NaCl (Experimental) =================== Important Notes --------------- * This process has only been verified to work on Linux * Skia for NaCl is new and currently under development. Therefore, some features are not (yet) supported: * GPU backend * Fonts - Currently, NaCl has no way to access system fonts. This means that text drawn in Skia will not display. A Pepper font API is in the works and should be available in the near future, but for now your best bet is to either package font data with your nexe or to send font data from javascript to your plugin at runtime. Note that this will be the case with any graphics library in NaCl until the font API is finished. Prerequisites ------------- Execute the following commands in whatever directory you want to hold the NaCl SDK directory: wget unzip rm nacl_sdk/naclsdk update pepper_32 export NACL_SDK_ROOT=/path/to/nacl_sdk Check out the Skia source ------------------------- We use the "gclient" script (part of the depot_tools toolkit) to manage the Skia source code. Follow the instructions at to get the gclient script from depot_tools. Instead of checking out trunk directly you will use gclient to checkout the nacl directory, which will automatically pull the trunk directory for you. Execute the following commands in whatever directory you want to be the root for your Skia on NaCl development: gclient config gclient sync Building the Skia libraries for NaCl ------------------------------------ The nacl_make script is used to compile Skia targets for NaCl. It sets the appropriate environment variables, calls GYP to generate makefiles, and runs Make to build both 32 and 64-bit targets as required by NaCl. To build the Skia libraries, run the following from the trunk directory: platform_tools/nacl/nacl_make skia_lib This will result in a set of static libraries being built into the out/nacl32 and out/nacl64 directories. You can use these libraries in external NaCl apps. Building and running Skia's Apps in NaCl (Experimental) ------------------------------------------------------- It is possible to run some of Skia's console apps in the browser. ### Skia Unit Tests Build Skia tests from the trunk directory: platform_tools/nacl/bin/nacl_make tests This will build the tests executable. We include a tiny HTTP server (borrowed from the NaCl SDK) in order to run the apps: cd platform_tools/nacl ./ The HTTP server runs on port 5103 by default. In Chrome, navigate to `http://localhost:5103/` and click on the link for "unit tests." After the module downloads, you should see the tests begin to run. ### Sample App The sample app relies on the GPU backend. Therefore, it will compile but will not yet run. platform_tools/nacl/bin/nacl_make SampleApp You can access the sample app at http://localhost:5103/SampleApp. ### Debugger The debugger is currently in a partially-working state: platform_tools/nacl/bin/nacl_make debugger You can access it at http://localhost:5103/debugger.