package; import; /** * Provides static methods for matrix manipulation. Input matrices are assumed to be 4x4 * android.opengl.Matrix types. Output matrices are 3x3 types. * The main use of this class is to be able to get a Matrix for a Canvas that applies perspective * to 2D objects */ public class SkARMatrix { /** * Returns an that can be used on a Canvas to draw a 2D object in * perspective. Objects will be rotated towards the XZ plane. Undefined behavior when any of * the matrices are not of size 16, or are null. * * @param model 4x4 model matrix of the object to be drawn (global/world) * @param view 4x4 camera view matrix (brings objects to camera origin and orientation) * @param projection 4x4 projection matrix * @param viewport 4x4 viewport matrix * @return 3x3 matrix that puts a 2D objects in perspective on a Canvas */ public static Matrix createPerspectiveMatrix(float[] model, float[] view, float[] projection, float[] viewport) { float[] skiaRotation = createXYtoXZRotationMatrix(); float[][] matrices = {skiaRotation, model, view, projection, viewport}; return createMatrixFrom4x4Array(matrices); } /** * Returns an that can be used on a Canvas to draw a 2D object in * perspective. Undefined behavior when any of the matrices are not of size 16, or are null. * * @param model 4x4 model matrix of the object to be drawn (global/world) * @param view 4x4 camera view matrix (brings objects to camera origin and orientation) * @param projection 4x4 projection matrix * @param viewport 4x4 viewport matrix * @param rotatePlane specifies if object should be from the XY plane to the XZ plane * @return 3x3 matrix that puts a 2D objects in perspective on a Canvas */ public static Matrix createPerspectiveMatrix(float[] model, float[] view, float[] projection, float[] viewport, boolean rotatePlane) { if (rotatePlane) { return createPerspectiveMatrix(model, view, projection, viewport); } else { float[][] matrices = {model, view, projection, viewport}; return createMatrixFrom4x4Array(matrices); } } /** * Returns an that can be used on a Canvas to draw a 2D object in * perspective. Undefined behavior when any of the matrices are not of size 16, or are null. * * @param model 4x4 model matrix of the object to be drawn (global/world) * @param view 4x4 camera view matrix (brings objects to camera origin and orientation) * @param projection 4x4 projection matrix * @param viewPortWidth width of viewport of GLSurfaceView * @param viewPortHeight height of viewport of GLSurfaceView * @param rotatePlane specifies if object should be from the XY plane to the XZ plane * @return 3x3 matrix that puts a 2D objects in perspective on a Canvas */ public static Matrix createPerspectiveMatrix(float[] model, float[] view, float[] projection, float viewPortWidth, float viewPortHeight, boolean rotatePlane) { if (rotatePlane) { return createPerspectiveMatrix(model, view, projection, viewPortWidth, viewPortHeight); } else { float[] viewPort = createViewportMatrix(viewPortWidth, viewPortHeight); float[][] matrices = {model, view, projection, viewPort}; return createMatrixFrom4x4Array(matrices); } } /** * Returns an that can be used on a Canvas to draw a 2D object in * perspective. Object will be rotated towards the XZ plane. Undefined behavior when any of * the matrices are not of size 16, or are null. * * @param model 4x4 model matrix of the object to be drawn (global/world) * @param view 4x4 camera view matrix (brings objects to camera origin and orientation) * @param projection 4x4 projection matrix * @param viewPortWidth width of viewport of GLSurfaceView * @param viewPortHeight height of viewport of GLSurfaceView * @return 3x3 matrix that puts a 2D objects in perspective on a Canvas */ public static Matrix createPerspectiveMatrix(float[] model, float[] view, float[] projection, float viewPortWidth, float viewPortHeight) { float[] viewPort = createViewportMatrix(viewPortWidth, viewPortHeight); float[] skiaRotation = createXYtoXZRotationMatrix(); float[][] matrices = {skiaRotation, model, view, projection, viewPort}; return createMatrixFrom4x4Array(matrices); } /** * Returns a 16-float matrix in column-major order that represents a viewport matrix given * the width and height of the viewport. * * @param width width of viewport * @param height height of viewport */ public static float[] createViewportMatrix(float width, float height) { float[] viewPort = new float[16]; android.opengl.Matrix.setIdentityM(viewPort, 0); android.opengl.Matrix.translateM(viewPort, 0, width / 2, height / 2, 0); android.opengl.Matrix.scaleM(viewPort, 0, width / 2, -height / 2, 0); return viewPort; } /** * Returns a 16-float matrix in column-major order that is used to rotate objects from the XY plane * to the XZ plane. This is useful given that objects drawn on the Canvas are on the XY plane. * In order to get objects to appear as if they are sticking on planes/ceilings/walls, we need * to rotate them from the XY plane to the XZ plane. */ private static float[] createXYtoXZRotationMatrix() { float[] rotation = new float[16]; android.opengl.Matrix.setIdentityM(rotation, 0); android.opengl.Matrix.rotateM(rotation, 0, 90, 1, 0, 0); return rotation; } /** * Returns an resulting from a 9-float matrix array in row-major order. * Undefined behavior when the array is not of size 9 or is null. * * @param m3 9-float matrix array in row-major order */ public static Matrix createMatrixFrom3x3(float[] m3) { Matrix m = new Matrix(); m.setValues(m3); return m; } /** * Returns an resulting from a 16-float matrix array in column-major order * Undefined behavior when the array is not of size 16 or is null. * * @param m4 */ public static Matrix createMatrixFrom4x4(float[] m4) { float[] m3 = matrix4x4ToMatrix3x3(m4); return createMatrixFrom3x3(m3); } /** * Returns an resulting from the concatenation of 16-float matrices * in column-major order from left to right. * e.g: m4Array = {m1, m2, m3} --> returns m = m3 * m2 * m1 * Undefined behavior when the array is empty, null, or contains arrays not of size 9 (or null) * * @param m4Array array of 16-float matrices in column-major order */ public static Matrix createMatrixFrom4x4Array(float[][] m4Array) { float[] result = multiplyMatrices4x4(m4Array); return createMatrixFrom4x4(result); } /** * Returns a 9-float matrix in row-major order given a 16-float matrix in column-major order. * This will drop the Z column and row. * Undefined behavior when the array is not of size 9 or is null. * * @param m4 16-float matrix in column-major order */ private static float[] matrix4x4ToMatrix3x3(float[] m4) { float[] m3 = new float[9]; int j = 0; for (int i = 0; i < 7; i = i + 3) { if (j == 2) { j++; //skip row #3 } m3[i] = m4[j]; m3[i + 1] = m4[j + 4]; m3[i + 2] = m4[j + 12]; j++; } return m3; } /** * Returns a 16-float matrix in column-major order resulting from the multiplication of matrices. * e.g: m4Array = {m1, m2, m3} --> returns m = m3 * m2 * m1 * Undefined behavior when the array is empty, null, or contains arrays not of size 9 (or null) * * @param m4Array array of 16-float matrices in column-major order */ private static float[] multiplyMatrices4x4(float[][] m4Array) { float[] result = new float[16]; android.opengl.Matrix.setIdentityM(result, 0); float[] rhs = result; for (int i = 0; i < m4Array.length; i++) { float[] lhs = m4Array[i]; android.opengl.Matrix.multiplyMM(result, 0, lhs, 0, rhs, 0); rhs = result; } return result; } }