/* * Copyright 2012 Google Inc. * * Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be * found in the LICENSE file. */ #include "SkDeviceProfile.h" SK_DEFINE_INST_COUNT(SkDeviceProfile) #define DEFAULT_GAMMAEXP 2.2f #define DEFAULT_CONTRASTSCALE 0.5f #define DEFAULT_LCDCONFIG SkDeviceProfile::kNone_LCDConfig #define DEFAULT_FONTHINTLEVEL SkDeviceProfile::kSlight_FontHintLevel static float pin(float value, float min, float max) { if (value < min) { value = min; } else if (value > max) { value = max; } return value; } SkDeviceProfile::SkDeviceProfile(float gammaExp, float contrast, LCDConfig config, FontHintLevel level) { fGammaExponent = pin(gammaExp, 0, 10); fContrastScale = pin(contrast, 0, 1); fLCDConfig = config; fFontHintLevel = level; } void SkDeviceProfile::generateTableForLuminanceByte(U8CPU lumByte, uint8_t table[256]) const { } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// SkDeviceProfile* SkDeviceProfile::Create(float gammaExp, float contrast, LCDConfig config, FontHintLevel level) { return SkNEW_ARGS(SkDeviceProfile, (gammaExp, contrast, config, level)); } static SkMutex gMutex; static SkDeviceProfile* gDefaultProfile; static SkDeviceProfile* gGlobalProfile; SkDeviceProfile* SkDeviceProfile::GetDefault() { SkAutoMutexAcquire amc(gMutex); if (NULL == gDefaultProfile) { gDefaultProfile = SkDeviceProfile::Create(DEFAULT_GAMMAEXP, DEFAULT_CONTRASTSCALE, DEFAULT_LCDCONFIG, DEFAULT_FONTHINTLEVEL); } return gDefaultProfile; } SkDeviceProfile* SkDeviceProfile::RefGlobal() { SkAutoMutexAcquire amc(gMutex); if (NULL == gGlobalProfile) { gGlobalProfile = SkDeviceProfile::GetDefault(); } gGlobalProfile->ref(); return gGlobalProfile; } void SkDeviceProfile::SetGlobal(SkDeviceProfile* profile) { SkAutoMutexAcquire amc(gMutex); SkRefCnt_SafeAssign(gGlobalProfile, profile); }