/* Copyright 2010 Google Inc. Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License. */ #ifndef GrGpuGLShaders_DEFINED #define GrGpuGLShaders_DEFINED #include "GrGpuGL.h" // Programmable OpenGL or OpenGL ES 2.0 class GrGpuGLShaders : public GrGpuGL { public: GrGpuGLShaders(); virtual ~GrGpuGLShaders(); virtual void resetContext(); // type of colors used by a program enum ColorType { kNone_ColorType, kAttrib_ColorType, kUniform_ColorType, }; protected: // overrides from GrGpu virtual bool flushGraphicsState(PrimitiveType type); virtual void setupGeometry(uint32_t startVertex, uint32_t startIndex, uint32_t vertexCount, uint32_t indexCount); private: void resetContextHelper(); // sets the texture matrix uniform for currently bound program void flushTexMatrix(GLint location, GrGLTexture::Orientation orientation); // sets the MVP matrix uniform for currently bound program void flushMatrix(GLint location); void flushTwoPointRadial(GLint paramsLocation, const GrSamplerState&); // reads shader from array and compiles it with GL, returns shader ID or 0 if failed GLuint loadShader(GLenum type, const char* src); struct ProgramData; // creates a GL program with two shaders attached. // Gets the relevant uniform locations. // Sets the texture sampler if present to texture 0 // Binds the program // returns true if succeeded. bool createProgram(GLuint vshader, GLuint fshader, bool hasTexMatrix, bool hasTexCoords, ColorType colorType, bool twoPointRadial, ProgramData* program); // called at flush time to setup the appropriate program void flushProgram(PrimitiveType type); enum Programs { // use vertex coordinates kTextureVertCoords_Program = 0, kTextureVertCoordsProj_Program, // use separate tex coords kTextureTexCoords_Program, kTextureTexCoordsProj_Program, // constant color texture, no proj // verts as a tex coords kTextureVertCoordsNoColor_Program, // constant color texture, no proj // separate tex coords kTextureTexCoordsNoColor_Program, // special program for text glyphs kText_Program, // programs for radial texture lookup kRadialTextureVertCoords_Program, kRadialTextureTexCoords_Program, // programs for sweep texture lookup kSweepTextureVertCoords_Program, kSweepTextureTexCoords_Program, // programs for two-point radial lookup kTwoPointRadialTextureVertCoords_Program, kTwoPointRadialTextureTexCoords_Program, // color only drawing kNoTexture_Program, kProgramCount }; // Records per-program information // we can specify the attribute locations so that they are constant // across our shaders. But the driver determines the uniform locations // at link time. We don't need to remember the sampler uniform location // because we will bind a texture slot to it and never change it // Uniforms are program-local so we can't rely on fHWState to hold the // previous uniform state after a program change. struct ProgramData { // IDs GLuint fVShaderID; GLuint fFShaderID; GLuint fProgramID; // shader uniform locations (-1 if shader doesn't use them) GLint fMatrixLocation; GLint fTexMatrixLocation; GLint fColorLocation; GLint fTwoPointParamsLocation; ColorType fColorType; // these reflect the current values of uniforms // (GL uniform values travel with program) GrMatrix fViewMatrix; GrMatrix fTextureMatrices[kNumStages]; GrColor fColor; GrGLTexture::Orientation fTextureOrientation; GrScalar fRadial2CenterX1; GrScalar fRadial2Radius0; bool fRadial2PosRoot; }; ProgramData fPrograms[kProgramCount]; Programs fHWProgram; GrGLTexture::Orientation fTextureOrientation; typedef GrGpuGL INHERITED; }; #endif