/* * Copyright 2006 The Android Open Source Project * * Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be * found in the LICENSE file. */ #ifndef SkBitmap_DEFINED #define SkBitmap_DEFINED #include "Sk64.h" #include "SkColor.h" #include "SkColorTable.h" #include "SkPoint.h" #include "SkRefCnt.h" struct SkIRect; struct SkRect; class SkPaint; class SkPixelRef; class SkRegion; // This is an opaque class, not interpreted by skia class SkGpuTexture; /** \class SkBitmap The SkBitmap class specifies a raster bitmap. A bitmap has an integer width and height, and a format (config), and a pointer to the actual pixels. Bitmaps can be drawn into a SkCanvas, but they are also used to specify the target of a SkCanvas' drawing operations. A const SkBitmap exposes getAddr(), which lets a caller write its pixels; the constness is considered to apply to the bitmap's configuration, not its contents. */ class SK_API SkBitmap { public: class Allocator; enum Config { kNo_Config, //!< bitmap has not been configured /** * 1-bit per pixel, (0 is transparent, 1 is opaque) * Valid as a destination (target of a canvas), but not valid as a src. * i.e. you can draw into a 1-bit bitmap, but you cannot draw from one. */ kA1_Config, kA8_Config, //!< 8-bits per pixel, with only alpha specified (0 is transparent, 0xFF is opaque) kIndex8_Config, //!< 8-bits per pixel, using SkColorTable to specify the colors kRGB_565_Config, //!< 16-bits per pixel, (see SkColorPriv.h for packing) kARGB_4444_Config, //!< 16-bits per pixel, (see SkColorPriv.h for packing) kARGB_8888_Config, //!< 32-bits per pixel, (see SkColorPriv.h for packing) /** * Custom compressed format, not supported on all platforms. * Cannot be used as a destination (target of a canvas). * i.e. you may be able to draw from one, but you cannot draw into one. */ kRLE_Index8_Config, kConfigCount }; /** * Default construct creates a bitmap with zero width and height, and no pixels. * Its config is set to kNo_Config. */ SkBitmap(); /** * Copy the settings from the src into this bitmap. If the src has pixels * allocated, they will be shared, not copied, so that the two bitmaps will * reference the same memory for the pixels. If a deep copy is needed, * where the new bitmap has its own separate copy of the pixels, use * deepCopyTo(). */ SkBitmap(const SkBitmap& src); ~SkBitmap(); /** Copies the src bitmap into this bitmap. Ownership of the src bitmap's pixels remains with the src bitmap. */ SkBitmap& operator=(const SkBitmap& src); /** Swap the fields of the two bitmaps. This routine is guaranteed to never fail or throw. */ // This method is not exported to java. void swap(SkBitmap& other); /** Return true iff the bitmap has empty dimensions. */ bool empty() const { return 0 == fWidth || 0 == fHeight; } /** Return true iff the bitmap has no pixelref. Note: this can return true even if the dimensions of the bitmap are > 0 (see empty()). */ bool isNull() const { return NULL == fPixelRef; } /** Return the config for the bitmap. */ Config config() const { return (Config)fConfig; } /** DEPRECATED, use config() */ Config getConfig() const { return this->config(); } /** Return the bitmap's width, in pixels. */ int width() const { return fWidth; } /** Return the bitmap's height, in pixels. */ int height() const { return fHeight; } /** Return the number of bytes between subsequent rows of the bitmap. */ int rowBytes() const { return fRowBytes; } /** Return the shift amount per pixel (i.e. 0 for 1-byte per pixel, 1 for 2-bytes per pixel configs, 2 for 4-bytes per pixel configs). Return 0 for configs that are not at least 1-byte per pixel (e.g. kA1_Config or kNo_Config) */ int shiftPerPixel() const { return fBytesPerPixel >> 1; } /** Return the number of bytes per pixel based on the config. If the config does not have at least 1 byte per (e.g. kA1_Config) then 0 is returned. */ int bytesPerPixel() const { return fBytesPerPixel; } /** Return the rowbytes expressed as a number of pixels (like width and height). Note, for 1-byte per pixel configs like kA8_Config, this will return the same as rowBytes(). Is undefined for configs that are less than 1-byte per pixel (e.g. kA1_Config) */ int rowBytesAsPixels() const { return fRowBytes >> (fBytesPerPixel >> 1); } /** Return the address of the pixels for this SkBitmap. */ void* getPixels() const { return fPixels; } /** Return the byte size of the pixels, based on the height and rowBytes. Note this truncates the result to 32bits. Call getSize64() to detect if the real size exceeds 32bits. */ size_t getSize() const { return fHeight * fRowBytes; } /** Return the number of bytes from the pointer returned by getPixels() to the end of the allocated space in the buffer. Required in cases where extractBitmap has been called. */ size_t getSafeSize() const ; /** Return the byte size of the pixels, based on the height and rowBytes. This routine is slightly slower than getSize(), but does not truncate the answer to 32bits. */ Sk64 getSize64() const { Sk64 size; size.setMul(fHeight, fRowBytes); return size; } /** Same as getSafeSize(), but does not truncate the answer to 32bits. */ Sk64 getSafeSize64() const ; /** Returns true if this bitmap is marked as immutable, meaning that the contents of its pixels will not change for the lifetime of the bitmap. */ bool isImmutable() const; /** Marks this bitmap as immutable, meaning that the contents of its pixels will not change for the lifetime of the bitmap and of the underlying pixelref. This state can be set, but it cannot be cleared once it is set. This state propagates to all other bitmaps that share the same pixelref. */ void setImmutable(); /** Returns true if the bitmap is opaque (has no translucent/transparent pixels). */ bool isOpaque() const; /** Specify if this bitmap's pixels are all opaque or not. Is only meaningful for configs that support per-pixel alpha (RGB32, A1, A8). */ void setIsOpaque(bool); /** Returns true if the bitmap is volatile (i.e. should not be cached by devices.) */ bool isVolatile() const; /** Specify whether this bitmap is volatile. Bitmaps are not volatile by default. Temporary bitmaps that are discarded after use should be marked as volatile. This provides a hint to the device that the bitmap should not be cached. Providing this hint when appropriate can improve performance by avoiding unnecessary overhead and resource consumption on the device. */ void setIsVolatile(bool); /** Reset the bitmap to its initial state (see default constructor). If we are a (shared) owner of the pixels, that ownership is decremented. */ void reset(); /** Given a config and a width, this computes the optimal rowBytes value. This is called automatically if you pass 0 for rowBytes to setConfig(). */ static int ComputeRowBytes(Config c, int width); /** Return the bytes-per-pixel for the specified config. If the config is not at least 1-byte per pixel, return 0, including for kNo_Config. */ static int ComputeBytesPerPixel(Config c); /** Return the shift-per-pixel for the specified config. If the config is not at least 1-byte per pixel, return 0, including for kNo_Config. */ static int ComputeShiftPerPixel(Config c) { return ComputeBytesPerPixel(c) >> 1; } static Sk64 ComputeSize64(Config, int width, int height); static size_t ComputeSize(Config, int width, int height); /** * This will brute-force return true if all of the pixels in the bitmap * are opaque. If it fails to read the pixels, or encounters an error, * it will return false. * * Since this can be an expensive operation, the bitmap stores a flag for * this (isOpaque, setIsOpaque). Only call this if you need to compute this * value from "unknown" pixels. */ static bool ComputeIsOpaque(const SkBitmap&); /** * Calls ComputeIsOpaque, and passes its result to setIsOpaque(). */ void computeAndSetOpaquePredicate() { this->setIsOpaque(ComputeIsOpaque(*this)); } /** * Return the bitmap's bounds [0, 0, width, height] as an SkRect */ void getBounds(SkRect* bounds) const; void getBounds(SkIRect* bounds) const; /** Set the bitmap's config and dimensions. If rowBytes is 0, then ComputeRowBytes() is called to compute the optimal value. This resets any pixel/colortable ownership, just like reset(). */ void setConfig(Config, int width, int height, int rowBytes = 0); /** Use this to assign a new pixel address for an existing bitmap. This will automatically release any pixelref previously installed. Only call this if you are handling ownership/lifetime of the pixel memory. If the bitmap retains a reference to the colortable (assuming it is not null) it will take care of incrementing the reference count. @param pixels Address for the pixels, managed by the caller. @param ctable ColorTable (or null) that matches the specified pixels */ void setPixels(void* p, SkColorTable* ctable = NULL); /** Copies the bitmap's pixels to the location pointed at by dst and returns true if possible, returns false otherwise. In the case when the dstRowBytes matches the bitmap's rowBytes, the copy may be made faster by copying over the dst's per-row padding (for all rows but the last). By setting preserveDstPad