#!/bin/bash # # android_gdbserver: Pushes gdbserver. Starts debugging environment. SCRIPT_DIR="$( cd "$( dirname "${BASH_SOURCE[0]}" )" && pwd )" source $SCRIPT_DIR/android_setup.sh source $SCRIPT_DIR/utils/setup_adb.sh APP_NAME=${APP_ARGS[0]} PORT=5039 BUILD_DIR="${SKIA_OUT}/${BUILDTYPE}" TARGET_LIBRARY="${BUILD_DIR}/lib/lib${APP_NAME}.so" if [ ! -f "$TARGET_LIBRARY" ] then echo "Unable to find the ${APP_NAME} library at ${TARGET_LIBRARY}." exit 1 fi # We need the debug symbols from these files GDB_TMP_DIR=$(pwd)/android_gdb_tmp mkdir -p $GDB_TMP_DIR echo "Copying symbol files" SYSTEM_LIBRARY_PATH=/system/lib for library_file in \ libc.so \ libstdc++.so \ libm.so \ liblog.so \ libz.so \ libcutils.so \ libgccdemangle.so \ libcorkscrew.so \ libutils.so \ libstlport.so \ libGLES_trace.so \ libEGL.so \ libGLESv2.so \ ; do adb_pull_if_needed "${SYSTEM_LIBRARY_PATH}/${library_file}" $GDB_TMP_DIR done adb_pull_if_needed /system/bin/linker $GDB_TMP_DIR echo "Pushing app..." for file in \ "${BUILD_DIR}/skia_launcher" \ "${BUILD_DIR}/lib/libskia_android.so" \ "${BUILD_DIR}/lib/lib${APP_NAME}.so" \ ; do cp "$file" $GDB_TMP_DIR adb_push_if_needed "$file" /data/local/tmp done echo "Pushing gdbserver..." adb_push_if_needed $ANDROID_TOOLCHAIN/../gdbserver data/local/tmp echo "Setting up port forward" $ADB forward "tcp:5039" "tcp:5039" # Kill all previous instances of gdbserver and the app to rid all port overriding errors. echo "Killing any running Skia processes." $ADB shell ps | grep gdbserver | awk '{print $2}' | xargs $ADB shell kill $ADB shell ps | grep ${APP_NAME} | awk '{print $2}' | xargs $ADB shell kill # Starting up gdbserver in android shell echo "Starting gdbserver with command: ${APP_ARGS[@]}" $ADB shell /data/local/tmp/gdbserver :5039 /data/local/tmp/skia_launcher ${APP_ARGS[@]} &