#include "SkBlitMask.h" #include "SkColor.h" #include "SkColorPriv.h" static void D32_A8_Color(void* SK_RESTRICT dst, size_t dstRB, const void* SK_RESTRICT maskPtr, size_t maskRB, SkColor color, int width, int height) { SkPMColor pmc = SkPreMultiplyColor(color); size_t dstOffset = dstRB - (width << 2); size_t maskOffset = maskRB - width; SkPMColor* SK_RESTRICT device = (SkPMColor *)dst; const uint8_t* SK_RESTRICT mask = (const uint8_t*)maskPtr; do { int w = width; do { unsigned aa = *mask++; *device = SkBlendARGB32(pmc, *device, aa); device += 1; } while (--w != 0); device = (uint32_t*)((char*)device + dstOffset); mask += maskOffset; } while (--height != 0); } static void D32_A8_Opaque(void* SK_RESTRICT dst, size_t dstRB, const void* SK_RESTRICT maskPtr, size_t maskRB, SkColor color, int width, int height) { SkPMColor pmc = SkPreMultiplyColor(color); SkPMColor* SK_RESTRICT device = (SkPMColor*)dst; const uint8_t* SK_RESTRICT mask = (const uint8_t*)maskPtr; maskRB -= width; dstRB -= (width << 2); do { int w = width; do { unsigned aa = *mask++; *device = SkAlphaMulQ(pmc, SkAlpha255To256(aa)) + SkAlphaMulQ(*device, SkAlpha255To256(255 - aa)); device += 1; } while (--w != 0); device = (uint32_t*)((char*)device + dstRB); mask += maskRB; } while (--height != 0); } static void D32_A8_Black(void* SK_RESTRICT dst, size_t dstRB, const void* SK_RESTRICT maskPtr, size_t maskRB, SkColor, int width, int height) { SkPMColor* SK_RESTRICT device = (SkPMColor*)dst; const uint8_t* SK_RESTRICT mask = (const uint8_t*)maskPtr; maskRB -= width; dstRB -= (width << 2); do { int w = width; do { unsigned aa = *mask++; *device = (aa << SK_A32_SHIFT) + SkAlphaMulQ(*device, SkAlpha255To256(255 - aa)); device += 1; } while (--w != 0); device = (uint32_t*)((char*)device + dstRB); mask += maskRB; } while (--height != 0); } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// static inline int upscale31To32(int value) { SkASSERT((unsigned)value <= 31); return value + (value >> 4); } static inline int blend32(int src, int dst, int scale) { SkASSERT((unsigned)src <= 0xFF); SkASSERT((unsigned)dst <= 0xFF); SkASSERT((unsigned)scale <= 32); return dst + ((src - dst) * scale >> 5); } static void blit_lcd16_row(SkPMColor dst[], const uint16_t src[], SkColor color, int width, SkPMColor) { int srcA = SkColorGetA(color); int srcR = SkColorGetR(color); int srcG = SkColorGetG(color); int srcB = SkColorGetB(color); srcA = SkAlpha255To256(srcA); for (int i = 0; i < width; i++) { uint16_t mask = src[i]; if (0 == mask) { continue; } SkPMColor d = dst[i]; /* We want all of these in 5bits, hence the shifts in case one of them * (green) is 6bits. */ int maskR = SkGetPackedR16(mask) >> (SK_R16_BITS - 5); int maskG = SkGetPackedG16(mask) >> (SK_G16_BITS - 5); int maskB = SkGetPackedB16(mask) >> (SK_B16_BITS - 5); // Now upscale them to 0..32, so we can use blend32 maskR = upscale31To32(maskR); maskG = upscale31To32(maskG); maskB = upscale31To32(maskB); maskR = maskR * srcA >> 8; maskG = maskG * srcA >> 8; maskB = maskB * srcA >> 8; int dstR = SkGetPackedR32(d); int dstG = SkGetPackedG32(d); int dstB = SkGetPackedB32(d); // LCD blitting is only supported if the dst is known/required // to be opaque dst[i] = SkPackARGB32(0xFF, blend32(srcR, dstR, maskR), blend32(srcG, dstG, maskG), blend32(srcB, dstB, maskB)); } } static void blit_lcd16_opaque_row(SkPMColor dst[], const uint16_t src[], SkColor color, int width, SkPMColor opaqueDst) { int srcR = SkColorGetR(color); int