/* * Copyright 2011 Google Inc. * * Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be * found in the LICENSE file. */ #include "SkColorFilter.h" #include "SkDevice.h" #include "SkDraw.h" #include "SkDrawFilter.h" #include "SkImage_Base.h" #include "SkImageCacherator.h" #include "SkImageFilter.h" #include "SkImageFilterCache.h" #include "SkImagePriv.h" #include "SkLatticeIter.h" #include "SkMetaData.h" #include "SkPatchUtils.h" #include "SkPathPriv.h" #include "SkPathMeasure.h" #include "SkRasterClip.h" #include "SkRSXform.h" #include "SkShader.h" #include "SkSpecialImage.h" #include "SkTextBlobRunIterator.h" #include "SkTextToPathIter.h" #include "SkTLazy.h" SkBaseDevice::SkBaseDevice(const SkImageInfo& info, const SkSurfaceProps& surfaceProps) : fInfo(info) , fSurfaceProps(surfaceProps) { fOrigin.setZero(); fMetaData = nullptr; } SkBaseDevice::~SkBaseDevice() { delete fMetaData; } SkMetaData& SkBaseDevice::getMetaData() { // metadata users are rare, so we lazily allocate it. If that changes we // can decide to just make it a field in the device (rather than a ptr) if (nullptr == fMetaData) { fMetaData = new SkMetaData; } return *fMetaData; } #ifdef SK_SUPPORT_LEGACY_ACCESSBITMAP const SkBitmap& SkBaseDevice::accessBitmap(bool changePixels) { const SkBitmap& bitmap = this->onAccessBitmap(); if (changePixels) { bitmap.notifyPixelsChanged(); } return bitmap; } #endif SkPixelGeometry SkBaseDevice::CreateInfo::AdjustGeometry(const SkImageInfo& info, TileUsage tileUsage, SkPixelGeometry geo, bool preserveLCDText) { switch (tileUsage) { case kPossible_TileUsage: // (we think) for compatibility with old clients, we assume this layer can support LCD // even though they may not have marked it as opaque... seems like we should update // our callers (reed/robertphilips). break; case kNever_TileUsage: if (!preserveLCDText) { geo = kUnknown_SkPixelGeometry; } break; } return geo; } static inline bool is_int(float x) { return x == (float) sk_float_round2int(x); } void SkBaseDevice::drawRegion(const SkDraw& draw, const SkRegion& region, const SkPaint& paint) { bool isNonTranslate = draw.fMatrix->getType() & ~(SkMatrix::kTranslate_Mask); bool complexPaint = paint.getStyle() != SkPaint::kFill_Style || paint.getMaskFilter() || paint.getPathEffect(); bool antiAlias = paint.isAntiAlias() && (!is_int(draw.fMatrix->getTranslateX()) || !is_int(draw.fMatrix->getTranslateY())); if (isNonTranslate || complexPaint || antiAlias) { SkPath path; region.getBoundaryPath(&path); return this->drawPath(draw, path, paint, nullptr, false); } SkRegion::Iterator it(region); while (!it.done()) { this->drawRect(draw, SkRect::Make(it.rect()), paint); it.next(); } } void SkBaseDevice::drawArc(const SkDraw& draw, const SkRect& oval, SkScalar startAngle, SkScalar sweepAngle, bool useCenter, const SkPaint& paint) { SkPath path; bool isFillNoPathEffect = SkPaint::kFill_Style == paint.getStyle() && !paint.getPathEffect(); SkPathPriv::CreateDrawArcPath(&path, oval, startAngle, sweepAngle, useCenter, isFillNoPathEffect); this->drawPath(draw, path, paint); } void SkBaseDevice::drawDRRect(const SkDraw& draw, const SkRRect& outer, const SkRRect& inner, const SkPaint& paint) { SkPath path; path.addRRect(outer); path.addRRect(inner); path.setFillType(SkPath::kEvenOdd_FillType); path.setIsVolatile(true); const SkMatrix* preMatrix = nullptr; const bool pathIsMutable = true; this->drawPath(draw, path, paint, preMatrix, pathIsMutable); } void SkBaseDevice::drawPatch(const SkDraw& draw, const SkPoint cubics[12], const SkColor colors[4], const SkPoint texCoords[4], SkBlendMode bmode, const SkPaint& paint) { SkPatchUtils::VertexData data; SkISize lod = SkPatchUtils::GetLevelOfDetail(cubics, draw.fMatrix); // It