/* * Copyright 2011 Google Inc. * * Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be * found in the LICENSE file. */ #ifndef SkShape_DEFINED #define SkShape_DEFINED #include "SkFlattenable.h" class SkCanvas; class SkMatrix; class SkWStream; class SkShape : public SkFlattenable { public: SkShape(); virtual ~SkShape(); void draw(SkCanvas*); /** Draw the shape translated by (dx,dy), which is applied before the shape's matrix (if any). */ void drawXY(SkCanvas*, SkScalar dx, SkScalar dy); /** Draw the shape with the specified matrix, applied before the shape's matrix (if any). */ void drawMatrix(SkCanvas*, const SkMatrix&); // overrides virtual Factory getFactory(); virtual void flatten(SkFlattenableWriteBuffer&); // public for Registrar static SkFlattenable* CreateProc(SkFlattenableReadBuffer&); protected: virtual void onDraw(SkCanvas*); SkShape(SkFlattenableReadBuffer&); private: typedef SkFlattenable INHERITED; }; #endif