to true the caller can disable this optimization and ensure that pixels in the padding are not overwritten. Always returns false for RLE formats. @param dst Location of destination buffer. @param dstSize Size of destination buffer. Must be large enough to hold pixels using indicated stride. @param dstRowBytes Width of each line in the buffer. If -1, uses bitmap's internal stride. @param preserveDstPad Must we preserve padding in the dst */ bool copyPixelsTo(void* const dst, size_t dstSize, int dstRowBytes = -1, bool preserveDstPad = false) const; /** Use the standard HeapAllocator to create the pixelref that manages the pixel memory. It will be sized based on the current width/height/config. If this is called multiple times, a new pixelref object will be created each time. If the bitmap retains a reference to the colortable (assuming it is not null) it will take care of incrementing the reference count. @param ctable ColorTable (or null) to use with the pixels that will be allocated. Only used if config == Index8_Config @return true if the allocation succeeds. If not the pixelref field of the bitmap will be unchanged. */ bool allocPixels(SkColorTable* ctable = NULL) { return this->allocPixels(NULL, ctable); } /** Use the specified Allocator to create the pixelref that manages the pixel memory. It will be sized based on the current width/height/config. If this is called multiple times, a new pixelref object will be created each time. If the bitmap retains a reference to the colortable (assuming it is not null) it will take care of incrementing the reference count. @param allocator The Allocator to use to create a pixelref that can manage the pixel memory for the current width/height/config. If allocator is NULL, the standard HeapAllocator will be used. @param ctable ColorTable (or null) to use with the pixels that will be allocated. Only used if config == Index8_Config. If it is non-null and the config is not Index8, it will be ignored. @return true if the allocation succeeds. If not the pixelref field of the bitmap will be unchanged. */ bool allocPixels(Allocator* allocator, SkColorTable* ctable); /** Return the current pixelref object, if any */ SkPixelRef* pixelRef() const { return fPixelRef; } /** Return the offset into the pixelref, if any. Will return 0 if there is no pixelref installed. */ size_t pixelRefOffset() const { return fPixelRefOffset; } /** Assign a pixelref and optional offset. Pixelrefs are reference counted, so the existing one (if any) will be unref'd and the new one will be ref'd. */ SkPixelRef* setPixelRef(SkPixelRef* pr, size_t offset = 0); /** Call this to ensure that the bitmap points to the current pixel address in the pixelref. Balance it with a call to unlockPixels(). These calls are harmless if there is no pixelref. */ void lockPixels() const; /** When you are finished access the pixel memory, call this to balance a previous call to lockPixels(). This allows pixelrefs that implement cached/deferred image decoding to know when there are active clients of a given image. */ void unlockPixels() const; /** * Some bitmaps can return a copy of their pixels for lockPixels(), but * that copy, if modified, will not be pushed back. These bitmaps should * not be used as targets for a raster device/canvas (since all pixels * modifications will be lost when unlockPixels() is called.) */ bool lockPixelsAreWritable() const; /** Call this to be sure that the bitmap is valid enough to be drawn (i.e. it has non-null pixels, and if required by its config, it has a non-null colortable. Returns true if all of the above are met. */ bool readyToDraw() const { return this->getPixels() != NULL && ((this->config() != kIndex8_Config && this->config() != kRLE_Index8_Config) || fColorTable != NULL); } /** Returns the pixelRef's texture, or NULL */ SkGpuTexture* getTexture() const; /** Return the bitmap's colortable (if any). Does not affect the colortable's reference count. */ SkColorTable* getColorTable() const { return fColorTable; } /** Returns a non-zero, unique value corresponding to the pixels in our pixelref. Each time the pixels are changed (and notifyPixelsChanged is called), a different generation ID will be returned. Finally, if their is no pixelRef then zero is returned. */ uint32_t getGenerationID() const; /** Call this if you have changed the contents of the pixels. This will in- turn cause a different generation ID value to be returned from getGenerationID(). */ void notifyPixelsChanged() const; /** Initialize the bitmap's pixels with the specified