgeSize = sizeof(SkAnalyticEdge); edge = (char*)fAlloc.makeArrayDefault(maxEdgeCount); break; case kBezier: edgeSize = sizeof(SkLine); edge = (char*)fAlloc.makeArrayDefault(maxEdgeCount); break; } SkDEBUGCODE(char* edgeStart = edge); char** edgePtr = fAlloc.makeArrayDefault(maxEdgeCount); fEdgeList = (void**)edgePtr; if (iclip) { SkRect clip; setShiftedClip(&clip, *iclip, shiftUp); while ((verb = iter.next(pts, false)) != SkPath::kDone_Verb) { switch (verb) { case SkPath::kMove_Verb: case SkPath::kClose_Verb: // we ignore these, and just get the whole segment from // the corresponding line/quad/cubic verbs break; case SkPath::kLine_Verb: { SkPoint lines[SkLineClipper::kMaxPoints]; int lineCount = SkLineClipper::ClipLine(pts, clip, lines, canCullToTheRight); SkASSERT(lineCount <= SkLineClipper::kMaxClippedLineSegments); for (int i = 0; i < lineCount; i++) { this->addPolyLine(lines + i, edge, edgeSize, edgePtr, shiftUp); } break; } default: SkDEBUGFAIL("unexpected verb"); break; } } } else { while ((verb = iter.next(pts, false)) != SkPath::kDone_Verb) { switch (verb) { case SkPath::kMove_Verb: case SkPath::kClose_Verb: // we ignore these, and just get the whole segment from // the corresponding line/quad/cubic verbs break; case SkPath::kLine_Verb: { this->addPolyLine(pts, edge, edgeSize, edgePtr, shiftUp); break; } default: SkDEBUGFAIL("unexpected verb"); break; } } } SkASSERT((size_t)(edge - edgeStart) <= maxEdgeCount * edgeSize); SkASSERT(edgePtr - (char**)fEdgeList <= maxEdgeCount); return SkToInt(edgePtr - (char**)fEdgeList); } static void handle_quad(SkEdgeBuilder* builder, const SkPoint pts[3]) { SkPoint monoX[5]; int n = SkChopQuadAtYExtrema(pts, monoX); for (int i = 0; i <= n; i++) { builder->addQuad(&monoX[i * 2]); } } int SkEdgeBuilder::build(const SkPath& path, const SkIRect* iclip, int shiftUp, bool canCullToTheRight, EdgeType edgeType) { fAlloc.reset(); fList.reset(); fShiftUp = shiftUp; fEdgeType = edgeType; if (SkPath::kLine_SegmentMask == path.getSegmentMasks()) { return this->buildPoly(path, iclip, shiftUp, canCullToTheRight); } SkAutoConicToQuads quadder; const SkScalar conicTol = SK_Scalar1 / 4; SkPath::Iter iter(path, true); SkPoint pts[4]; SkPath::Verb verb; if (iclip) { SkRect clip; setShiftedClip(&clip, *iclip, shiftUp); SkEdgeClipper clipper(canCullToTheRight); while ((verb = iter.next(pts, false)) != SkPath::kDone_Verb) { switch (verb) { case SkPath::kMove_Verb: case SkPath::kClose_Verb: // we ignore these, and just get the whole segment from // the corresponding line/quad/cubic verbs break; case SkPath::kLine_Verb: if (clipper.clipLine(pts[0], pts[1], clip)) { this->addClipper(&clipper); } break; case SkPath::kQuad_Verb: if (clipper.clipQuad(pts, clip)) { this->addClipper(&clipper); } break; case SkPath::kConic_Verb: { const SkPoint* quadPts = quadder.computeQuads( pts, iter.conicWeight(), conicTol); for (int i = 0; i < quadder.countQuads(); ++i) { if (clipper.clipQuad(quadPts, clip)) { this->addClipper(&clipper); } quadPts += 2; } } break; case SkPath::kCubic_Verb: if (clipper.clipCubic(pts, clip)) { this->addClipper(&clipper); } break; default: SkDEBUGFAIL("unexpected verb"); break; } } } else { while ((verb = iter.next(pts, false)) != SkPath::kDone_Verb) { switch (verb) { case SkPath::kMove_Verb: case SkPath::kClose_Verb: // we ignore these, and just get the whole segment from // the corresponding line/quad/cubic verbs break; case SkPath::kLine_Verb: this->addLine(pts); break; case SkPath::kQuad_Verb: { handle_quad(this, pts); break; } case SkPath::kConic_Verb: { const SkPoint* quadPts = quadder.computeQuads( pts, iter.conicWeight(), conicTol); for (int i = 0; i < quadder.countQuads(); ++i) { handle_quad(this, quadPts); quadPts += 2; } } break; case SkPath::kCubic_Verb: { if (fEdgeType == kBezier) { this->addCubic(pts); break; } SkPoint monoY[10]; int n = SkChopCubicAtYExtrema(pts, monoY); for (int i = 0; i <= n; i++) { this->addCubic(&monoY[i * 3]); } break; } default: SkDEBUGFAIL("unexpected verb"); break; } } } fEdgeList = fList.begin(); return fList.count(); } int SkEdgeBuilder::build_edges(const SkPath& path, const SkIRect* shiftedClip, int shiftEdgesUp, bool pathContainedInClip, EdgeType edgeType) { // If we're convex, then we need both edges, even the right edge is past the clip const bool canCullToTheRight = !path.isConvex(); const SkIRect* builderClip = pathContainedInClip ? nullptr : shiftedClip; int count = this->build(path, builderClip, shiftEdgesUp, canCullToTheRight, edgeType); SkASSERT(count >= 0); // canCullToRight == false should imply count != 1 if edgeType != kBezier. // If edgeType == kBezier (DAA), we don't chop edges at y extrema so count == 1 is valid. // For example, a single cubic edge with a valley shape \_/ is fine for DAA. SkASSERT(edgeType == kBezier || canCullToTheRight || count != 1); return count; }