/* * Copyright 2018 Google LLC All Rights Reserved. * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package com.google.skar.examples.helloskar.rendering; import android.content.Context; import android.graphics.Bitmap; import android.graphics.BitmapFactory; import android.graphics.BitmapShader; import android.graphics.Canvas; import android.graphics.Color; import android.graphics.ColorFilter; import android.graphics.Paint; import android.graphics.Path; import android.graphics.PorterDuff; import android.graphics.PorterDuffColorFilter; import android.graphics.RectF; import android.graphics.Shader; import android.opengl.Matrix; import com.google.ar.core.Plane; import com.google.ar.core.PointCloud; import com.google.ar.core.Pose; import com.google.ar.core.TrackingState; import com.google.skar.CanvasMatrixUtil; import com.google.skar.PaintUtil; import com.google.skar.examples.helloskar.app.FingerPainting; import java.io.IOException; import java.nio.FloatBuffer; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Collection; /** * Sample class that handles drawing different types of geometry using the matrices provided * by ARCore. The matrices are handled by CanvasMatrixUtil in order to be passed to the drawing * Canvas. */ public class DrawManager { public enum DrawingType { circle, rect, text, animation } // App defaults public DrawManager.DrawingType currentDrawabletype = DrawManager.DrawingType.circle; public boolean drawSmoothPainting = true; // Camera matrices + viewport info private float[] projectionMatrix = new float[16]; private float[] viewMatrix = new float[16]; private float viewportWidth; private float viewportHeight; // Paint modifiers private ColorFilter lightFilter; private BitmapShader planeShader; // Drawables info public ArrayList modelMatrices = new ArrayList<>(); public FingerPainting fingerPainting = new FingerPainting(false); /************ Initilization calls ****************************/ public void initializePlaneShader(Context context, String gridDistanceTextureName) throws IOException { // Read the texture. Bitmap planeTexture = BitmapFactory.decodeStream(context.getAssets().open(gridDistanceTextureName)); // Set up the shader planeShader = new BitmapShader(planeTexture, Shader.TileMode.REPEAT, Shader.TileMode.REPEAT);); } /************ ARCore onDrawFrame() calls ********************/ public void updateViewport(float width, float height) { viewportWidth = width; viewportHeight = height; } public void updateProjectionMatrix(float[] projectionMatrix) { this.projectionMatrix = projectionMatrix; } public void updateViewMatrix(float[] viewMatrix) { this.viewMatrix = viewMatrix; } public void updateLightColorFilter(float[] colorCorr) { lightFilter = PaintUtil.createLightCorrectionColorFilter(colorCorr); } /********** 2D objects drawing functions **********************/ // Sample function for drawing a circle public void drawCircle(Canvas canvas) { if (modelMatrices.isEmpty()) { return; } Paint p = new Paint(); p.setColorFilter(lightFilter); p.setARGB(180, 100, 0, 0); canvas.save(); android.graphics.Matrix m = CanvasMatrixUtil.createPerspectiveMatrix(modelMatrices.get(0), viewMatrix, projectionMatrix, viewportWidth, viewportHeight); canvas.setMatrix(m); canvas.drawCircle(0, 0, 0.1f, p); canvas.restore(); } // Sample function for drawing an animated round rect. // Radius parameter is animated by the application public void drawAnimatedRoundRect(Canvas canvas, float radius) { if (modelMatrices.isEmpty()) { return; } Paint p = new Paint(); p.setColorFilter(lightFilter); p.setARGB(180, 100, 0, 100); canvas.save(); canvas.setMatrix(CanvasMatrixUtil.createPerspectiveMatrix(modelMatrices.get(0), viewMatrix, projectionMatrix, viewportWidth, viewportHeight)); canvas.drawRoundRect(0,0, 0.5f, 0.5f, radius, radius, p); canvas.restore(); } // Sample function for drawing a rect public void drawRect(Canvas canvas) { if (modelMatrices.isEmpty()) { return; } Paint p = new Paint(); p.setColorFilter(lightFilter); p.setARGB(180, 0, 0, 255); canvas.save(); canvas.setMatrix(CanvasMatrixUtil.createPerspectiveMatrix(modelMatrices.get(0), viewMatrix, projectionMatrix, viewportWidth, viewportHeight)); RectF rect = new RectF(0, 0, 0.2f, 0.2f); canvas.drawRect(rect, p); canvas.restore(); } // Sample function for drawing text