srcG = SkColorGetG(color); int srcB = SkColorGetB(color); for (int i = 0; i < width; i++) { uint16_t mask = src[i]; if (0 == mask) { continue; } if (0xFFFF == mask) { dst[i] = opaqueDst; continue; } SkPMColor d = dst[i]; /* We want all of these in 5bits, hence the shifts in case one of them * (green) is 6bits. */ int maskR = SkGetPackedR16(mask) >> (SK_R16_BITS - 5); int maskG = SkGetPackedG16(mask) >> (SK_G16_BITS - 5); int maskB = SkGetPackedB16(mask) >> (SK_B16_BITS - 5); // Now upscale them to 0..32, so we can use blend32 maskR = upscale31To32(maskR); maskG = upscale31To32(maskG); maskB = upscale31To32(maskB); int dstR = SkGetPackedR32(d); int dstG = SkGetPackedG32(d); int dstB = SkGetPackedB32(d); // LCD blitting is only supported if the dst is known/required // to be opaque dst[i] = SkPackARGB32(0xFF, blend32(srcR, dstR, maskR), blend32(srcG, dstG, maskG), blend32(srcB, dstB, maskB)); } } static void D32_LCD16_Proc(void* SK_RESTRICT dst, size_t dstRB, const void* SK_RESTRICT mask, size_t maskRB, SkColor color, int width, int height) { SkPMColor* dstRow = (SkPMColor*)dst; const uint16_t* srcRow = (const uint16_t*)mask; SkPMColor opaqueDst; void (*proc)(SkPMColor dst[], const uint16_t src[], SkColor color, int width, SkPMColor); if (0xFF == SkColorGetA(color)) { proc = blit_lcd16_opaque_row; opaqueDst = SkPreMultiplyColor(color); } else { proc = blit_lcd16_row; opaqueDst = 0; // ignored } do { proc(dstRow, srcRow, color, width, opaqueDst); dstRow = (SkPMColor*)((char*)dstRow + dstRB); srcRow = (const uint16_t*)((const char*)srcRow + maskRB); } while (--height != 0); } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// static void blit_lcd32_opaque_row(SkPMColor* SK_RESTRICT dst, const SkPMColor* SK_RESTRICT src, SkColor color, int width) { int srcR = SkColorGetR(color); int srcG = SkColorGetG(color); int srcB = SkColorGetB(color); for (int i = 0; i < width; i++) { SkPMColor mask = src[i]; if (0 == mask) { continue; } SkPMColor d = dst[i]; int maskR = SkGetPackedR32(mask); int maskG = SkGetPackedG32(mask); int maskB = SkGetPackedB32(mask); // Now upscale them to 0..256, so we can use SkAlphaBlend maskR = SkAlpha255To256(maskR); maskG = SkAlpha255To256(maskG); maskB = SkAlpha255To256(maskB); int dstR = SkGetPackedR32(d); int dstG = SkGetPackedG32(d); int dstB = SkGetPackedB32(d); // LCD blitting is only supported if the dst is known/required // to be opaque dst[i] = SkPackARGB32(0xFF, SkAlphaBlend(srcR, dstR, maskR), SkAlphaBlend(srcG, dstG, maskG), SkAlphaBlend(srcB, dstB, maskB)); } } static void blit_lcd32_row(SkPMColor* SK_RESTRICT dst, const SkPMColor* SK_RESTRICT src, SkColor color, int width) { int srcA = SkColorGetA(color); int srcR = SkColorGetR(color); int srcG = SkColorGetG(color); int srcB = SkColorGetB(color); srcA = SkAlpha255To256(srcA); for (int i = 0; i < width; i++) { SkPMColor mask = src[i]; if (0 == mask) { continue; } SkPMColor d = dst[i]; int maskR = SkGetPackedR32(mask); int maskG = SkGetPackedG32(mask); int maskB = SkGetPackedB32(mask); // Now upscale them to 0..256, so we can use SkAlphaBlend maskR = SkAlpha255To256(maskR); maskG = SkAlpha255To256(maskG); maskB = SkAlpha255To256(maskB); maskR = maskR * srcA >> 8; maskG = maskG * srcA >> 8; maskB = maskB * srcA >> 8; int dstR = SkGetPackedR32(d); int dstG = SkGetPackedG32(d); int dstB = SkGetPackedB32(d); // LCD blitting is only supported if the dst is known/required // to be opaque