SkPixmap Reference === # Pixmap # Class SkPixmap Pixmap provides a utility to pair SkImageInfo with pixels and row bytes. Pixmap is a low level class which provides convenience functions to access raster destinations. Canvas can not draw Pixmap, nor does Pixmap provide a direct drawing destination. Use Bitmap to draw pixels referenced by Pixmap; use Surface to draw into pixels referenced by Pixmap. Pixmap does not try to manage the lifetime of the pixel memory. Use Pixel Ref to manage pixel memory; Pixel Ref is safe across threads. ## Overview
Topic Description
Constructors functions that construct SkPixmap
Functions global and class member functions
Related Functions similar member functions grouped together
## Related Function SkPixmap global, struct, and class related member functions share a topic.
Topic Description
Image Info Access returns all or part of Image Info
Initialization sets fields for use
Pixels read and write pixel values
Readable Address returns read only pixels
Reader examine pixel value
Writable Address returns writable pixels
## Constructor SkPixmap can be constructed or initialized by these functions, including C++ class constructors.
Topic Description
SkPixmap() constructs with default values
SkPixmap(const SkImageInfo& info, const void* addr, size t rowBytes) constructs from Image Info, pixels
## Member Function SkPixmap member functions read and modify the structure properties.
Topic Description
addr returns readable pixel address as void pointer
addr16 returns readable pixel address as 16-bit pointer
addr32 returns readable pixel address as 32-bit pointer
addr64 returns readable pixel address as 64-bit pointer
addr8 returns readable pixel address as 8-bit pointer
addrF16 returns readable pixel component address as 16-bit pointer
alphaType returns Image Info Alpha Type
bounds returns width and height as Rectangle
colorSpace returns Image Info Color Space
colorType returns Image Info Color Type
computeByteSize returns size required for pixels
computeIsOpaque returns true if all pixels are opaque
erase writes Color to pixels
extractSubset sets pointer to portion of original
getColor returns one pixel as Unpremultiplied Color
height returns pixel row count
info returns Image Info
isOpaque returns true if Image Info describes opaque pixels
readPixels copies and converts pixels
reset reuses existing Pixmap with replacement values
rowBytes returns interval between rows in bytes
rowBytesAsPixels returns interval between rows in pixels
scalePixels scales and converts pixels
setColorSpace sets Image Info Color Space
shiftPerPixel returns bit shift from pixels to bytes
width returns pixel column count
writable addr returns writable pixel address as void pointer
writable addr16 returns writable pixel address as 16-bit pointer
writable addr32 returns writable pixel address as 32-bit pointer
writable addr64 returns writable pixel address as 64-bit pointer
writable addr8 returns writable pixel address as 8-bit pointer
writable addrF16 returns writable pixel component address as 16-bit pointer
## Initialization ## SkPixmap
Creates an empty Pixmap without pixels, with kUnknown_SkColorType, with kUnknown_SkAlphaType, and with a width and height of zero. Use reset to associate pixels, SkColorType, SkAlphaType, width, and height after Pixmap has been created. ### Return Value empty Pixmap ### Example
#### Example Output ~~~~ width: 0 height: 0 color: kUnknown_SkColorType alpha: kUnknown_SkAlphaType width: 25 height: 35 color: kRGBA_8888_SkColorType alpha: kOpaque_SkAlphaType ~~~~
### See Also SkPixmap(const SkImageInfo& info, const void* addr, size t rowBytes) reset[2][3] SkAlphaType SkColorType --- ## SkPixmap
SkPixmap(const SkImageInfo& info, const void* addr, size_t rowBytes)
Creates Pixmap from info width, height, SkAlphaType, and SkColorType. addr points to pixels, or nullptr. rowBytes should be info.width times info.bytesPerPixel(), or larger. No parameter checking is performed; it is up to the caller to ensure that addr and rowBytes agree with info. The memory lifetime of pixels is managed by the caller. When Pixmap goes out of scope, addr is unaffected. Pixmap may be later modified by reset to change its size, pixel type, or storage. ### Parameters
info width, height, SkAlphaType, SkColorType of Image Info
addr pointer to pixels allocated by caller; may be nullptr
rowBytes size of one row of addr; width times pixel size, or larger
### Return Value initialized Pixmap ### Example
SkImage::MakeRasterCopy takes const SkPixmap& as an argument. The example constructs a SkPixmap from the brace-delimited parameters.
