#!/bin/bash # # android_launch_app: Launches the skia sampleApp on the device. SCRIPT_DIR="$( cd "$( dirname "${BASH_SOURCE[0]}" )" && pwd )" source $SCRIPT_DIR/android_setup.sh source $SCRIPT_DIR/utils/setup_adb.sh # TODO: check to ensure that the app exists on the device and prompt to install if [[ -n $RESOURCE_PATH ]]; then adb_push_if_needed "${SKIA_SRC_DIR}/resources" $RESOURCE_PATH fi app=${APP_ARGS[0]} if [[ ${app} == '-'* ]]; then app="SampleApp" APP_ARGS=( "SampleApp" ${APP_ARGS[*]} ) fi if [[ ${app} == 'SampleApp' ]]; then $ADB ${DEVICE_SERIAL} shell am start -S -n "com.skia/.SkiaSampleActivity" --es "cmdLineFlags" "${APP_ARGS[*]:1}" elif [[ ${app} == "VisualBench" ]] ; then $ADB ${DEVICE_SERIAL} shell am start -S -n "com.skia/.VisualBenchActivity" --es "cmdLineFlags" \"${APP_ARGS[*]:1}\" else echo "ERROR: supports either 'SampleApp' or 'VisualBench' as valid apps" fi