#ifndef Sk4x_DEFINED #define Sk4x_DEFINED #include "SkTypes.h" #define SK4X_PREAMBLE 1 #if SK_CPU_SSE_LEVEL >= SK_CPU_SSE_LEVEL_SSE2 #include "Sk4x_sse.h" #else #include "Sk4x_portable.h" #endif #undef SK4X_PREAMBLE template class Sk4x; typedef Sk4x Sk4f; typedef Sk4x Sk4i; // Some Sk4x methods are implemented only for Sk4f or Sk4i. // They might be unavailable, really slow, or just a bad idea. // Talk to mtklein if you find yourself unable to link and // really need one of those methods. template class Sk4x { public: Sk4x(); // Uninitialized; use Sk4x(0,0,0,0) for zero. Sk4x(T, T, T, T); Sk4x(const Sk4x&); Sk4x& operator=(const Sk4x&); static Sk4x Load (const T[4]); static Sk4x LoadAligned(const T[4]); void store (T[4]) const; void storeAligned(T[4]) const; template Dst reinterpret() const; template Dst cast() const; bool allTrue() const; bool anyTrue() const; Sk4x bitNot() const; Sk4x bitAnd(const Sk4x&) const; Sk4x bitOr(const Sk4x&) const; // TODO: Sk4x bitAndNot(const Sk4x&) const; is efficient in SSE. Sk4x add(const Sk4x&) const; Sk4x subtract(const Sk4x&) const; Sk4x multiply(const Sk4x&) const; Sk4x divide(const Sk4x&) const; Sk4i equal(const Sk4x&) const; Sk4i notEqual(const Sk4x&) const; Sk4i lessThan(const Sk4x&) const; Sk4i greaterThan(const Sk4x&) const; Sk4i lessThanEqual(const Sk4x&) const; Sk4i greaterThanEqual(const Sk4x&) const; static Sk4x Min(const Sk4x& a, const Sk4x& b); static Sk4x Max(const Sk4x& a, const Sk4x& b); // Swizzles follow OpenCL xyzw convention. Sk4x zwxy() const; // When there's a second argument, it's abcd. static Sk4x XYAB(const Sk4x& xyzw, const Sk4x& abcd); static Sk4x ZWCD(const Sk4x& xyzw, const Sk4x& abcd); // TODO: these are particularly efficient in SSE. Useful? Also efficient in NEON? // static Sk4x XAYB(const Sk4x& xyzw, const Sk4x& abcd); // static Sk4x ZCWD(const Sk4x& xyzw, const Sk4x& abcd); private: // It's handy to have Sk4f and Sk4i be mutual friends. template friend class Sk4x; #define SK4X_PRIVATE 1 #if SK_CPU_SSE_LEVEL >= SK_CPU_SSE_LEVEL_SSE2 #include "Sk4x_sse.h" #else #include "Sk4x_portable.h" #endif #undef SK4X_PRIVATE }; #if SK_CPU_SSE_LEVEL >= SK_CPU_SSE_LEVEL_SSE2 #include "Sk4x_sse.h" #else #include "Sk4x_portable.h" #endif #endif//Sk4x_DEFINED