#### Example Output ~~~~ image alpha only = false copy alpha only = true ~~~~
### See Also SkPixmap() reset[2][3] SkAlphaType SkColorType --- ## reset
void reset()
Sets width, height, row bytes to zero; pixel address to nullptr; SkColorType to kUnknown_SkColorType; and SkAlphaType to kUnknown_SkAlphaType. The prior pixels are unaffected; it is up to the caller to release pixels memory if desired. ### Example
#### Example Output ~~~~ width: 25 height: 35 color: kRGBA_8888_SkColorType alpha: kOpaque_SkAlphaType width: 0 height: 0 color: kUnknown_SkColorType alpha: kUnknown_SkAlphaType ~~~~
### See Also SkPixmap() SkAlphaType SkColorType ---
void reset(const SkImageInfo& info, const void* addr, size_t rowBytes)
Sets width, height, SkAlphaType, and SkColorType from info. Sets pixel address from addr, which may be nullptr. Sets row bytes from rowBytes, which should be info.width times info.bytesPerPixel(), or larger. Does not check addr. Asserts if built with SK_DEBUG defined and if rowBytes is too small to hold one row of pixels. The memory lifetime pixels are managed by the caller. When Pixmap goes out of scope, addr is unaffected. ### Parameters
info width, height, SkAlphaType, SkColorType of Image Info
addr pointer to pixels allocated by caller; may be nullptr
rowBytes size of one row of addr; width times pixel size, or larger
### Example
### See Also SkPixmap(const SkImageInfo& info, const void* addr, size t rowBytes) reset[2][3] SkAlphaType SkColorType --- ## setColorSpace
void setColorSpace(sk sp<SkColorSpace> colorSpace)
Changes Color Space in Image Info; preserves width, height, SkAlphaType, and SkColorType in Image, and leaves pixel address and row bytes unchanged. Color Space reference count is incremented. ### Parameters
colorSpace Color Space moved to Image Info
### Example
#### Example Output ~~~~ is unique is not unique ~~~~
### See Also Color Space SkImageInfo::makeColorSpace ---
bool SK_WARN_UNUSED_RESULT reset(const SkMask& mask)
Deprecated. soon --- ## extractSubset
bool SK_WARN_UNUSED_RESULT extractSubset(SkPixmap* subset, const SkIRect& area) const
Sets subset width, height, pixel address to intersection of Pixmap with area, if intersection is not empty; and return true. Otherwise, leave subset unchanged and return false. Failing to read the return value generates a compile time warning. ### Parameters
subset storage for width, height, pixel address of intersection
area bounds to intersect with Pixmap
### Return Value true if intersection of Pixmap and area is not empty ### Example
### See Also reset[2][3] SkIRect::intersect[2][3] --- ## Image Info Access ## info
const SkImageInfo& info() const
Returns width, height, Alpha Type, Color Type, and Color Space. ### Return Value reference to ImageInfo ### Example
#### Example Output ~~~~ width: 384 height: 384 color: BGRA_8888 alpha: Opaque ~~~~
### See Also Image Info --- ## rowBytes
size_t rowBytes() const
Returns row bytes, the interval from one pixel row to the next. Row bytes is at least as large as: width * info.bytesPerPixel(). Returns zero if colorType is kUnknown_SkColorType. It is up to the Bitmap creator to ensure that row bytes is a useful value. ### Return Value byte length of pixel row ### Example
#### Example Output ~~~~ rowBytes: 2 minRowBytes: 4 rowBytes: 8 minRowBytes: 4 ~~~~
### See Also addr[2] info SkImageInfo::minRowBytes --- ## addr
const void* addr() const
Returns pixel address, the base address corresponding to the pixel origin. It is up to the Pixmap creator to ensure that pixel address is a useful value. ### Return Value pixel address ### Example
#### Example Output ~~~~ #Volatile pixels address: 0x7f2a440bb010 inset address: 0x7f2a440fb210 ~~~~
### See Also addr(int x, int y) addr8[2] addr16[2] addr32[2] addr64[2] info rowBytes --- ## width
int width() const
Returns pixel count in each pixel row. Should be equal or less than: rowBytes / info.bytesPerPixel(). ### Return Value pixel width in Image Info ### Example
#### Example Output ~~~~ pixmap width: 16 info width: 16 ~~~~
### See Also height SkImageInfo::width() --- ## height
int height() const
Returns pixel row count. ### Return Value pixel height in Image Info ### Example
#### Example Output ~~~~ pixmap height: 32 info height: 32 ~~~~
### See Also width ImageInfo::height() --- ## colorType
SkColorType colorType() const
Returns Color Type, one of: kUnknown_SkColorType, kAlpha_8_SkColorType, kRGB_565_SkColorType, kARGB_4444_SkColorType, kRGBA_8888_SkColorType, kRGB_888x_SkColorType, kBGRA_8888_SkColorType, kRGBA_1010102_SkColorType, kRGB_101010x_SkColorType, kGray_8_SkColorType, kRGBA_F16_SkColorType. ### Return Value Color Type in Image Info ### Example
#### Example Output ~~~~ color type: kAlpha_8_SkColorType ~~~~
### See Also alphaType SkImageInfo::colorType --- ## alphaType
SkAlphaType alphaType() const
Returns Alpha Type, one of: kUnknown_SkAlphaType, kOpaque_SkAlphaType, kPremul_SkAlphaType, kUnpremul_SkAlphaType. ### Return Value Alpha Type in Image Info ### Example
#### Example Output ~~~~ alpha type: kPremul_SkAlphaType ~~~~
### See Also colorType SkImageInfo::alphaType --- ## colorSpace
SkColorSpace* colorSpace() const
Returns Color Space, the range of colors, associated with Image Info. The reference count of Color Space is unchanged. The returned Color Space is immutable. ### Return Value Color Space in Image Info, or nullptr ### Example
SkColorSpace::MakeSRGBLinear creates Color Space with linear gamma and an sRGB gamut. This Color Space gamma is not close to sRGB gamma.