color+alpha, automatically converting into the correct format for the bitmap's config. If the config is kRGB_565_Config, then the alpha value is ignored. If the config is kA8_Config, then the r,g,b parameters are ignored. */ void eraseARGB(U8CPU a, U8CPU r, U8CPU g, U8CPU b) const; /** Initialize the bitmap's pixels with the specified color+alpha, automatically converting into the correct format for the bitmap's config. If the config is kRGB_565_Config, then the alpha value is presumed to be 0xFF. If the config is kA8_Config, then the r,g,b parameters are ignored and the pixels are all set to 0xFF. */ void eraseRGB(U8CPU r, U8CPU g, U8CPU b) const { this->eraseARGB(0xFF, r, g, b); } /** Initialize the bitmap's pixels with the specified color, automatically converting into the correct format for the bitmap's config. If the config is kRGB_565_Config, then the color's alpha value is presumed to be 0xFF. If the config is kA8_Config, then only the color's alpha value is used. */ void eraseColor(SkColor c) const { this->eraseARGB(SkColorGetA(c), SkColorGetR(c), SkColorGetG(c), SkColorGetB(c)); } /** Scroll (a subset of) the contents of this bitmap by dx/dy. If there are no pixels allocated (i.e. getPixels() returns null) the method will still update the inval region (if present). If the bitmap is immutable, do nothing and return false. @param subset The subset of the bitmap to scroll/move. To scroll the entire contents, specify [0, 0, width, height] or just pass null. @param dx The amount to scroll in X @param dy The amount to scroll in Y @param inval Optional (may be null). Returns the area of the bitmap that was scrolled away. E.g. if dx = dy = 0, then inval would be set to empty. If dx >= width or dy >= height, then inval would be set to the entire bounds of the bitmap. @return true if the scroll was doable. Will return false if the bitmap uses an unsupported config for scrolling (only kA8, kIndex8, kRGB_565, kARGB_4444, kARGB_8888 are supported). If no pixels are present (i.e. getPixels() returns false) inval will still be updated, and true will be returned. */ bool scrollRect(const SkIRect* subset, int dx, int dy, SkRegion* inval = NULL) const; /** * Return the SkColor of the specified pixel. In most cases this will * require un-premultiplying the color. Alpha only configs (A1 and A8) * return black with the appropriate alpha set. The value is undefined * for kNone_Config or if x or y are out of bounds, or if the bitmap * does not have any pixels (or has not be locked with lockPixels()). */ SkColor getColor(int x, int y) const; /** Returns the address of the specified pixel. This performs a runtime check to know the size of the pixels, and will return the same answer as the corresponding size-specific method (e.g. getAddr16). Since the check happens at runtime, it is much slower than using a size-specific version. Unlike the size-specific methods, this routine also checks if getPixels() returns null, and returns that. The size-specific routines perform a debugging assert that getPixels() is not null, but they do not do any runtime checks. */ void* getAddr(int x, int y) const; /** Returns the address of the pixel specified by x,y for 32bit pixels. * In debug build, this asserts that the pixels are allocated and locked, * and that the config is 32-bit, however none of these checks are performed * in the release build. */ inline uint32_t* getAddr32(int x, int y) const; /** Returns the address of the pixel specified by x,y for 16bit pixels. * In debug build, this asserts that the pixels are allocated and locked, * and that the config is 16-bit, however none of these checks are performed * in the release build. */ inline uint16_t* getAddr16(int x, int y) const; /** Returns the address of the pixel specified by x,y for 8bit pixels. * In debug build, this asserts that the pixels are allocated and locked, * and that the config is 8-bit, however none of these checks are performed * in the release build. */ inline uint8_t* getAddr8(int x, int y) const; /** Returns the address of the byte containing the pixel specified by x,y * for 1bit pixels. * In debug build, this asserts that the pixels are allocated and locked, * and that the config is 1-bit, however none of these checks are performed * in the release build. */ inline uint8_t* getAddr1(int x, int y) const; /** Returns the color corresponding to the pixel specified by x,y for * colortable based bitmaps. * In debug build, this asserts that the pixels are allocated and locked, * that the config is kIndex8, and that the