dst[i] = SkPackARGB32(0xFF, SkAlphaBlend(srcR, dstR, maskR), SkAlphaBlend(srcG, dstG, maskG), SkAlphaBlend(srcB, dstB, maskB)); } } static void D32_LCD32_Blend(void* SK_RESTRICT dst, size_t dstRB, const void* SK_RESTRICT mask, size_t maskRB, SkColor color, int width, int height) { SkASSERT(height > 0); SkPMColor* SK_RESTRICT dstRow = (SkPMColor*)dst; const SkPMColor* SK_RESTRICT srcRow = (const SkPMColor*)mask; do { blit_lcd32_row(dstRow, srcRow, color, width); dstRow = (SkPMColor*)((char*)dstRow + dstRB); srcRow = (const SkPMColor*)((const char*)srcRow + maskRB); } while (--height != 0); } static void D32_LCD32_Opaque(void* SK_RESTRICT dst, size_t dstRB, const void* SK_RESTRICT mask, size_t maskRB, SkColor color, int width, int height) { SkASSERT(height > 0); SkPMColor* SK_RESTRICT dstRow = (SkPMColor*)dst; const SkPMColor* SK_RESTRICT srcRow = (const SkPMColor*)mask; do { blit_lcd32_opaque_row(dstRow, srcRow, color, width); dstRow = (SkPMColor*)((char*)dstRow + dstRB); srcRow = (const SkPMColor*)((const char*)srcRow + maskRB); } while (--height != 0); } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// static SkBlitMask::ColorProc D32_A8_Factory(SkColor color) { if (SK_ColorBLACK == color) { return D32_A8_Black; } else if (0xFF == SkColorGetA(color)) { return D32_A8_Opaque; } else { return D32_A8_Color; } } static SkBlitMask::ColorProc D32_LCD32_Factory(SkColor color) { return (0xFF == SkColorGetA(color)) ? D32_LCD32_Opaque : D32_LCD32_Blend; } SkBlitMask::ColorProc SkBlitMask::ColorFactory(SkBitmap::Config config, SkMask::Format format, SkColor color) { ColorProc proc = PlatformColorProcs(config, format, color); if (proc) { return proc; } switch (config) { case SkBitmap::kARGB_8888_Config: switch (format) { case SkMask::kA8_Format: return D32_A8_Factory(color); case SkMask::kLCD16_Format: return D32_LCD16_Proc; case SkMask::kLCD32_Format: return D32_LCD32_Factory(color); default: break; } break; default: break; } return NULL; } bool SkBlitMask::BlitColor(const SkBitmap& device, const SkMask& mask, const SkIRect& clip, SkColor color) { ColorProc proc = ColorFactory(device.config(), mask.fFormat, color); if (proc) { int x = clip.fLeft; int y = clip.fTop; proc(device.getAddr32(x, y), device.rowBytes(), mask.getAddr(x, y), mask.fRowBytes, color, clip.width(), clip.height()); return true; } return false; } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// static void BW_RowProc_Blend(SkPMColor* SK_RESTRICT dst, const uint8_t* SK_RESTRICT mask, const SkPMColor* SK_RESTRICT src, int count) { int i, octuple = (count + 7) >> 3; for (i = 0; i < octuple; ++i) { int m = *mask++; if (m & 0x80) { dst[0] = SkPMSrcOver(src[0], dst[0]); } if (m & 0x40) { dst[1] = SkPMSrcOver(src[1], dst[1]); } if (m & 0x20) { dst[2] = SkPMSrcOver(src[2], dst[2]); } if (m & 0x10) { dst[3] = SkPMSrcOver(src[3], dst[3]); } if (m & 0x08) { dst[4] = SkPMSrcOver(src[4], dst[4]); } if (m & 0x04) { dst[5] = SkPMSrcOver(src[5], dst[5]); } if (m & 0x02) { dst[6] = SkPMSrcOver(src[6], dst[6]); } if (m & 0x01) { dst[7] = SkPMSrcOver(src[7], dst[7]); } src += 8; dst += 8; } count &= 7; if (count > 0) { int m = *mask; do { if (m & 0x80) { dst[0] = SkPMSrcOver(src[0], dst[0]); } m <<= 1; src += 1; dst += 1; } while (--count > 0); } } static void BW_RowProc_Opaque(SkPMColor* SK_RESTRICT dst, const uint8_t* SK_RESTRICT mask, const SkPMColor* SK_RESTRICT src, int count) { int i, octuple = (count + 7) >> 3; for (i = 0; i < octuple; ++i) { int m = *mask++; if (m & 0x80) { dst[0] = src[0]; } if (m & 0x40) { dst[1] = src[1]; } if (m & 0x20) { dst[2] = src[2]; } if (m & 0x10) { dst[3] = src[3]; } if (m & 0x08) { dst[4] = src[4]; } if (m & 0x04) { dst[5] = src[5]; } if (m & 0x02) { dst[6] = src[6]; } if (m & 0x01) { dst[7] = src[7]; } src += 8; dst += 8; } count &= 7; if (count > 0) { int m = *mask; do { if (m & 0x80) { dst[0] = SkPMSrcOver(src[0], dst[0]); } m <<= 1; src += 1; dst += 1; } while (--count > 0); } } static void A8_RowProc_Blend(SkPMColor* SK_RESTRICT dst, const uint8_t* SK_RESTRICT mask, const SkPMColor* SK_RESTRICT src, int count) { for (int i = 0; i < count; ++i) { if (mask[i]) { dst[i] = SkBlendARGB32(src[i], dst[i], mask[i]); } } } // expand the steps that SkAlphaMulQ performs, but this way we can // exand.. add.. combine // instead of // expand..combine add expand..combine // #define EXPAND0(v, m, s) ((v) & (m)) * (s) #define EXPAND1(v, m, s) (((v) >> 8) & (m)) * (s) #define COMBINE(e0, e1, m) ((((e0) >> 8) & (m)) | ((e1) & ~(m))) static void A8_RowProc_Opaque(SkPMColor* SK_RESTRICT dst, const uint8_t* SK_RESTRICT mask, const SkPMColor* SK_RESTRICT src, int count) { const uint32_t rbmask = gMask_00FF00FF; for (int i = 0; i < count; ++i) { int m = mask[i]; if (m) { m += (m >> 7); #if 1 // this is slightly slower than the expand/combine version, but it // is much closer to the old results, so we use it for now to reduce // rebaselining. dst[i] = SkAlphaMulQ(src[i], m) + SkAlphaMulQ(dst[i], 256 - m); #else uint32_t v = src[i]; uint32_t s0 = EXPAND0(v, rbmask, m); uint32_t s1 = EXPAND1(v, rbmask, m); v = dst[i]; uint32_t d0 = EXPAND0(v, rbmask, m); uint32_t d1 = EXPAND1(v, rbmask, m); dst[i] = COMBINE(s0 + d0, s1 + d1, rbmask); #endif } } } static int upscale31To255(int value) { value = (value << 3) | (value >> 2); return value; } static int mul(int a, int b) { return a * b >> 8; } static int src_alpha_blend(int src, int dst, int srcA, int mask) { return dst + mul(src - mul(srcA, dst), mask); } static void LCD16_RowProc_Blend(SkPMColor* SK_RESTRICT dst, const uint16_t* SK_RESTRICT mask, const SkPMColor* SK_RESTRICT src, int count) { for (int i = 0; i < count; ++i) { uint16_t m = mask[i]; if (0 == m) { continue; } SkPMColor s = src[i]; SkPMColor d = dst[i]; int srcA = SkGetPackedA32(s); int srcR = SkGetPackedR32(s); int srcG = SkGetPackedG32(s); int srcB = SkGetPackedB32(s); srcA += srcA >> 7; /* We want all of these in 5bits, hence the shifts in case one of them * (green) is 6bits. */ int maskR = SkGetPackedR16(m) >> (SK_R16_BITS - 5); int maskG = SkGetPackedG16(m) >> (SK_G16_BITS - 5); int maskB = SkGetPackedB16(m) >> (SK_B16_BITS - 5); maskR = upscale31To255(maskR); maskG = upscale31To255(maskG); maskB = upscale31To255(maskB); int dstR = SkGetPackedR32(d); int dstG = SkGetPackedG32(d); int dstB = SkGetPackedB32(d); // LCD blitting is only supported if the dst is known/required // to be opaque dst[i] = SkPackARGB32(0xFF, src_alpha_blend(srcR, dstR, srcA, maskR), src_alpha_blend(srcG, dstG, srcA, maskG), src_alpha_blend(srcB, dstB, srcA, maskB)); } } static void LCD16_RowProc_Opaque(SkPMColor* SK_RESTRICT dst, const uint16_t* SK_RESTRICT mask, const SkPMColor* SK_RESTRICT src, int count) { for (int i = 0; i < count; ++i) { uint16_t m = mask[i]; if (0 == m) { continue; } SkPMColor s = src[i]; SkPMColor d = dst[i]; int srcR = SkGetPackedR32(s); int srcG = SkGetPackedG32(s); int srcB = SkGetPackedB32(s); /* We want all of these in 5bits, hence the shifts in case one of them * (green) is 6bits. */ int maskR = SkGetPackedR16(m) >> (SK_R16_BITS - 5); int maskG = SkGetPackedG16(m) >> (SK_G16_BITS - 5); int maskB = SkGetPackedB16(m) >> (SK_B16_BITS - 5); // Now upscale them to 0..32, so we can use blend32 maskR = upscale31To32(maskR); maskG = upscale31To32(maskG); maskB = upscale31To32(maskB); int dstR = SkGetPackedR32(d); int dstG = SkGetPackedG32(d); int dstB = SkGetPackedB32(d); // LCD blitting is only supported if the dst is known/required // to be opaque dst[i] = SkPackARGB32(0xFF, blend32(srcR, dstR, maskR), blend32(srcG, dstG, maskG), blend32(srcB, dstB, maskB)); } } static void LCD32_RowProc_Blend(SkPMColor* SK_RESTRICT dst, const SkPMColor* SK_RESTRICT mask, const SkPMColor* SK_RESTRICT src, int count) { for (int i = 0; i < count; ++i) { SkPMColor m = mask[i]; if (0 == m) { continue; } SkPMColor s = src[i]; int srcA = SkGetPackedA32(s); int srcR = SkGetPackedR32(s); int srcG = SkGetPackedG32(s); int srcB = SkGetPackedB32(s); srcA = SkAlpha255To256(srcA); SkPMColor d = dst[i]; int maskR = SkGetPackedR32(m); int maskG = SkGetPackedG32(m); int maskB = SkGetPackedB32(m); // Now upscale them to 0..256 maskR = SkAlpha255To256(maskR); maskG = SkAlpha255To256(maskG); maskB = SkAlpha255To256(maskB); int dstR = SkGetPackedR32(d); int dstG = SkGetPackedG32(d); int dstB = SkGetPackedB32(d); // LCD blitting is only supported if the dst is known/required // to be opaque dst[i] = SkPackARGB32(0xFF, src_alpha_blend(srcR, dstR, srcA, maskR), src_alpha_blend(srcG, dstG, srcA, maskG), src_alpha_blend(srcB, dstB, srcA, maskB)); } } static void LCD32_RowProc_Opaque(SkPMColor* SK_RESTRICT dst, const SkPMColor* SK_RESTRICT mask, const SkPMColor* SK_RESTRICT src, int count) { for (int i = 0; i < count; ++i) { SkPMColor m = mask[i]; if (0 == m) { continue; } SkPMColor s = src[i]; SkPMColor d = dst[i]; int maskR = SkGetPackedR32(m); int maskG = SkGetPackedG32(m); int maskB = SkGetPackedB32(m); int srcR = SkGetPackedR32(s); int srcG = SkGetPackedG32(s); int srcB = SkGetPackedB32(s); int dstR = SkGetPackedR32(d); int dstG = SkGetPackedG32(d); int dstB = SkGetPackedB32(d); // Now upscale them to 0..256, so we can use SkAlphaBlend maskR = SkAlpha255To256(maskR); maskG = SkAlpha255To256(maskG); maskB = SkAlpha255To256(maskB); // LCD blitting is only supported if the dst is known/required // to be opaque dst[i] = SkPackARGB32(0xFF, SkAlphaBlend(srcR, dstR, maskR), SkAlphaBlend(srcG, dstG, maskG), SkAlphaBlend(srcB, dstB, maskB)); } } SkBlitMask::RowProc SkBlitMask::RowFactory(SkBitmap::Config config, SkMask::Format format, RowFlags flags) { // make this opt-in until chrome can rebaseline RowProc proc = PlatformRowProcs(config, format, flags); if (proc) { return proc; } static const RowProc gProcs[] = { // need X coordinate to handle BW NULL, NULL, //(RowProc)BW_RowProc_Blend, (RowProc)BW_RowProc_Opaque, (RowProc)A8_RowProc_Blend, (RowProc)A8_RowProc_Opaque, (RowProc)LCD16_RowProc_Blend, (RowProc)LCD16_RowProc_Opaque, (RowProc)LCD32_RowProc_Blend, (RowProc)LCD32_RowProc_Opaque, }; int index; switch (config) { case SkBitmap::kARGB_8888_Config: switch (format) { case SkMask::kBW_Format: index = 0; break; case SkMask::kA8_Format: index = 2; break; case SkMask::kLCD16_Format: index = 4; break; case SkMask::kLCD32_Format: index = 6; break; default: return NULL; } if (flags & kSrcIsOpaque_RowFlag) { index |= 1; } SkASSERT((size_t)index < SK_ARRAY_COUNT(gProcs)); return gProcs[index]; default: break; } return NULL; }