automatically adjusts lodX and lodY in case it exceeds the number of indices. // If it fails to generate the vertices, then we do not draw. if (SkPatchUtils::getVertexData(&data, cubics, colors, texCoords, lod.width(), lod.height())) { this->drawVertices(draw, SkCanvas::kTriangles_VertexMode, data.fVertexCount, data.fPoints, data.fTexCoords, data.fColors, bmode, data.fIndices, data.fIndexCount, paint); } } void SkBaseDevice::drawTextBlob(const SkDraw& draw, const SkTextBlob* blob, SkScalar x, SkScalar y, const SkPaint &paint, SkDrawFilter* drawFilter) { SkPaint runPaint = paint; SkTextBlobRunIterator it(blob); for (;!it.done(); it.next()) { size_t textLen = it.glyphCount() * sizeof(uint16_t); const SkPoint& offset = it.offset(); // applyFontToPaint() always overwrites the exact same attributes, // so it is safe to not re-seed the paint for this reason. it.applyFontToPaint(&runPaint); if (drawFilter && !drawFilter->filter(&runPaint, SkDrawFilter::kText_Type)) { // A false return from filter() means we should abort the current draw. runPaint = paint; continue; } runPaint.setFlags(this->filterTextFlags(runPaint)); switch (it.positioning()) { case SkTextBlob::kDefault_Positioning: this->drawText(draw, it.glyphs(), textLen, x + offset.x(), y + offset.y(), runPaint); break; case SkTextBlob::kHorizontal_Positioning: this->drawPosText(draw, it.glyphs(), textLen, it.pos(), 1, SkPoint::Make(x, y + offset.y()), runPaint); break; case SkTextBlob::kFull_Positioning: this->drawPosText(draw, it.glyphs(), textLen, it.pos(), 2, SkPoint::Make(x, y), runPaint); break; default: SkFAIL("unhandled positioning mode"); } if (drawFilter) { // A draw filter may change the paint arbitrarily, so we must re-seed in this case. runPaint = paint; } } } bool SkBaseDevice::drawExternallyScaledImage(const SkDraw& draw, const SkImage* image, const SkRect* src, const SkRect& dst, const SkPaint& paint, SkCanvas::SrcRectConstraint constraint) { SkImageCacherator* cacherator = as_IB(image)->peekCacherator(); if (!cacherator) { return false; } SkTLazy tmpSrc(src); if (!tmpSrc.isValid()) { tmpSrc.init(SkRect::Make(image->bounds())); } SkMatrix m = *draw.fMatrix; m.preConcat(SkMatrix::MakeRectToRect(*tmpSrc.get(), dst, SkMatrix::kFill_ScaleToFit)); // constrain src to our bounds if (!image->bounds().contains(*tmpSrc.get()) && !tmpSrc.get()->intersect(SkRect::Make(image->bounds()))) { return false; } SkImageGenerator::ScaledImageRec rec; if (!cacherator->directAccessScaledImage(*tmpSrc.get(), m, paint.getFilterQuality(), &rec)) { return false; } SkDestinationSurfaceColorMode colorMode = this->imageInfo().colorSpace() ? SkDestinationSurfaceColorMode::kGammaAndColorSpaceAware : SkDestinationSurfaceColorMode::kLegacy; SkBitmap bm; if (!as_IB(rec.fImage)->getROPixels(&bm, colorMode)) { return false; } SkTCopyOnFirstWrite adjustedPaint(paint); if (rec.fQuality != paint.getFilterQuality()) { adjustedPaint.writable()->setFilterQuality(rec.fQuality); } this->drawBitmapRect(draw, bm, &rec.fSrcRect, dst, *adjustedPaint, constraint); return true; } void SkBaseDevice::drawImage(const SkDraw& draw, const SkImage* image, SkScalar x, SkScalar y, const SkPaint& paint) { // Default impl : turns everything into raster bitmap if (this->drawExternallyScaledImage(draw, image, nullptr, SkRect::Make(image->bounds()).makeOffset(x, y), paint, SkCanvas::kFast_SrcRectConstraint)) { return; } SkDestinationSurfaceColorMode colorMode = this->imageInfo().colorSpace() ? SkDestinationSurfaceColorMode::kGammaAndColorSpaceAware : SkDestinationSurfaceColorMode::kLegacy; SkBitmap bm; if (as_IB(image)->getROPixels(&bm, colorMode)) { this->drawBitmap(draw, bm, SkMatrix::MakeTrans(x, y), paint); } } void