#### Example Output ~~~~ gammaCloseToSRGB: false gammaIsLinear: true isSRGB: false ~~~~
### See Also Color Space SkImageInfo::colorSpace --- ## isOpaque
bool isOpaque() const
Returns true if Alpha Type is kOpaque_SkAlphaType. Does not check if Color Type allows Alpha, or if any pixel value has transparency. ### Return Value true if Image Info has opaque Alpha Type ### Example
isOpaque ignores whether all pixels are opaque or not.
#### Example Output ~~~~ isOpaque: false isOpaque: false isOpaque: true isOpaque: true ~~~~
### See Also computeIsOpaque SkImageInfo::isOpaque --- ## bounds
SkIRect bounds() const
Returns IRect { 0, 0, width, height }. ### Return Value integral rectangle from origin to width and height ### Example
#### Example Output ~~~~ width: 0 height: 0 empty: true width: 0 height: 2 empty: true width: 2 height: 0 empty: true width: 2 height: 2 empty: false ~~~~
### See Also height width IRect --- ## rowBytesAsPixels
int rowBytesAsPixels() const
Returns number of pixels that fit on row. Should be greater than or equal to width. ### Return Value maximum pixels per row ### Example
#### Example Output ~~~~ rowBytes: 4 rowBytesAsPixels: 1 rowBytes: 5 rowBytesAsPixels: 1 rowBytes: 6 rowBytesAsPixels: 1 rowBytes: 7 rowBytesAsPixels: 1 rowBytes: 8 rowBytesAsPixels: 2 ~~~~
### See Also rowBytes shiftPerPixel width SkImageInfo::bytesPerPixel --- ## shiftPerPixel
int shiftPerPixel() const
Returns bit shift converting row bytes to row pixels. Returns zero for kUnknown_SkColorType. ### Return Value one of: 0, 1, 2, 3; left shift to convert pixels to bytes ### Example
#### Example Output ~~~~ color: kUnknown_SkColorType bytesPerPixel: 0 shiftPerPixel: 0 color: kAlpha_8_SkColorType bytesPerPixel: 1 shiftPerPixel: 0 color: kRGB_565_SkColorType bytesPerPixel: 2 shiftPerPixel: 1 color: kARGB_4444_SkColorType bytesPerPixel: 2 shiftPerPixel: 1 color: kRGBA_8888_SkColorType bytesPerPixel: 4 shiftPerPixel: 2 color: kBGRA_8888_SkColorType bytesPerPixel: 4 shiftPerPixel: 2 color: kGray_8_SkColorType bytesPerPixel: 1 shiftPerPixel: 0 color: kRGBA_F16_SkColorType bytesPerPixel: 8 shiftPerPixel: 3 ~~~~
### See Also rowBytes rowBytesAsPixels width SkImageInfo::bytesPerPixel --- ## computeByteSize
size_t computeByteSize() const
Returns minimum memory required for pixel storage. Does not include unused memory on last row when rowBytesAsPixels exceeds width. Returns zero if result does not fit in size_t. Returns zero if height or width is 0. Returns height times rowBytes if colorType is kUnknown_SkColorType. ### Return Value size in bytes of image buffer ### Example
#### Example Output ~~~~ width: 1 height: 1 computeByteSize: 4 width: 1 height: 1000 computeByteSize: 4999 width: 1 height: 1000000 computeByteSize: 4999999 width: 1000 height: 1 computeByteSize: 4000 width: 1000 height: 1000 computeByteSize: 4999000 width: 1000 height: 1000000 computeByteSize: 4999999000 width: 1000000 height: 1 computeByteSize: 4000000 width: 1000000 height: 1000 computeByteSize: 4999000000 width: 1000000 height: 1000000 computeByteSize: 4999999000000 ~~~~
### See Also SkImageInfo::computeByteSize --- ## Reader ## computeIsOpaque
bool computeIsOpaque() const
Returns true if all pixels are opaque. Color Type determines how pixels are encoded, and whether pixel describes Alpha. Returns true for Color Types without alpha in each pixel; for other Color Types, returns true if all pixels have alpha values equivalent to 1.0 or greater. For Color Types kRGB_565_SkColorType or kGray_8_SkColorType: always returns true. For Color Types kAlpha_8_SkColorType, kBGRA_8888_SkColorType, kRGBA_8888_SkColorType: returns true if all pixel Alpha values are 255. For Color Type kARGB_4444_SkColorType: returns true if all pixel Alpha values are 15. For kRGBA_F16_SkColorType: returns true if all pixel Alpha values are 1.0 or greater. Returns false for kUnknown_SkColorType. ### Return Value true if all pixels have opaque values or Color Type is opaque ### Example
#### Example Output ~~~~ computeIsOpaque: false computeIsOpaque: true computeIsOpaque: false computeIsOpaque: true ~~~~
### See Also isOpaque Color Type Alpha --- ## getColor
SkColor getColor(int x, int y) const
