/* * Copyright 2006 The Android Open Source Project * * Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be * found in the LICENSE file. */ #ifndef SkTDArray_DEFINED #define SkTDArray_DEFINED #include "SkTypes.h" template class SK_API SkTDArray { public: SkTDArray() { fReserve = fCount = 0; fArray = NULL; #ifdef SK_DEBUG fData = NULL; #endif } SkTDArray(const T src[], size_t count) { SkASSERT(src || count == 0); fReserve = fCount = 0; fArray = NULL; #ifdef SK_DEBUG fData = NULL; #endif if (count) { fArray = (T*)sk_malloc_throw(count * sizeof(T)); #ifdef SK_DEBUG fData = (ArrayT*)fArray; #endif memcpy(fArray, src, sizeof(T) * count); fReserve = fCount = count; } } SkTDArray(const SkTDArray& src) { fReserve = fCount = 0; fArray = NULL; #ifdef SK_DEBUG fData = NULL; #endif SkTDArray tmp(src.fArray, src.fCount); this->swap(tmp); } ~SkTDArray() { sk_free(fArray); } SkTDArray& operator=(const SkTDArray& src) { if (this != &src) { if (src.fCount > fReserve) { SkTDArray tmp(src.fArray, src.fCount); this->swap(tmp); } else { memcpy(fArray, src.fArray, sizeof(T) * src.fCount); fCount = src.fCount; } } return *this; } friend bool operator==(const SkTDArray& a, const SkTDArray& b) { return a.fCount == b.fCount && (a.fCount == 0 || !memcmp(a.fArray, b.fArray, a.fCount * sizeof(T))); } void swap(SkTDArray& other) { SkTSwap(fArray, other.fArray); #ifdef SK_DEBUG SkTSwap(fData, other.fData); #endif SkTSwap(fReserve, other.fReserve); SkTSwap(fCount, other.fCount); } /** Return a ptr to the array of data, to be freed with sk_free. This also resets the SkTDArray to be empty. */ T* detach() { T* array = fArray; fArray = NULL; fReserve = fCount = 0; SkDEBUGCODE(fData = NULL;) return array; } bool isEmpty() const { return fCount == 0; } /** * Return the number of elements in the array */ int count() const { return fCount; } /** * return the number of bytes in the array: count * sizeof(T) */ size_t bytes() const { return fCount * sizeof(T); } T* begin() const { return fArray; } T* end() const { return fArray ? fArray + fCount : NULL; } T& operator[](int index) const { SkASSERT((unsigned)index < fCount); return fArray[index]; } void reset() { if (fArray) { sk_free(fArray); fArray = NULL; #ifdef SK_DEBUG fData = NULL; #endif fReserve = fCount = 0; } else { SkASSERT(fReserve == 0 && fCount == 0); } } void rewind() { // same as setCount(0) fCount = 0; } void setCount(size_t count) { if (count > fReserve) { this->growBy(count - fCount); } else { fCount = count; } } void setReserve(size_t reserve) { if (reserve > fReserve) { SkASSERT(reserve > fCount); size_t count = fCount; this->growBy(reserve - fCount); fCount = count; } } T* prepend() { this->growBy(1); memmove(fArray + 1, fArray, (fCount - 1) * sizeof(T)); return fArray; } T* append() { return this->append(1, NULL); } T* append(size_t count, const T* src = NULL) { size_t oldCount = fCount; if (count) { SkASSERT(src == NULL || fArray == NULL || src + count <= fArray || fArray + oldCount <= src); this->growBy(count); if (src) { memcpy(fArray + oldCount, src, sizeof(T) * count); } } return fArray + oldCount; } T* appendClear() { T* result = this->append(); *result = 0; return result; } T* insert(size_t index) { return this->insert(index, 1, NULL); } T* insert(size_t index, size_t count, const T* src = NULL) { SkASSERT(count); SkASSERT(index <= fCount); size_t oldCount = fCount; this->growBy(count); T* dst = fArray + index; memmove(dst + count, dst, sizeof(T) * (oldCount - index)); if (src) { memcpy(dst, src, sizeof(T) * count); } return dst; } void remove(size_t index, size_t count = 1) { SkASSERT(index + count <= fCount); fCount = fCount - count; memmove(fArray + index, fArray + index + count, sizeof(T) * (fCount - index)); } void removeShuffle(size_t index) { SkASSERT(index < fCount); size_t newCount = fCount - 1; fCount = newCount; if (index != newCount) { memcpy(fArray + index, fArray + newCount, sizeof(T)); } } int find(const T& elem) const { const T* iter = fArray; const T* stop = fArray + fCount; for (; iter < stop; iter++) { if (*iter == elem) { return (int) (iter - fArray); } } return -1; } int rfind(const T& elem) const { const T* iter = fArray + fCount; const T* stop = fArray; while (iter > stop) { if (*--iter == elem) { return iter - stop; } } return -1; } /** * Copies up to max elements into dst. The number of items copied is * capped by count - index. The actual number copied is returned. */ int copyRange(T* dst, size_t index, int max) const { SkASSERT(max >= 0); SkASSERT(!max || dst); if (index >= fCount) { return 0; } int count = SkMin32(max, fCount - index); memcpy(dst, fArray + index, sizeof(T) * count); return count; } void copy(T* dst) const { this->copyRange(0, fCount, dst); } // routines to treat the array like a stack T* push() { return this->append(); } void push(const T& elem) { *this->append() = elem; } const T& top() const { return (*this)[fCount - 1]; } T& top() { return (*this)[fCount - 1]; } void pop(T* elem) { if (elem) *elem = (*this)[fCount - 1]; --fCount; } void pop() { --fCount; } void deleteAll() { T* iter = fArray; T* stop = fArray + fCount; while (iter < stop) { delete (*iter); iter += 1; } this->reset(); } void freeAll() { T* iter = fArray; T* stop = fArray + fCount; while (iter < stop) { sk_free(*iter); iter += 1; } this->reset(); } void unrefAll() { T* iter = fArray; T* stop = fArray + fCount; while (iter < stop) { (*iter)->unref(); iter += 1; } this->reset(); } void safeUnrefAll() { T* iter = fArray; T* stop = fArray + fCount; while (iter < stop) { SkSafeUnref(*iter); iter += 1; } this->reset(); } #ifdef SK_DEBUG void validate() const { SkASSERT((fReserve == 0 && fArray == NULL) || (fReserve > 0 && fArray != NULL)); SkASSERT(fCount <= fReserve); SkASSERT(fData == (ArrayT*)fArray); } #endif private: #ifdef SK_DEBUG enum { kDebugArraySize = 16 }; typedef T ArrayT[kDebugArraySize]; ArrayT* fData; #endif T* fArray; size_t fReserve, fCount; void growBy(size_t extra) { SkASSERT(extra); if (fCount + extra > fReserve) { size_t size = fCount + extra + 4; size += size >> 2; fArray = (T*)sk_realloc_throw(fArray, size * sizeof(T)); #ifdef SK_DEBUG fData = (ArrayT*)fArray; #endif fReserve = size; } fCount += extra; } }; #endif