SkBaseDevice::drawImageRect(const SkDraw& draw, const SkImage* image, const SkRect* src, const SkRect& dst, const SkPaint& paint, SkCanvas::SrcRectConstraint constraint) { // Default impl : turns everything into raster bitmap if (this->drawExternallyScaledImage(draw, image, src, dst, paint, constraint)) { return; } SkDestinationSurfaceColorMode colorMode = this->imageInfo().colorSpace() ? SkDestinationSurfaceColorMode::kGammaAndColorSpaceAware : SkDestinationSurfaceColorMode::kLegacy; SkBitmap bm; if (as_IB(image)->getROPixels(&bm, colorMode)) { this->drawBitmapRect(draw, bm, src, dst, paint, constraint); } } void SkBaseDevice::drawImageNine(const SkDraw& draw, const SkImage* image, const SkIRect& center, const SkRect& dst, const SkPaint& paint) { SkLatticeIter iter(image->width(), image->height(), center, dst); SkRect srcR, dstR; while (iter.next(&srcR, &dstR)) { this->drawImageRect(draw, image, &srcR, dstR, paint, SkCanvas::kStrict_SrcRectConstraint); } } void SkBaseDevice::drawBitmapNine(const SkDraw& draw, const SkBitmap& bitmap, const SkIRect& center, const SkRect& dst, const SkPaint& paint) { SkLatticeIter iter(bitmap.width(), bitmap.height(), center, dst); SkRect srcR, dstR; while (iter.next(&srcR, &dstR)) { this->drawBitmapRect(draw, bitmap, &srcR, dstR, paint, SkCanvas::kStrict_SrcRectConstraint); } } void SkBaseDevice::drawImageLattice(const SkDraw& draw, const SkImage* image, const SkCanvas::Lattice& lattice, const SkRect& dst, const SkPaint& paint) { SkLatticeIter iter(lattice, dst); SkRect srcR, dstR; while (iter.next(&srcR, &dstR)) { this->drawImageRect(draw, image, &srcR, dstR, paint, SkCanvas::kStrict_SrcRectConstraint); } } void SkBaseDevice::drawBitmapLattice(const SkDraw& draw, const SkBitmap& bitmap, const SkCanvas::Lattice& lattice, const SkRect& dst, const SkPaint& paint) { SkLatticeIter iter(lattice, dst); SkRect srcR, dstR; while (iter.next(&srcR, &dstR)) { this->drawBitmapRect(draw, bitmap, &srcR, dstR, paint, SkCanvas::kStrict_SrcRectConstraint); } } void SkBaseDevice::drawAtlas(const SkDraw& draw, const SkImage* atlas, const SkRSXform xform[], const SkRect tex[], const SkColor colors[], int count, SkBlendMode mode, const SkPaint& paint) { SkPath path; path.setIsVolatile(true); for (int i = 0; i < count; ++i) { SkPoint quad[4]; xform[i].toQuad(tex[i].width(), tex[i].height(), quad); SkMatrix localM; localM.setRSXform(xform[i]); localM.preTranslate(-tex[i].left(), -tex[i].top()); SkPaint pnt(paint); sk_sp shader = atlas->makeShader(SkShader::kClamp_TileMode, SkShader::kClamp_TileMode, &localM); if (!shader) { break; } pnt.setShader(std::move(shader)); if (colors) { pnt.setColorFilter(SkColorFilter::MakeModeFilter(colors[i], (SkBlendMode)mode)); } path.rewind(); path.addPoly(quad, 4, true); path.setConvexity(SkPath::kConvex_Convexity); this->drawPath(draw, path, pnt, nullptr, true); } } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// void SkBaseDevice::drawSpecial(const SkDraw&, SkSpecialImage*, int x, int y, const SkPaint&) {} sk_sp SkBaseDevice::makeSpecial(const SkBitmap&) { return nullptr; } sk_sp SkBaseDevice::makeSpecial(const SkImage*) { return nullptr; } sk_sp SkBaseDevice::snapSpecial() { return nullptr; } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// bool SkBaseDevice::readPixels(const SkImageInfo& info, void* dstP, size_t rowBytes, int x, int y) { #ifdef SK_DEBUG SkASSERT(info.width() > 0 && info.height() > 0); SkASSERT(dstP); SkASSERT(rowBytes >= info.minRowBytes()); SkASSERT(x >= 0 && y >= 0); const SkImageInfo& srcInfo = this->imageInfo(); SkASSERT(x + info.width() <= srcInfo.width()); SkASSERT(y + info.height() <= srcInfo.height()); #endif return