Returns pixel at (x, y) as Unpremultiplied Color. Returns black with Alpha if Color Type is kAlpha_8_SkColorType. Input is not validated: out of bounds values of x or y trigger an assert() if built with SK_DEBUG defined; and returns undefined values or may crash if SK_RELEASE is defined. Fails if Color Type is kUnknown_SkColorType or pixel address is nullptr. Color Space in Image Info is ignored. Some Color precision may be lost in the conversion to Unpremultiplied Color; original pixel data may have additional precision. ### Parameters
x column index, zero or greater, and less than width
y row index, zero or greater, and less than height
### Return Value pixel converted to Unpremultiplied Color ### Example
#### Example Output ~~~~ Premultiplied: (0, 0) 0x00000000 0x2a0e002a 0x55380055 0x7f7f007f (0, 1) 0x2a000e2a 0x551c1c55 0x7f542a7f 0xaaaa38aa (0, 2) 0x55003855 0x7f2a547f 0xaa7171aa 0xd4d48dd4 (0, 3) 0x7f007f7f 0xaa38aaaa 0xd48dd4d4 0xffffffff Unpremultiplied: (0, 0) 0x00000000 0x2a5500ff 0x55a800ff 0x7fff00ff (0, 1) 0x2a0055ff 0x555454ff 0x7fa954ff 0xaaff54ff (0, 2) 0x5500a8ff 0x7f54a9ff 0xaaaaaaff 0xd4ffaaff (0, 3) 0x7f00ffff 0xaa54ffff 0xd4aaffff 0xffffffff ~~~~
### See Also addr[2] readPixels[2][3][4] --- ## Readable Address
const void* addr(int x, int y) const
Returns readable pixel address at (x, y). Returns nullptr if Pixel Ref is nullptr. Input is not validated: out of bounds values of x or y trigger an assert() if built with SK_DEBUG defined. Returns nullptr if Color Type is kUnknown_SkColorType. Performs a lookup of pixel size; for better performance, call one of: addr8, addr16, addr32, addr64, or addrF16. ### Parameters
x column index, zero or greater, and less than width
y row index, zero or greater, and less than height
### Return Value readable generic pointer to pixel ### Example
#### Example Output ~~~~ pixmap.addr(1, 2) == &storage[1 + 2 * w] ~~~~
### See Also addr8[2] addr16[2] addr32[2] addr64[2] addrF16[2] getColor writable addr[2] SkBitmap::getAddr --- ## addr8
const uint8_t* addr8() const
Returns readable base pixel address. Result is addressable as unsigned 8-bit bytes. Will trigger an assert() if Color Type is not kAlpha_8_SkColorType or kGray_8_SkColorType, and is built with SK_DEBUG defined. One byte corresponds to one pixel. ### Return Value readable unsigned 8-bit pointer to pixels ### Example
#### Example Output ~~~~ pixmap.addr8() == storage ~~~~
### See Also addr[2] addr16[2] addr32[2] addr64[2] addrF16[2] getColor writable addr[2] writable addr8 --- ## addr16
const uint16_t* addr16() const
Returns readable base pixel address. Result is addressable as unsigned 16-bit words. Will trigger an assert() if Color Type is not kRGB_565_SkColorType or kARGB_4444_SkColorType, and is built with SK_DEBUG defined. One word corresponds to one pixel. ### Return Value readable unsigned 16-bit pointer to pixels ### Example
#### Example Output ~~~~ pixmap.addr16() == storage ~~~~
### See Also addr[2] addr8[2] addr32[2] addr64[2] addrF16[2] getColor writable addr[2] writable addr16 --- ## addr32
const uint32_t* addr32() const
Returns readable base pixel address. Result is addressable as unsigned 32-bit words. Will trigger an assert() if Color Type is not kRGBA_8888_SkColorType or kBGRA_8888_SkColorType, and is built with SK_DEBUG defined. One word corresponds to one pixel. ### Return Value readable unsigned 32-bit pointer to pixels ### Example
#### Example Output ~~~~ pixmap.addr32() == storage ~~~~
### See Also addr[2] addr8[2] addr16[2] addr64[2] addrF16[2] getColor writable addr[2] writable addr32 --- ## addr64
const uint64_t* addr64() const
Returns readable base pixel address. Result is addressable as unsigned 64-bit words. Will trigger an assert() if Color Type is not kRGBA_F16_SkColorType and is built with SK_DEBUG defined. One word corresponds to one pixel. ### Return Value readable unsigned 64-bit pointer to pixels ### Example
#### Example Output ~~~~ pixmap.addr64() == storage ~~~~
### See Also addr[2] addr8[2] addr16[2] addr32[2] addrF16[2] getColor writable addr[2] writable addr64 --- ## addrF16
const uint16_t* addrF16() const
Returns readable base pixel address. Result is addressable as unsigned 16-bit words. Will trigger an assert() if Color Type is not kRGBA_F16_SkColorType and is built with SK_DEBUG defined. Each word represents one color component encoded as a half float. Four words correspond to one pixel. ### Return Value readable unsigned 16-bit pointer to first component of pixels ### Example
