# Copyright 2016 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved. # Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be # found in the LICENSE file. # Recipe which runs the Skia presubmit. DEPS = [ 'core', 'depot_tools/depot_tools', 'recipe_engine/path', 'recipe_engine/properties', 'recipe_engine/step', 'recipe_engine/uuid', 'vars', ] def RunSteps(api): api.vars.setup() api.core.checkout_steps() # git-cl wants us to be on a branch. branch = 'tmp_%s' % api.uuid.random() api.step('create git branch', cmd=['git', 'checkout', '-b', branch], cwd=api.vars.skia_dir) try: api.step('git status', cmd=['git', 'status'], cwd=api.vars.skia_dir) depot_tools_path = api.depot_tools.package_repo_resource() env = {'PATH': api.path.pathsep.join([str(depot_tools_path), '%(PATH)s'])} api.step('presubmit', cmd=['git', 'cl', 'presubmit', '--force', '-v', '-v'], cwd=api.vars.skia_dir, env=env) finally: api.step('git reset', cmd=['git', 'reset', '--hard', 'origin/master'], cwd=api.vars.skia_dir) api.step('checkout origin/master', cmd=['git', 'checkout', 'origin/master'], cwd=api.vars.skia_dir) api.step('delete git branch', cmd=['git', 'branch', '-D', branch], cwd=api.vars.skia_dir) def GenTests(api): yield ( api.test('presubmit') + api.properties(buildername='Housekeeper-PerCommit-Presubmit', mastername='client.skia.fyi', slavename='dummy-slave', buildnumber=5, revision='abc123', path_config='kitchen', swarm_out_dir='[SWARM_OUT_DIR]') )