apply plugin: '' android { compileSdkVersion 19 buildToolsVersion "22.0.1" defaultConfig { applicationId "com.skia.sample_app" minSdkVersion 9 targetSdkVersion 19 versionCode 1 versionName "1.0" } sourceSets.main.jni.srcDirs = [] //disable automatic ndk-build call sourceSets.main.jniLibs.srcDir "src/main/libs" productFlavors { arm {} arm64 {} x86 {} x86_64 {} mips {} mips64 {} } // make sure that app is built and shared libraries are copied to correct directories applicationVariants.all{ variant -> def buildNativeLib = task("${}_NativeLib", type:Exec) { workingDir '../../../..' // top-level skia directory commandLine constructBuildCommand(variant, "CopySampleAppDeps").split() environment PATH: getPathWithDepotTools() environment ANDROID_SDK_ROOT: getSDKPath() } buildNativeLib.onlyIf { !project.hasProperty("suppressNativeBuild") } TaskCollection assembleTask assembleTask = project.tasks.matching {"assemble") && } assembleTask.getAt(0).dependsOn buildNativeLib } }