#### Example Output ~~~~ pixmap.addrF16() == storage ~~~~
### See Also addr[2] addr8[2] addr16[2] addr32[2] addr64[2] getColor writable addr[2] writable addrF16 ---
const uint8_t* addr8(int x, int y) const
Returns readable pixel address at (x, y). Input is not validated: out of bounds values of x or y trigger an assert() if built with SK_DEBUG defined. Will trigger an assert() if Color Type is not kAlpha_8_SkColorType or kGray_8_SkColorType, and is built with SK_DEBUG defined. ### Parameters
x column index, zero or greater, and less than width
y row index, zero or greater, and less than height
### Return Value readable unsigned 8-bit pointer to pixel at (x, y) ### Example
#### Example Output ~~~~ pixmap.addr8(1, 2) == &storage[1 + 2 * w] ~~~~
### See Also addr[2] addr16[2] addr32[2] addr64[2] addrF16[2] getColor writable addr[2] writable addr8 ---
const uint16_t* addr16(int x, int y) const
Returns readable pixel address at (x, y). Input is not validated: out of bounds values of x or y trigger an assert() if built with SK_DEBUG defined. Will trigger an assert() if Color Type is not kRGB_565_SkColorType or kARGB_4444_SkColorType, and is built with SK_DEBUG defined. ### Parameters
x column index, zero or greater, and less than width
y row index, zero or greater, and less than height
### Return Value readable unsigned 16-bit pointer to pixel at (x, y) ### Example
#### Example Output ~~~~ pixmap.addr16(1, 2) == &storage[1 + 2 * w] ~~~~
### See Also addr[2] addr8[2] addr32[2] addr64[2] addrF16[2] getColor writable addr[2] writable addr16 ---
const uint32_t* addr32(int x, int y) const
Returns readable pixel address at (x, y). Input is not validated: out of bounds values of x or y trigger an assert() if built with SK_DEBUG defined. Will trigger an assert() if Color Type is not kRGBA_8888_SkColorType or kBGRA_8888_SkColorType, and is built with SK_DEBUG defined. ### Parameters
x column index, zero or greater, and less than width
y row index, zero or greater, and less than height
### Return Value readable unsigned 32-bit pointer to pixel at (x, y) ### Example
#### Example Output ~~~~ pixmap.addr32(1, 2) == &storage[1 + 2 * w] ~~~~
### See Also addr[2] addr8[2] addr16[2] addr64[2] addrF16[2] getColor writable addr[2] writable addr64 ---
const uint64_t* addr64(int x, int y) const
Returns readable pixel address at (x, y). Input is not validated: out of bounds values of x or y trigger an assert() if built with SK_DEBUG defined. Will trigger an assert() if Color Type is not kRGBA_F16_SkColorType and is built with SK_DEBUG defined. ### Parameters
x column index, zero or greater, and less than width
y row index, zero or greater, and less than height
### Return Value readable unsigned 64-bit pointer to pixel at (x, y) ### Example
#### Example Output ~~~~ pixmap.addr64(1, 2) == &storage[1 + 2 * w] ~~~~
### See Also addr[2] addr8[2] addr16[2] addr32[2] addrF16[2] getColor writable addr[2] writable addr64 ---
const uint16_t* addrF16(int x, int y) const
Returns readable pixel address at (x, y). Input is not validated: out of bounds values of x or y trigger an assert() if built with SK_DEBUG defined. Will trigger an assert() if Color Type is not kRGBA_F16_SkColorType and is built with SK_DEBUG defined. Each unsigned 16-bit word represents one color component encoded as a half float. Four words correspond to one pixel. ### Parameters
x column index, zero or greater, and less than width
y row index, zero or greater, and less than height
### Return Value readable unsigned 16-bit pointer to pixel component at (x, y) ### Example
#### Example Output ~~~~ pixmap.addrF16(1, 2) == &storage[1 * wordsPerPixel + 2 * rowWords] ~~~~
### See Also addr[2] addr8[2] addr16[2] addr32[2] addr64[2] getColor writable addr[2] writable addrF16 --- ## Writable Address ## writable_addr
void* writable addr() const
Returns writable base pixel address. ### Return Value writable generic base pointer to pixels ### Example
#### Example Output ~~~~ pixmap.writable_addr() == (void *)storage pixmap.getColor(0, 1) == 0x00000000 pixmap.getColor(0, 0) == 0xFFFFFFFF ~~~~
### See Also writable addr8 writable addr16 writable addr32 writable addr64 writable addrF16 addr[2] ---
void* writable addr(int x, int y) const