this->onReadPixels(info, dstP, rowBytes, x, y); } bool SkBaseDevice::writePixels(const SkImageInfo& info, const void* pixels, size_t rowBytes, int x, int y) { #ifdef SK_DEBUG SkASSERT(info.width() > 0 && info.height() > 0); SkASSERT(pixels); SkASSERT(rowBytes >= info.minRowBytes()); SkASSERT(x >= 0 && y >= 0); const SkImageInfo& dstInfo = this->imageInfo(); SkASSERT(x + info.width() <= dstInfo.width()); SkASSERT(y + info.height() <= dstInfo.height()); #endif return this->onWritePixels(info, pixels, rowBytes, x, y); } bool SkBaseDevice::onWritePixels(const SkImageInfo&, const void*, size_t, int, int) { return false; } bool SkBaseDevice::onReadPixels(const SkImageInfo&, void*, size_t, int x, int y) { return false; } bool SkBaseDevice::accessPixels(SkPixmap* pmap) { SkPixmap tempStorage; if (nullptr == pmap) { pmap = &tempStorage; } return this->onAccessPixels(pmap); } bool SkBaseDevice::peekPixels(SkPixmap* pmap) { SkPixmap tempStorage; if (nullptr == pmap) { pmap = &tempStorage; } return this->onPeekPixels(pmap); } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// static void morphpoints(SkPoint dst[], const SkPoint src[], int count, SkPathMeasure& meas, const SkMatrix& matrix) { SkMatrix::MapXYProc proc = matrix.getMapXYProc(); for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) { SkPoint pos; SkVector tangent; proc(matrix, src[i].fX, src[i].fY, &pos); SkScalar sx = pos.fX; SkScalar sy = pos.fY; if (!meas.getPosTan(sx, &pos, &tangent)) { // set to 0 if the measure failed, so that we just set dst == pos tangent.set(0, 0); } /* This is the old way (that explains our approach but is way too slow SkMatrix matrix; SkPoint pt; pt.set(sx, sy); matrix.setSinCos(tangent.fY, tangent.fX); matrix.preTranslate(-sx, 0); matrix.postTranslate(pos.fX, pos.fY); matrix.mapPoints(&dst[i], &pt, 1); */ dst[i].set(pos.fX - SkScalarMul(tangent.fY, sy), pos.fY + SkScalarMul(tangent.fX, sy)); } } /* TODO Need differentially more subdivisions when the follow-path is curvy. Not sure how to determine that, but we need it. I guess a cheap answer is let the caller tell us, but that seems like a cop-out. Another answer is to get Rob Johnson to figure it out. */ static void morphpath(SkPath* dst, const SkPath& src, SkPathMeasure& meas, const SkMatrix& matrix) { SkPath::Iter iter(src, false); SkPoint srcP[4], dstP[3]; SkPath::Verb verb; while ((verb = iter.next(srcP)) != SkPath::kDone_Verb) { switch (verb) { case SkPath::kMove_Verb: morphpoints(dstP, srcP, 1, meas, matrix); dst->moveTo(dstP[0]); break; case SkPath::kLine_Verb: // turn lines into quads to look bendy srcP[0].fX = SkScalarAve(srcP[0].fX, srcP[1].fX); srcP[0].fY = SkScalarAve(srcP[0].fY, srcP[1].fY); morphpoints(dstP, srcP, 2, meas, matrix); dst->quadTo(dstP[0], dstP[1]); break; case SkPath::kQuad_Verb: morphpoints(dstP, &srcP[1], 2, meas, matrix); dst->quadTo(dstP[0], dstP[1]); break; case SkPath::kCubic_Verb: morphpoints(dstP, &srcP[1], 3, meas, matrix); dst->cubicTo(dstP[0], dstP[1], dstP[2]); break; case SkPath::kClose_Verb: dst->close(); break; default: SkDEBUGFAIL("unknown verb"); break; } } } void SkBaseDevice::drawTextOnPath(const SkDraw& draw, const void* text, size_t byteLength, const SkPath& follow, const SkMatrix* matrix, const SkPaint& paint) { SkASSERT(byteLength == 0 || text != nullptr); // nothing to draw if (text == nullptr || byteLength == 0 || draw.fRC->isEmpty()) { return; } SkTextToPathIter iter((const char*)text, byteLength, paint, true); SkPathMeasure meas(follow, false); SkScalar hOffset = 0; // need to measure first if (paint.getTextAlign() != SkPaint::kLeft_Align) { SkScalar pathLen = meas.getLength(); if (paint.getTextAlign() == SkPaint::kCenter_Align) { pathLen = SkScalarHalf(pathLen); } hOffset += pathLen; } const SkPath* iterPath; SkScalar xpos; SkMatrix scaledMatrix; SkScalar scale = iter.getPathScale(); scaledMatrix.setScale(scale, scale); while (iter.next(&iterPath, &xpos)) { if (iterPath) { SkPath tmp; SkMatrix m(scaledMatrix); tmp.setIsVolatile(true); m.postTranslate(xpos + hOffset, 0); if (matrix) { m.postConcat(*matrix); } morphpath(&tmp, *iterPath, meas, m); this->drawPath(draw, tmp, iter.getPaint(), nullptr, true); } } } #include "SkUtils.h" typedef int (*CountTextProc)(const char* text); static int count_utf16(const char* text) { const uint16_t* prev = (uint16_t*)text; (void)SkUTF16_NextUnichar(&prev); return SkToInt((const char*)prev - text); } static int return_4(const char* text) { return 4; } static int return_2(const char* text) { return 2; } void SkBaseDevice::drawTextRSXform(const SkDraw& draw, const void* text, size_t len, const SkRSXform xform[], const SkPaint& paint) { CountTextProc proc = nullptr; switch (paint.getTextEncoding()) { case SkPaint::kUTF8_TextEncoding: proc = SkUTF8_CountUTF8Bytes; break; case SkPaint::kUTF16_TextEncoding: proc = count_utf16; break; case SkPaint::kUTF32_TextEncoding: proc = return_4; break; case SkPaint::kGlyphID_TextEncoding: proc = return_2; break; } SkDraw localD(draw); SkMatrix localM, currM; const void* stopText = (const char*)text + len; while ((const char*)text < (const char*)stopText) { localM.setRSXform(*xform++); currM.setConcat(*draw.fMatrix, localM); localD.fMatrix = &currM; int subLen = proc((const char*)text); this->drawText(localD, text, subLen, 0, 0, paint); text = (const char*)text + subLen; } } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// uint32_t SkBaseDevice::filterTextFlags(const SkPaint& paint) const { uint32_t flags = paint.getFlags(); if (!paint.isLCDRenderText() || !paint.isAntiAlias()) { return flags; } if (kUnknown_SkPixelGeometry == fSurfaceProps.pixelGeometry() || this->onShouldDisableLCD(paint)) { flags &= ~SkPaint::kLCDRenderText_Flag; flags |= SkPaint::kGenA8FromLCD_Flag; } return flags; } sk_sp SkBaseDevice::makeSurface(SkImageInfo const&, SkSurfaceProps const&) { return nullptr; } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// void SkBaseDevice::LogDrawScaleFactor(const SkMatrix& matrix, SkFilterQuality filterQuality) { #if SK_HISTOGRAMS_ENABLED enum ScaleFactor { kUpscale_ScaleFactor, kNoScale_ScaleFactor, kDownscale_ScaleFactor, kLargeDownscale_ScaleFactor, kLast_ScaleFactor = kLargeDownscale_ScaleFactor }; float rawScaleFactor = matrix.getMinScale(); ScaleFactor scaleFactor; if (rawScaleFactor < 0.5f) { scaleFactor = kLargeDownscale_ScaleFactor; } else if (rawScaleFactor < 1.0f) { scaleFactor = kDownscale_ScaleFactor; } else if (rawScaleFactor > 1.0f) { scaleFactor = kUpscale_ScaleFactor; } else { scaleFactor = kNoScale_ScaleFactor; } switch (filterQuality) { case kNone_SkFilterQuality: SK_HISTOGRAM_ENUMERATION("DrawScaleFactor.NoneFilterQuality", scaleFactor, kLast_ScaleFactor + 1); break; case kLow_SkFilterQuality: SK_HISTOGRAM_ENUMERATION("DrawScaleFactor.LowFilterQuality", scaleFactor, kLast_ScaleFactor + 1); break; case kMedium_SkFilterQuality: SK_HISTOGRAM_ENUMERATION("DrawScaleFactor.MediumFilterQuality", scaleFactor, kLast_ScaleFactor + 1); break; case kHigh_SkFilterQuality: SK_HISTOGRAM_ENUMERATION("DrawScaleFactor.HighFilterQuality", scaleFactor, kLast_ScaleFactor + 1); break; } // Also log filter quality independent scale factor. SK_HISTOGRAM_ENUMERATION("DrawScaleFactor.AnyFilterQuality", scaleFactor, kLast_ScaleFactor + 1); // Also log an overall histogram of filter quality. SK_HISTOGRAM_ENUMERATION("FilterQuality", filterQuality, kLast_SkFilterQuality + 1); #endif }