on a canvas public void drawText(Canvas canvas, String text) { if (modelMatrices.isEmpty()) { return; } Paint p = new Paint(); float textSize = 100; p.setColorFilter(lightFilter); p.setARGB(255, 0, 255, 0); p.setTextSize(textSize); // TODO: Remove scale matrix and scale text directly. Potential unfixed bug in versions < P float[] scaleMatrix = getTextScaleMatrix(textSize); float[] rotateMatrix = CanvasMatrixUtil.createXYtoXZRotationMatrix(); float[][] matrices = { scaleMatrix, rotateMatrix, modelMatrices.get(0), viewMatrix, projectionMatrix, CanvasMatrixUtil.createViewportMatrix(viewportWidth, viewportHeight)}; canvas.save(); canvas.setMatrix(CanvasMatrixUtil.createMatrixFrom4x4( CanvasMatrixUtil.multiplyMatrices4x4(matrices))); canvas.drawText(text, 0, 0, p); canvas.restore(); } // Sample function for drawing a built FingerPainting object public void drawFingerPainting(Canvas canvas) { // If path empty, return if (fingerPainting.getPaths().isEmpty()) { return; } // Get finger painting model matrix float[] model = fingerPainting.getModelMatrix(); float[] modelTranslate = new float[16]; // stores translate components of model matrix Matrix.setIdentityM(modelTranslate, 0); Matrix.translateM(modelTranslate, 0, model[12], model[13], model[14]); // Rotation onto plane float[] initRot = CanvasMatrixUtil.createXYtoXZRotationMatrix(); // Arbitrary scale for the finger painting float[] scale = new float[16]; float s = 0.001f; Matrix.setIdentityM(scale, 0); Matrix.scaleM(scale, 0, s, s, s); // Matrix = mvpv (model, view, projection, viewport) float[][] matrices = {scale, initRot, modelTranslate, viewMatrix, projectionMatrix, CanvasMatrixUtil.createViewportMatrix(viewportWidth, viewportHeight)}; android.graphics.Matrix mvpv = CanvasMatrixUtil.createMatrixFrom4x4(CanvasMatrixUtil.multiplyMatrices4x4(matrices)); // Paint set up Paint p = new Paint(); p.setStyle(Paint.Style.STROKE); p.setStrokeWidth(30f); p.setAlpha(120); for (FingerPainting.BuiltPath bp : fingerPainting.getPaths()) { if (bp.path.isEmpty()) { continue; } p.setColor(bp.color); // Scaling issues appear to happen when drawing a Path and transforming the Canvas // directly with a matrix on Android versions less than P. // TODO: Ideally switch true to be (Build.VERSION.SDK_INT >= Build.VERSION_CODES.P) if (true) { // Transform applied through canvas canvas.save(); canvas.setMatrix(mvpv); canvas.drawPath(bp.path, p); canvas.restore(); } else { // Transform path directly Path pathDst = new Path(); bp.path.transform(mvpv, pathDst); // Draw dest path canvas.save(); canvas.setMatrix(new android.graphics.Matrix()); canvas.drawPath(pathDst, p); canvas.restore(); } } } /*********************** AR Environment drawing functions *************************/ // Sample function for drawing the AR point cloud public void drawPointCloud(Canvas canvas, PointCloud cloud) { FloatBuffer points = cloud.getPoints(); int numberOfPoints = points.remaining() / 4; // Build vpv matrix float[][] matrices = {viewMatrix, projectionMatrix, CanvasMatrixUtil.createViewportMatrix(viewportWidth, viewportHeight)}; float[] vpv = CanvasMatrixUtil.multiplyMatrices4x4(matrices); // Transform points on CPU float[] pointsToDraw = new float[numberOfPoints * 2]; for (int i = 0; i < numberOfPoints; i++) { float[] point = {points.get(i * 4), points.get(i * 4 + 1), points.get(i * 4 + 2), 1}; float[] result = CanvasMatrixUtil.multiplyMatrixVector(vpv, point, true); pointsToDraw[i * 2] = result[0]; pointsToDraw[i * 2 + 1] = result[1]; } Paint p = new Paint(); p.setARGB(220, 20, 232, 255); p.setStrokeCap(Paint.Cap.SQUARE); p.setStrokeWidth(6.0f); canvas.save(); canvas.setMatrix(new android.graphics.Matrix()); canvas.drawPoints(pointsToDraw, p); canvas.restore(); } // Sample function for drawing AR planes public void drawPlanes(Canvas canvas, Pose cameraPose, Collection allPlanes) { if (allPlanes.size() <= 0) { return; } for (Plane plane : allPlanes) { Plane subsumePlane = plane.getSubsumedBy(); if (plane.getTrackingState() != TrackingState.TRACKING || subsumePlane != null) { continue; } float distance = calculateDistanceToPlane(plane.getCenterPose(), cameraPose); if (distance < 0) { // Plane is back-facing. continue; } // Get plane model matrix float[] model = new float[16]; plane.getCenterPose().toMatrix(model, 0); // Initial