Returns writable pixel address at (x, y). Input is not validated: out of bounds values of x or y trigger an assert() if built with SK_DEBUG defined. Returns zero if Color Type is kUnknown_SkColorType. ### Parameters
x column index, zero or greater, and less than width
y row index, zero or greater, and less than height
### Return Value writable generic pointer to pixel ### Example
#### Example Output ~~~~ pixmap.writable_addr() == (void *)storage pixmap.getColor(0, 0) == 0x00000000 pixmap.getColor(1, 2) == 0xFFFFFFFF ~~~~
### See Also writable addr8 writable addr16 writable addr32 writable addr64 writable addrF16 addr[2] --- ## writable_addr8
uint8_t* writable addr8(int x, int y) const
Returns writable pixel address at (x, y). Result is addressable as unsigned 8-bit bytes. Will trigger an assert() if Color Type is not kAlpha_8_SkColorType or kGray_8_SkColorType, and is built with SK_DEBUG defined. One byte corresponds to one pixel. ### Parameters
x column index, zero or greater, and less than width
y row index, zero or greater, and less than height
### Return Value writable unsigned 8-bit pointer to pixels ### Example
Altering pixels after drawing Bitmap is not guaranteed to affect subsequent drawing on all platforms. Adding a second SkBitmap::installPixels after editing pixel memory is safer.
### See Also writable addr[2] writable addr16 writable addr32 writable addr64 writable addrF16 addr[2] addr8[2] --- ## writable_addr16
uint16_t* writable addr16(int x, int y) const
Returns writable addr pixel address at (x, y). Result is addressable as unsigned 16-bit words. Will trigger an assert() if Color Type is not kRGB_565_SkColorType or kARGB_4444_SkColorType, and is built with SK_DEBUG defined. One word corresponds to one pixel. ### Parameters
x column index, zero or greater, and less than width
y row index, zero or greater, and less than height
### Return Value writable unsigned 16-bit pointer to pixel ### Example
Draw a five by five bitmap, and draw it again with a center black pixel. The low nibble of the 16-bit word is Alpha.
### See Also writable addr[2] writable addr8 writable addr32 writable addr64 writable addrF16 addr[2] addr16[2] --- ## writable_addr32
uint32_t* writable addr32(int x, int y) const
Returns writable pixel address at (x, y). Result is addressable as unsigned 32-bit words. Will trigger an assert() if Color Type is not kRGBA_8888_SkColorType or kBGRA_8888_SkColorType, and is built with SK_DEBUG defined. One word corresponds to one pixel. ### Parameters
x column index, zero or greater, and less than width
y row index, zero or greater, and less than height
### Return Value writable unsigned 32-bit pointer to pixel ### Example
### See Also writable addr[2] writable addr8 writable addr16 writable addr64 writable addrF16 addr[2] addr32[2] --- ## writable_addr64
uint64_t* writable addr64(int x, int y) const
Returns writable pixel address at (x, y). Result is addressable as unsigned 64-bit words. Will trigger an assert() if Color Type is not kRGBA_F16_SkColorType and is built with SK_DEBUG defined. One word corresponds to one pixel. ### Parameters
x column index, zero or greater, and less than width
y row index, zero or greater, and less than height
### Return Value writable unsigned 64-bit pointer to pixel ### Example
### See Also writable addr[2] writable addr8 writable addr16 writable addr32 writable addrF16 addr[2] addr64[2] --- ## writable_addrF16
uint16_t* writable addrF16(int x, int y) const
Returns writable pixel address at (x, y). Result is addressable as unsigned 16-bit words. Will trigger an assert() if Color Type is not kRGBA_F16_SkColorType and is built with SK_DEBUG defined. Each word represents one color component encoded as a half float. Four words correspond to one pixel. ### Parameters
x column index, zero or greater, and less than width
y row index, zero or greater, and less than height
### Return Value writable unsigned 16-bit pointer to first component of pixel ### Example
Left bitmap is drawn with two pixels defined in half float format. Right bitmap is drawn after overwriting bottom half float color with top half float color.