colortable is allocated, * however none of these checks are performed in the release build. */ inline SkPMColor getIndex8Color(int x, int y) const; /** Set dst to be a setset of this bitmap. If possible, it will share the pixel memory, and just point into a subset of it. However, if the config does not support this, a local copy will be made and associated with the dst bitmap. If the subset rectangle, intersected with the bitmap's dimensions is empty, or if there is an unsupported config, false will be returned and dst will be untouched. @param dst The bitmap that will be set to a subset of this bitmap @param subset The rectangle of pixels in this bitmap that dst will reference. @return true if the subset copy was successfully made. */ bool extractSubset(SkBitmap* dst, const SkIRect& subset) const; /** Makes a deep copy of this bitmap, respecting the requested config, * and allocating the dst pixels on the cpu. * Returns false if either there is an error (i.e. the src does not have * pixels) or the request cannot be satisfied (e.g. the src has per-pixel * alpha, and the requested config does not support alpha). * @param dst The bitmap to be sized and allocated * @param c The desired config for dst * @param allocator Allocator used to allocate the pixelref for the dst * bitmap. If this is null, the standard HeapAllocator * will be used. * @return true if the copy could be made. */ bool copyTo(SkBitmap* dst, Config c, Allocator* allocator = NULL) const; /** Makes a deep copy of this bitmap, respecting the requested config, and * with custom allocation logic that will keep the copied pixels * in the same domain as the source: If the src pixels are allocated for * the cpu, then so will the dst. If the src pixels are allocated on the * gpu (typically as a texture), the it will do the same for the dst. * If the request cannot be fulfilled, returns false and dst is unmodified. */ bool deepCopyTo(SkBitmap* dst, Config c) const; /** Returns true if this bitmap can be deep copied into the requested config by calling copyTo(). */ bool canCopyTo(Config newConfig) const; bool hasMipMap() const; void buildMipMap(bool forceRebuild = false); void freeMipMap(); /** Given scale factors sx, sy, determine the miplevel available in the bitmap, and return it (this is the amount to shift matrix iterators by). If dst is not null, it is set to the correct level. */ int extractMipLevel(SkBitmap* dst, SkFixed sx, SkFixed sy); bool extractAlpha(SkBitmap* dst) const { return this->extractAlpha(dst, NULL, NULL, NULL); } bool extractAlpha(SkBitmap* dst, const SkPaint* paint, SkIPoint* offset) const { return this->extractAlpha(dst, paint, NULL, offset); } /** Set dst to contain alpha layer of this bitmap. If destination bitmap fails to be initialized, e.g. because allocator can't allocate pixels for it, dst will not be modified and false will be returned. @param dst The bitmap to be filled with alpha layer @param paint The paint to draw with @param allocator Allocator used to allocate the pixelref for the dst bitmap. If this is null, the standard HeapAllocator will be used. @param offset If not null, it is set to top-left coordinate to position the returned bitmap so that it visually lines up with the original */ bool extractAlpha(SkBitmap* dst, const SkPaint* paint, Allocator* allocator, SkIPoint* offset) const; /** The following two functions provide the means to both flatten and unflatten the bitmap AND its pixels into the provided buffer. It is recommended that you do not call these functions directly, but instead call the write/readBitmap functions on the respective buffers as they can optimize the recording process and avoid recording duplicate bitmaps and pixelRefs. */ void flatten(SkFlattenableWriteBuffer&) const; void unflatten(SkFlattenableReadBuffer&); SkDEBUGCODE(void validate() const;) class Allocator : public SkRefCnt { public: SK_DECLARE_INST_COUNT(Allocator) /** Allocate the pixel memory for the bitmap, given its dimensions and config. Return true on success, where success means either setPixels or setPixelRef was called. The pixels need not be locked when this returns. If the config requires a colortable, it also must be installed via setColorTable. If false is returned, the bitmap and colortable should be left unchanged. */ virtual bool allocPixelRef(SkBitmap*, SkColorTable*) = 0; private: typedef SkRefCnt INHERITED; }; /** Subclass of Allocator that returns a pixelref that allocates its pixel memory from the heap. This is the default Allocator invoked by allocPixels(). */ class HeapAllocator : public Allocator { public: virtual bool allocPixelRef(SkBitmap*, SkColorTable*); }; class RLEPixels { public: RLEPixels(int width, int height); virtual ~RLEPixels(); uint8_t* packedAtY(int y) const { SkASSERT((unsigned)y < (unsigned)fHeight); return fYPtrs[y]; } // called by subclasses during creation void setPackedAtY(int y, uint8_t* addr) { SkASSERT((unsigned)y < (unsigned)fHeight); fYPtrs[y] = addr; } private: uint8_t** fYPtrs; int fHeight; }; private: struct MipMap; mutable MipMap* fMipMap; mutable SkPixelRef* fPixelRef; mutable size_t fPixelRefOffset; mutable int fPixelLockCount; // either user-specified (in which case it is not treated as mutable) // or a cache of the returned value from fPixelRef->lockPixels() mutable void* fPixels; mutable SkColorTable* fColorTable; // only meaningful for kIndex8 enum Flags { kImageIsOpaque_Flag = 0x01, kImageIsVolatile_Flag = 0x02, kImageIsImmutable_Flag = 0x04 }; uint32_t fRowBytes; uint32_t fWidth; uint32_t fHeight; uint8_t fConfig; uint8_t fFlags; uint8_t fBytesPerPixel; // based on config /* Internal computations for safe size. */ static Sk64 ComputeSafeSize64(Config config, uint32_t width, uint32_t height, uint32_t rowBytes); static size_t ComputeSafeSize(Config config, uint32_t width, uint32_t height, uint32_t rowBytes); /* Unreference any pixelrefs or colortables */ void freePixels(); void updatePixelsFromRef() const; static SkFixed ComputeMipLevel(SkFixed sx, SkFixed dy); }; class SkAutoLockPixels : public SkNoncopyable { public: SkAutoLockPixels(const SkBitmap& bm, bool doLock = true) : fBitmap(bm) { fDidLock = doLock; if (doLock) { bm.lockPixels(); } } ~SkAutoLockPixels() { if (fDidLock) { fBitmap.unlockPixels(); } } private: const SkBitmap& fBitmap; bool fDidLock; }; /** Helper class that performs the lock/unlockColors calls on a colortable. The destructor will call unlockColors(false) if it has a bitmap's colortable */ class SkAutoLockColors : public SkNoncopyable { public: /** Initialize with no bitmap. Call lockColors(bitmap) to lock bitmap's colortable */ SkAutoLockColors() : fCTable(NULL), fColors(NULL) {} /** Initialize with bitmap, locking its colortable if present */ explicit SkAutoLockColors(const SkBitmap& bm) { fCTable = bm.getColorTable(); fColors = fCTable ? fCTable->lockColors() : NULL; } /** Initialize with a colortable (may be null) */ explicit SkAutoLockColors(SkColorTable* ctable) { fCTable = ctable; fColors = ctable ? ctable->lockColors() : NULL; } ~SkAutoLockColors() { if (fCTable) { fCTable->unlockColors(false); } } /** Return the currently locked colors, or NULL if no bitmap's colortable is currently locked. */ const SkPMColor* colors() const { return fColors; } /** Locks the table and returns is colors (assuming ctable is not null) and unlocks the previous table if one was present */ const SkPMColor* lockColors(SkColorTable* ctable) { if (fCTable) { fCTable->unlockColors(false); } fCTable = ctable; fColors = ctable ? ctable->lockColors() : NULL; return fColors; } const SkPMColor* lockColors(const SkBitmap& bm) { return this->lockColors(bm.getColorTable()); } private: SkColorTable* fCTable; const SkPMColor* fColors; }; /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// inline uint32_t* SkBitmap::getAddr32(int x, int y) const { SkASSERT(fPixels); SkASSERT(fConfig == kARGB_8888_Config); SkASSERT((unsigned)x < fWidth && (unsigned)y < fHeight); return (uint32_t*)((char*)fPixels + y * fRowBytes + (x << 2)); } inline uint16_t* SkBitmap::getAddr16(int x, int y) const { SkASSERT(fPixels); SkASSERT(fConfig == kRGB_565_Config || fConfig == kARGB_4444_Config); SkASSERT((unsigned)x < fWidth && (unsigned)y < fHeight); return (uint16_t*)((char*)fPixels + y * fRowBytes + (x << 1)); } inline uint8_t* SkBitmap::getAddr8(int x, int y) const { SkASSERT(fPixels); SkASSERT(fConfig == kA8_Config || fConfig == kIndex8_Config); SkASSERT((unsigned)x < fWidth && (unsigned)y < fHeight); return (uint8_t*)fPixels + y * fRowBytes + x; } inline SkPMColor SkBitmap::getIndex8Color(int x, int y) const { SkASSERT(fPixels); SkASSERT(fConfig == kIndex8_Config); SkASSERT((unsigned)x < fWidth && (unsigned)y < fHeight); SkASSERT(fColorTable); return (*fColorTable)[*((const uint8_t*)fPixels + y * fRowBytes + x)]; } // returns the address of the byte that contains the x coordinate inline uint8_t* SkBitmap::getAddr1(int x, int y) const { SkASSERT(fPixels); SkASSERT(fConfig == kA1_Config); SkASSERT((unsigned)x < fWidth && (unsigned)y < fHeight); return (uint8_t*)fPixels + y * fRowBytes + (x >> 3); } #endif