/* * Copyright 2011 Google Inc. * * Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be * found in the LICENSE file. */ #ifndef GrPathRenderer_DEFINED #define GrPathRenderer_DEFINED #include "GrDrawTarget.h" #include "GrPathRendererChain.h" #include "SkTArray.h" class SkPath; struct GrPoint; /** * Base class for drawing paths into a GrDrawTarget. * Paths may be drawn multiple times as when tiling for supersampling. The * calls on GrPathRenderer to draw a path will look like this: * * pr->setPath(target, path, fill, translate); // sets the path to draw * pr->drawPath(...); // draw the path * pr->drawPath(...); * ... * pr->clearPath(); // finished with the path */ class GR_API GrPathRenderer : public GrRefCnt { public: /** * This is called to install custom path renderers in every GrContext at * create time. The default implementation in GrCreatePathRenderer_none.cpp * does not add any additional renderers. Link against another * implementation to install your own. The first added is the most preferred * path renderer, second is second most preferred, etc. * * @param context the context that will use the path renderer * @param flags flags indicating how path renderers will be used * @param prChain the chain to add path renderers to. */ static void AddPathRenderers(GrContext* context, GrPathRendererChain::UsageFlags flags, GrPathRendererChain* prChain); GrPathRenderer(void); /** * Returns true if this path renderer is able to render the path. * Returning false allows the caller to fallback to another path renderer. * When searching for a path renderer capable of rendering a path this * function is called. The path renderer can examine the path, fill rule, * and draw settings that will be used (via the targetparameter). If "true" * is reported note that the caller is permitted to make modifications to * the following settings of the target between the calls to canDrawPath and * drawPath: * 1. view matrix: The matrix at drawPath time may have additional scale * scale and translation applied * 2. render target: The render target may change between canDrawPath * and drawPath. * The GrPathRenderer subclass's decision about whether to return true * or false in its implementation of this function should consider these * possible state changes. * * @param path The path to draw * @param fill The fill rule to use * * @return true if the path can be drawn by this object, false otherwise. */ virtual bool canDrawPath(const GrDrawTarget* target, const SkPath& path, GrPathFill fill) const = 0; /** * For complex clips Gr uses the stencil buffer. The path renderer must be * able to render paths into the stencil buffer. However, the path renderer * itself may require the stencil buffer to resolve the path fill rule. * This function queries whether the path render needs its own stencil * pass. If this returns false then drawPath() should not modify the * the target's stencil settings but use those already set on target. The * target is passed as a param in case the answer depends upon draw state. * The view matrix and render target set on the draw target may change * before setPath/drawPath is called and so shouldn't be considered. * * @param target target that the path will be rendered to * @param path the path that will be drawn * @param fill the fill rule that will be used, will never be an inverse * rule. * * @return false if this path renderer can generate interior-only fragments * without changing the stencil settings on the target. If it * returns true the drawPathToStencil will be used when rendering * clips. */ virtual bool requiresStencilPass(const GrDrawTarget* target, const SkPath& path, GrPathFill fill) const { return false; } /** * @return true if the path renderer can perform anti-aliasing (aside from * having FSAA enabled for a render target). Target is provided to * communicate the draw state (blend mode, stage settings, etc). */ virtual bool supportsAA(const GrDrawTarget* target, const SkPath& path, GrPathFill fill) const { return false; } /** * Sets the path to render and target to render into. All calls to drawPath * and drawPathToStencil must occur between setPath and clearPath. The * path cannot be modified externally between setPath and clearPath. The * path may be drawn several times (e.g. tiled supersampler). The target's * state may change between setPath and drawPath* calls. However, if the * path renderer specified vertices/indices during setPath or drawPath* * they will still be set at subsequent drawPath* calls until the next * clearPath. The target's draw state may change between drawPath* calls * so if the subclass does any caching of tesselation, etc. then it must * validate that target parameters that guided the decisions still hold. * * @param target the target to draw into. * @param path the path to draw. * @param fill the fill rule to apply. * @param translate optional additional translation to apply to * the path. NULL means (0,0). */ void setPath(GrDrawTarget* target, const SkPath* path, GrPathFill fill, const GrPoint* translate); /** * Notifies path renderer that path set in setPath is no longer in use. */ void clearPath(); /** * Draws the path into the draw target. If requiresStencilBuffer returned * false then the target may be setup for stencil rendering (since the * path renderer didn't claim that it needs to use the stencil internally). * * Only called between setPath / clearPath. * * @param stages bitfield that indicates which stages are * in use. All enabled stages expect positions * as texture coordinates. The path renderer * use the remaining stages for its path * filling algorithm. */ virtual void drawPath(GrDrawTarget::StageBitfield stages) = 0; /** * Draws the path to the stencil buffer. Assume the writable stencil bits * are already initialized to zero. Fill will always be either * kWinding_PathFill or kEvenOdd_PathFill. * * Only called if requiresStencilPass returns true for the same combo of * target, path, and fill. Never called with an inverse fill. * * The default implementation assumes the path filling algorithm doesn't * require a separate stencil pass and so crashes. * * Only called between setPath / clearPath. */ virtual void drawPathToStencil() { GrCrash("Unexpected call to drawPathToStencil."); } /** * Helper that sets a path and automatically remove it in destructor. */ class AutoClearPath { public: AutoClearPath() { fPathRenderer = NULL; } AutoClearPath(GrPathRenderer* pr, GrDrawTarget* target, const SkPath* path, GrPathFill fill, const GrPoint* translate) { GrAssert(NULL != pr); pr->setPath(target, path, fill, translate); fPathRenderer = pr; } void set(GrPathRenderer* pr, GrDrawTarget* target, const SkPath* path, GrPathFill fill, const GrPoint* translate) { if (NULL != fPathRenderer) { fPathRenderer->clearPath(); } GrAssert(NULL != pr); pr->setPath(target, path, fill, translate); fPathRenderer = pr; } ~AutoClearPath() { if (NULL != fPathRenderer) { fPathRenderer->clearPath(); } } private: GrPathRenderer* fPathRenderer; }; protected: // subclass can override these to be notified just after a path is set // and just before the path is cleared. virtual void pathWasSet() {} virtual void pathWillClear() {} const SkPath* fPath; GrDrawTarget* fTarget; GrPathFill fFill; GrPoint fTranslate; private: typedef GrRefCnt INHERITED; }; #endif