### See Also writable addr[2] writable addr8 writable addr16 writable addr32 writable addr64 addr[2] addrF16[2] --- ## Pixels
Topic Description
erase writes Color to pixels
erase(SkColor color, const SkIRect& subset) const
erase(SkColor color) const
erase(const SkColor4f& color, const SkIRect* subset = nullptr) const
readPixels copies and converts pixels
readPixels(const SkImageInfo& dstInfo, void* dstPixels, size t dstRowBytes) const
readPixels(const SkImageInfo& dstInfo, void* dstPixels, size t dstRowBytes, int srcX, int srcY) const
readPixels(const SkPixmap& dst, int srcX, int srcY) const
readPixels(const SkPixmap& dst) const
scalePixels scales and converts pixels
## readPixels
bool readPixels(const SkImageInfo& dstInfo, void* dstPixels, size_t dstRowBytes) const
Copies a Rect of pixels to dstPixels. Copy starts at (0, 0), and does not exceed Pixmap (width, height). dstInfo specifies width, height, Color Type, Alpha Type, and Color Space of destination. dstRowBytes specifics the gap from one destination row to the next. Returns true if pixels are copied. Returns false if dstInfo.addr equals nullptr, or dstRowBytes is less than dstInfo.minRowBytes. Pixels are copied only if pixel conversion is possible. If Pixmap colorType is kGray_8_SkColorType, or kAlpha_8_SkColorType; dstInfo.colorType must match. If Pixmap colorType is kGray_8_SkColorType, dstInfo.colorSpace must match. If Pixmap alphaType is kOpaque_SkAlphaType, dstInfo.alphaType must match. If Pixmap colorSpace is nullptr, dstInfo.colorSpace must match. Returns false if pixel conversion is not possible. Returns false if Pixmap width or height is zero or negative. ### Parameters
dstInfo destination width, height, Color Type, Alpha Type, Color Space
dstPixels destination pixel storage
dstRowBytes destination row length
### Return Value true if pixels are copied to dstPixels ### Example
Transferring the gradient from 8 bits per component to 4 bits per component creates visible banding.
### See Also erase[2][3] SkBitmap::readPixels[2][3] SkCanvas::drawBitmap SkCanvas::readPixels[2][3] SkImage::readPixels[2] SkSurface::readPixels[2][3] ---
bool readPixels(const SkImageInfo& dstInfo, void* dstPixels, size_t dstRowBytes, int srcX, int srcY) const
Copies a Rect of pixels to dstPixels. Copy starts at (srcX, srcY), and does not exceed Pixmap (width, height). dstInfo specifies width, height, Color Type, Alpha Type, and Color Space of destination. dstRowBytes specifics the gap from one destination row to the next. Returns true if pixels are copied. Returns false if dstInfo.addr equals nullptr, or dstRowBytes is less than dstInfo.minRowBytes. Pixels are copied only if pixel conversion is possible. If Pixmap colorType is kGray_8_SkColorType, or kAlpha_8_SkColorType; dstInfo.colorType must match. If Pixmap colorType is kGray_8_SkColorType, dstInfo.colorSpace must match. If Pixmap alphaType is kOpaque_SkAlphaType, dstInfo.alphaType must match. If Pixmap colorSpace is nullptr, dstInfo.colorSpace must match. Returns false if pixel conversion is not possible. srcX and srcY may be negative to copy only top or left of source. Returns false if Pixmap width or height is zero or negative. Returns false if: abs(srcX) >= Pixmap width, or ifabs(srcY) >= Pixmap height. ### Parameters
dstInfo destination width, height, Color Type, Alpha Type, Color Space
dstPixels destination pixel storage
dstRowBytes destination row length
srcX column index whose absolute value is less than width
srcY row index whose absolute value is less than height
### Return Value true if pixels are copied to dstPixels ### Example
### See Also erase[2][3] SkBitmap::readPixels[2][3] SkCanvas::drawBitmap SkCanvas::readPixels[2][3] SkImage::readPixels[2] SkSurface::readPixels[2][3] ---
bool readPixels(const SkPixmap& dst, int srcX, int srcY) const
Copies a Rect of pixels to dst. Copy starts at (srcX, srcY), and does not exceed Pixmap (width, height). dst specifies width, height, Color Type, Alpha Type, and Color Space of destination. Returns true if pixels are copied. Returns false if dst.addr equals nullptr, or dst.rowBytes is less than dst SkImageInfo::minRowBytes. Pixels are copied only if pixel conversion is possible. If Pixmap colorType is kGray_8_SkColorType, or kAlpha_8_SkColorType; must match. If Pixmap colorType is kGray_8_SkColorType, must match. If Pixmap alphaType is kOpaque_SkAlphaType, must match. If Pixmap colorSpace is nullptr, must match. Returns false if pixel conversion is not possible. srcX and srcY may be negative to copy only top or left of source. Returns false Pixmap width or height is zero or negative. Returns false if: abs(srcX) >= Pixmap width, or ifabs(srcY) >= Pixmap height. ### Parameters
