/* * Copyright 2012 The Android Open Source Project * * Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be * found in the LICENSE file. */ #ifndef SkLightingImageFilter_DEFINED #define SkLightingImageFilter_DEFINED #include "SkImageFilter.h" #include "SkColor.h" class SkImageFilterLight; struct SkPoint3; class SK_API SkLightingImageFilter : public SkImageFilter { public: static sk_sp MakeDistantLitDiffuse(const SkPoint3& direction, SkColor lightColor, SkScalar surfaceScale, SkScalar kd, sk_sp input, const CropRect* cropRect = nullptr); static sk_sp MakePointLitDiffuse(const SkPoint3& location, SkColor lightColor, SkScalar surfaceScale, SkScalar kd, sk_sp input, const CropRect* cropRect = nullptr); static sk_sp MakeSpotLitDiffuse(const SkPoint3& location, const SkPoint3& target, SkScalar specularExponent, SkScalar cutoffAngle, SkColor lightColor, SkScalar surfaceScale, SkScalar kd, sk_sp input, const CropRect* cropRect = nullptr); static sk_sp MakeDistantLitSpecular(const SkPoint3& direction, SkColor lightColor, SkScalar surfaceScale, SkScalar ks, SkScalar shininess, sk_sp input, const CropRect* cropRect = nullptr); static sk_sp MakePointLitSpecular(const SkPoint3& location, SkColor lightColor, SkScalar surfaceScale, SkScalar ks, SkScalar shininess, sk_sp input, const CropRect* cropRect = nullptr); static sk_sp MakeSpotLitSpecular(const SkPoint3& location, const SkPoint3& target, SkScalar specularExponent, SkScalar cutoffAngle, SkColor lightColor, SkScalar surfaceScale, SkScalar ks, SkScalar shininess, sk_sp input, const CropRect* cropRect = nullptr); ~SkLightingImageFilter() override; SK_DECLARE_FLATTENABLE_REGISTRAR_GROUP() protected: SkLightingImageFilter(sk_sp light, SkScalar surfaceScale, sk_sp input, const CropRect* cropRect); void flatten(SkWriteBuffer&) const override; const SkImageFilterLight* light() const { return fLight.get(); } SkScalar surfaceScale() const { return fSurfaceScale; } bool affectsTransparentBlack() const override { return true; } private: sk_sp fLight; SkScalar fSurfaceScale; typedef SkImageFilter INHERITED; }; #endif