rotation float[] initRot = CanvasMatrixUtil.createXYtoXZRotationMatrix(); // Matrix = mvpv float[][] matrices = {initRot, model, viewMatrix, projectionMatrix, CanvasMatrixUtil.createViewportMatrix(viewportWidth, viewportHeight)}; android.graphics.Matrix mvpv = CanvasMatrixUtil.createMatrixFrom4x4( CanvasMatrixUtil.multiplyMatrices4x4(matrices)); drawPlaneOutline(canvas, mvpv, plane); } } // Helper function that draws an AR plane's outline using a path private void drawPlaneOutline(Canvas canvas, android.graphics.Matrix mvpv, Plane plane) { int vertsSize = plane.getPolygon().limit() / 2; FloatBuffer polygon = plane.getPolygon(); polygon.rewind(); // Build source path from polygon data Path pathSrc = new Path(); pathSrc.moveTo(polygon.get(0), polygon.get(1)); for (int i = 1; i < vertsSize; i++) { pathSrc.lineTo(polygon.get(i * 2), polygon.get(i * 2 + 1)); } pathSrc.close(); // Set up paint Paint p = new Paint(); p.setColor(Color.RED); p.setAlpha(100); p.setStrokeWidth(0.01f); p.setStyle(Paint.Style.STROKE); // Scaling issues appear to happen when drawing a Path and transforming the Canvas // directly with a matrix on Android versions less than P. // TODO: Ideally switch true to be (Build.VERSION.SDK_INT >= Build.VERSION_CODES.P) if (true) { // Draw dest path canvas.save(); canvas.setMatrix(mvpv); canvas.drawPath(pathSrc, p); canvas.restore(); } else { // Build destination path by transforming source path Path pathDst = new Path(); pathSrc.transform(mvpv, pathDst); // Draw dest path canvas.save(); canvas.setMatrix(new android.graphics.Matrix()); canvas.drawPath(pathDst, p); canvas.restore(); } } // Helper function that draws an AR plane using a path + initialized shader private void drawPlaneWithShader(Canvas canvas, android.graphics.Matrix mvpv, Plane plane) { int vertsSize = plane.getPolygon().limit() / 2; FloatBuffer polygon = plane.getPolygon(); polygon.rewind(); // Build source path from polygon data Path pathSrc = new Path(); pathSrc.moveTo(polygon.get(0), polygon.get(1)); for (int i = 1; i < vertsSize; i++) { pathSrc.lineTo(polygon.get(i * 2), polygon.get(i * 2 + 1)); } pathSrc.close(); // Set up paint Paint p = new Paint(); p.setShader(planeShader); p.setColorFilter(new PorterDuffColorFilter(Color.argb(0.4f, 1, 0, 0), PorterDuff.Mode.SRC_ATOP)); p.setColor(Color.RED); p.setAlpha(100); p.setStrokeWidth(0.01f); // Scaling issues appear to happen when drawing a Path and transforming the Canvas // directly with a matrix on Android versions less than P. // TODO: Ideally switch true to be (Build.VERSION.SDK_INT >= Build.VERSION_CODES.P) if (true) { // Shader local matrix android.graphics.Matrix lm = new android.graphics.Matrix(); lm.setScale(0.00005f, 0.00005f); planeShader.setLocalMatrix(lm); // Draw dest path canvas.save(); canvas.setMatrix(mvpv); canvas.drawPath(pathSrc, p); canvas.restore(); } else { // Build destination path by transforming source path Path pathDst = new Path(); pathSrc.transform(mvpv, pathDst); // Shader local matrix android.graphics.Matrix lm = new android.graphics.Matrix(); lm.setScale(0.00005f, 0.00005f); lm.postConcat(mvpv); planeShader.setLocalMatrix(lm); // Draw dest path canvas.save(); canvas.setMatrix(new android.graphics.Matrix()); canvas.drawPath(pathDst, p); canvas.restore(); } } /*************** Misc helpers *************************************/ // Returns a scale matrix for drawing text given the size of the text. Workaround that solves // a text size bug not fixed in Android versions < P private float[] getTextScaleMatrix(float size) { float scaleFactor = 1 / (size * 10); float[] initScale = new float[16]; android.opengl.Matrix.setIdentityM(initScale, 0); android.opengl.Matrix.scaleM(initScale, 0, scaleFactor, scaleFactor, scaleFactor); return initScale; } public static float calculateDistanceToPlane(Pose planePose, Pose cameraPose) { float[] normal = new float[3]; float cameraX = cameraPose.tx(); float cameraY = cameraPose.ty(); float cameraZ = cameraPose.tz(); // Get transformed Y axis of plane's coordinate system. planePose.getTransformedAxis(1, 1.0f, normal, 0); // Compute dot product of plane's normal with vector from camera to plane center. return (cameraX - planePose.tx()) * normal[0] + (cameraY - planePose.ty()) * normal[1] + (cameraZ - planePose.tz()) * normal[2]; } }