 * Copyright 2016 Google Inc.
 * Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
 * found in the LICENSE file.

#ifndef GrVkTypes_DEFINED
#define GrVkTypes_DEFINED

#include "GrTypes.h"
#include "vk/GrVkDefines.h"

 * KHR_debug
/*typedef void (GR_GL_FUNCTION_TYPE* GrVkDEBUGPROC)(GrVkenum source,
                                                  GrVkenum type,
                                                  GrVkuint id,
                                                  GrVkenum severity,
                                                  GrVksizei length,
                                                  const GrVkchar* message,
                                                  const void* userParam);*/

 * Types for interacting with Vulkan resources created externally to Skia. GrBackendObjects for
 * Vulkan textures are really const GrVkImageInfo*
struct GrVkAlloc {
            : fMemory(VK_NULL_HANDLE)
            , fOffset(0)
            , fSize(0)
            , fFlags(0)
            , fUsesSystemHeap(false) {}

    GrVkAlloc(VkDeviceMemory memory, VkDeviceSize offset, VkDeviceSize size, uint32_t flags)
            : fMemory(memory)
            , fOffset(offset)
            , fSize(size)
            , fFlags(flags)
            , fUsesSystemHeap(false) {}

    VkDeviceMemory fMemory;  // can be VK_NULL_HANDLE iff is an RT and is borrowed
    VkDeviceSize   fOffset;
    VkDeviceSize   fSize;    // this can be indeterminate iff Tex uses borrow semantics
    uint32_t       fFlags;

    enum Flag {
        kNoncoherent_Flag = 0x1,   // memory must be flushed to device after mapping

    bool operator==(const GrVkAlloc& that) const {
        return fMemory == that.fMemory && fOffset == that.fOffset && fSize == that.fSize &&
               fFlags == that.fFlags && fUsesSystemHeap == that.fUsesSystemHeap;

    friend class GrVkHeap; // For access to usesSystemHeap
    bool fUsesSystemHeap;
struct GrVkImageInfo {
     * If the image's format is sRGB (GrVkFormatIsSRGB returns true), then the image must have
     * been created with VkImageCreateFlags containing VK_IMAGE_CREATE_MUTABLE_FORMAT_BIT.
    VkImage        fImage;
    GrVkAlloc      fAlloc;
    VkImageTiling  fImageTiling;
    VkImageLayout  fImageLayout;
    VkFormat       fFormat;
    uint32_t       fLevelCount;

            : fImage(VK_NULL_HANDLE)
            , fAlloc()
            , fImageTiling(VK_IMAGE_TILING_OPTIMAL)
            , fImageLayout(VK_IMAGE_LAYOUT_UNDEFINED)
            , fFormat(VK_FORMAT_UNDEFINED)
            , fLevelCount(0) {}

    GrVkImageInfo(VkImage image, GrVkAlloc alloc, VkImageTiling imageTiling, VkImageLayout layout,
                  VkFormat format, uint32_t levelCount)
            : fImage(image)
            , fAlloc(alloc)
            , fImageTiling(imageTiling)
            , fImageLayout(layout)
            , fFormat(format)
            , fLevelCount(levelCount) {}

    GrVkImageInfo(const GrVkImageInfo& info, VkImageLayout layout)
            : fImage(info.fImage)
            , fAlloc(info.fAlloc)
            , fImageTiling(info.fImageTiling)
            , fImageLayout(layout)
            , fFormat(info.fFormat)
            , fLevelCount(info.fLevelCount) {}

    // This gives a way for a client to update the layout of the Image if they change the layout
    // while we're still holding onto the wrapped texture. They will first need to get a handle
    // to our internal GrVkImageInfo by calling getTextureHandle on a GrVkTexture.
    void updateImageLayout(VkImageLayout layout) { fImageLayout = layout; }

    bool operator==(const GrVkImageInfo& that) const {
        return fImage == that.fImage && fAlloc == that.fAlloc &&
               fImageTiling == that.fImageTiling && fImageLayout == that.fImageLayout &&
               fFormat == that.fFormat && fLevelCount == that.fLevelCount;
