/* * Copyright 2014 Google Inc. * * Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be * found in the LICENSE file. */ #ifndef SkColorCubeFilter_DEFINED #define SkColorCubeFilter_DEFINED #include "SkColorFilter.h" #include "SkData.h" #include "../private/SkOnce.h" #include "../private/SkTemplates.h" class SK_API SkColorCubeFilter : public SkColorFilter { public: /** cubeData must containt a 3D data in the form of cube of the size: * cubeDimension * cubeDimension * cubeDimension * sizeof(SkColor) * This cube contains a transform where (x,y,z) maps to the (r,g,b). * The alpha components of the colors must be 0xFF. */ static sk_sp Make(sk_sp cubeData, int cubeDimension); void filterSpan(const SkPMColor src[], int count, SkPMColor[]) const override; uint32_t getFlags() const override; #if SK_SUPPORT_GPU sk_sp asFragmentProcessor(GrContext*, SkColorSpace*) const override; #endif SK_TO_STRING_OVERRIDE() SK_DECLARE_PUBLIC_FLATTENABLE_DESERIALIZATION_PROCS(SkColorCubeFilter) protected: SkColorCubeFilter(sk_sp cubeData, int cubeDimension); void flatten(SkWriteBuffer&) const override; private: /** The cache is initialized on-demand when getProcessingLuts is called. */ class ColorCubeProcesingCache { public: ColorCubeProcesingCache(int cubeDimension); void getProcessingLuts(const int* (*colorToIndex)[2], const SkScalar* (*colorToFactors)[2], const SkScalar** colorToScalar); int cubeDimension() const { return fCubeDimension; } private: // Working pointers. If any of these is NULL, // we need to recompute the corresponding cache values. int* fColorToIndex[2]; SkScalar* fColorToFactors[2]; SkScalar* fColorToScalar; SkAutoTMalloc fLutStorage; const int fCubeDimension; // Make sure we only initialize the caches once. SkOnce fLutsInitOnce; static void initProcessingLuts(ColorCubeProcesingCache* cache); }; sk_sp fCubeData; int32_t fUniqueID; mutable ColorCubeProcesingCache fCache; typedef SkColorFilter INHERITED; }; #endif