#!/bin/bash # This script builds Skia inside of a ChromeOS chroot. It is intended to be run # either while inside the chroot or indirectly by running chromeos_make which # enters the chroot and runs this script. makeVars="" deviceID="" while (( "$#" )); do if [[ $(echo "$1" | grep "^-d$") != "" ]]; then deviceID="$2" shift else makeVars="$makeVars $1" fi shift done SCRIPT_DIR="$( cd "$( dirname "${BASH_SOURCE[0]}" )" && pwd )" source $SCRIPT_DIR/chromeos_setup.sh setup_device $deviceID returnVal=$? if [ $returnVal != 0 ] then exit 1; fi python gyp_skia make ${makeVars} returnVal=$? if [ $returnVal != 0 ] then exit 1; fi echo > .cros_build_successful