Assets ====== This directory contains tooling for managing assets used by the bots. The primary entry point is, which allows a user to add, remove, upload, and download assets. Assets are stored in Google Storage, named for their version number. Individual Assets ----------------- Each asset has its own subdirectory with the following contents: * VERSION: The current version number of the asset. * Convenience script for downloading the current version of the asset. * Convenience script for uploading a new version of the asset. * [optional] Script which creates the asset, implemented by the user. * [optional] create\_and\ Convenience script which combines with Examples ------- Add a new asset and upload an initial version. ``` $ infra/bots/assets/ add myasset Creating asset in infra/bots/assets/myasset Creating infra/bots/assets/myasset/ Creating infra/bots/assets/myasset/ Creating infra/bots/assets/myasset/ Add script to automate creation of this asset? (y/n) n $ infra/bots/assets/myasset/ -t ${MY_ASSET_LOCATION} $ git commit ``` Add an asset whose creation can be automated. ``` $ infra/bots/assets/ add myasset Add script to automate creation of this asset? (y/n) y $ vi infra/bots/assets/myasset/ (implement the create_asset function) $ infra/bots/assets/myasset/ $ git commit ```