dst Image Info and pixel address to write to
srcX column index whose absolute value is less than width
srcY row index whose absolute value is less than height
### Return Value true if pixels are copied to dst ### Example
### See Also erase[2][3] SkBitmap::readPixels[2][3] SkCanvas::drawBitmap SkCanvas::readPixels[2][3] SkImage::readPixels[2] SkSurface::readPixels[2][3] ---
bool readPixels(const SkPixmap& dst) const
Copies pixels inside bounds to dst. dst specifies width, height, Color Type, Alpha Type, and Color Space of destination. Returns true if pixels are copied. Returns false if dst.addr equals nullptr, or dst.rowBytes is less than dst SkImageInfo::minRowBytes. Pixels are copied only if pixel conversion is possible. If Pixmap colorType is kGray_8_SkColorType, or kAlpha_8_SkColorType; dst Color Type must match. If Pixmap colorType is kGray_8_SkColorType, dst Color Space must match. If Pixmap alphaType is kOpaque_SkAlphaType, dst Alpha Type must match. If Pixmap colorSpace is nullptr, dst Color Space must match. Returns false if pixel conversion is not possible. Returns false if Pixmap width or height is zero or negative. ### Parameters
dst Image Info and pixel address to write to
### Return Value true if pixels are copied to dst ### Example
### See Also erase[2][3] SkBitmap::readPixels[2][3] SkCanvas::drawBitmap SkCanvas::readPixels[2][3] SkImage::readPixels[2] SkSurface::readPixels[2][3] --- ## scalePixels
bool scalePixels(const SkPixmap& dst, SkFilterQuality filterQuality) const
Copies Bitmap to dst, scaling pixels to fit dst.width and dst.height, and converting pixels to match dst.colorType and dst.alphaType. Returns true if pixels are copied. Returns false if dst.addr is nullptr, or dst.rowBytes is less than dst SkImageInfo::minRowBytes. Pixels are copied only if pixel conversion is possible. If Pixmap colorType is kGray_8_SkColorType, or kAlpha_8_SkColorType; dst Color Type must match. If Pixmap colorType is kGray_8_SkColorType, dst Color Space must match. If Pixmap alphaType is kOpaque_SkAlphaType, dst Alpha Type must match. If Pixmap colorSpace is nullptr, dst Color Space must match. Returns false if pixel conversion is not possible. Returns false if Bitmap width or height is zero or negative. Scales the image, with filterQuality, to match dst.width and dst.height. filterQuality kNone_SkFilterQuality is fastest, typically implemented with Filter Quality Nearest Neighbor. kLow_SkFilterQuality is typically implemented with Filter Quality Bilerp. kMedium_SkFilterQuality is typically implemented with Filter Quality Bilerp, and Filter Quality MipMap when size is reduced. kHigh_SkFilterQuality is slowest, typically implemented with Filter Quality BiCubic. ### Parameters
dst Image Info and pixel address to write to
filterQuality one of: kNone_SkFilterQuality, kLow_SkFilterQuality, kMedium_SkFilterQuality, kHigh_SkFilterQuality
### Return Value true if pixels are scaled to fit dst ### Example
### See Also SkCanvas::drawBitmap SkImage::scalePixels --- ## erase
bool erase(SkColor color, const SkIRect& subset) const
Writes color to pixels bounded by subset; returns true on success. Returns false if colorType is kUnknown_SkColorType, or if subset does not intersect bounds. ### Parameters
color Unpremultiplied Color to write
subset bounding integer Rect of written pixels
### Return Value true if pixels are changed ### Example
### See Also SkBitmap::erase SkCanvas::clear SkCanvas::drawColor ---
bool erase(SkColor color) const
Writes color to pixels inside bounds; returns true on success. Returns false if colorType is kUnknown_SkColorType, or if bounds is empty. ### Parameters
color Unpremultiplied Color to write
### Return Value true if pixels are changed ### Example
### See Also SkBitmap::erase SkCanvas::clear SkCanvas::drawColor ---
bool erase(const SkColor4f& color, const SkIRect* subset = nullptr) const
Writes color to pixels bounded by subset; returns true on success. if subset is nullptr, writes colors pixels inside bounds. Returns false if colorType is kUnknown_SkColorType, if subset is not nullptr and does not intersect bounds, or if subset is nullptr and bounds is empty. ### Parameters
color Unpremultiplied Color to write
subset bounding integer Rect of pixels to write; may be nullptr
### Return Value true if pixels are changed ### Example
### See Also SkBitmap::erase SkCanvas::clear SkCanvas::drawColor ---