/* Copyright 2010 Google Inc. Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License. */ #include "GrGLTexture.h" #include "GrGpuGL.h" GrGLRenderTarget::GrGLRenderTarget(const GLRenderTargetIDs& ids, GLuint stencilBits, const GrGLIRect& viewport, GrGLTexture* texture, GrGpuGL* gl) : INHERITED(texture) { fGL = gl; fRTFBOID = ids.fRTFBOID; fTexFBOID = ids.fTexFBOID; fStencilRenderbufferID = ids.fStencilRenderbufferID; fStencilBits = stencilBits; fMSColorRenderbufferID = ids.fMSColorRenderbufferID; fNeedsResolve = false; fViewport = viewport; fOwnIDs = ids.fOwnIDs; } GrGLRenderTarget::~GrGLRenderTarget() { fGL->notifyRenderTargetDelete(this); if (fOwnIDs) { if (fTexFBOID) { GR_GLEXT(fGL->extensions(), DeleteFramebuffers(1, &fTexFBOID)); } if (fRTFBOID && fRTFBOID != fTexFBOID) { GR_GLEXT(fGL->extensions(), DeleteFramebuffers(1, &fRTFBOID)); } if (fStencilRenderbufferID) { GR_GLEXT(fGL->extensions(), DeleteRenderbuffers(1, &fStencilRenderbufferID)); } if (fMSColorRenderbufferID) { GR_GLEXT(fGL->extensions(), DeleteRenderbuffers(1, &fMSColorRenderbufferID)); } } } void GrGLRenderTarget::abandon() { fRTFBOID = 0; fTexFBOID = 0; fStencilRenderbufferID = 0; fMSColorRenderbufferID = 0; } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// const GLenum GrGLTexture::gWrapMode2GLWrap[] = { GL_CLAMP_TO_EDGE, GL_REPEAT, #ifdef GL_MIRRORED_REPEAT GL_MIRRORED_REPEAT #else GL_REPEAT // GL_MIRRORED_REPEAT not supported :( #endif }; GrGLTexture::GrGLTexture(const GLTextureDesc& textureDesc, const GLRenderTargetIDs& rtIDs, const TexParams& initialTexParams, GrGpuGL* gl) : INHERITED(textureDesc.fContentWidth, textureDesc.fContentHeight, textureDesc.fFormat) { fTexParams = initialTexParams; fTextureID = textureDesc.fTextureID; fUploadFormat = textureDesc.fUploadFormat; fUploadByteCount = textureDesc.fUploadByteCount; fUploadType = textureDesc.fUploadType; fOrientation = textureDesc.fOrientation; fAllocWidth = textureDesc.fAllocWidth; fAllocHeight = textureDesc.fAllocHeight; fScaleX = GrIntToScalar(textureDesc.fContentWidth) / textureDesc.fAllocWidth; fScaleY = GrIntToScalar(textureDesc.fContentHeight) / textureDesc.fAllocHeight; fRenderTarget = NULL; fGpuGL = gl; GrAssert(0 != textureDesc.fTextureID); if (rtIDs.fTexFBOID) { // we render to the top left GrGLIRect vp; vp.fLeft = 0; vp.fWidth = textureDesc.fContentWidth; vp.fHeight = textureDesc.fContentHeight; vp.fBottom = textureDesc.fAllocHeight - textureDesc.fContentHeight; fRenderTarget = new GrGLRenderTarget(rtIDs, textureDesc.fStencilBits, vp, this, gl); } } GrGLTexture::~GrGLTexture() { // make sure we haven't been abandoned if (fTextureID) { fGpuGL->notifyTextureDelete(this); GR_GL(DeleteTextures(1, &fTextureID)); } delete fRenderTarget; } void GrGLTexture::abandon() { fTextureID = 0; if (NULL != fRenderTarget) { fRenderTarget->abandon(); } } bool GrGLTexture::isRenderTarget() const { return NULL != fRenderTarget; } GrRenderTarget* GrGLTexture::asRenderTarget() { return (GrRenderTarget*)fRenderTarget; } void GrGLTexture::removeRenderTarget() { GrAssert(NULL != fRenderTarget); if (NULL != fRenderTarget) { // must do this notify before the delete fGpuGL->notifyTextureRemoveRenderTarget(this); delete fRenderTarget; fRenderTarget = NULL; } } void GrGLTexture::uploadTextureData(uint32_t x, uint32_t y, uint32_t width, uint32_t height, const void* srcData) { fGpuGL->setSpareTextureUnit(); // glCompressedTexSubImage2D doesn't support any formats // (at least without extensions) GrAssert(fUploadFormat != GR_PALETTE8_RGBA8); // If we need to update textures that are created upside down // then we have to modify this code to flip the srcData GrAssert(kTopDown_Orientation == fOrientation); GR_GL(BindTexture(GL_TEXTURE_2D, fTextureID)); GR_GL(PixelStorei(GL_UNPACK_ALIGNMENT, fUploadByteCount)); GR_GL(TexSubImage2D(GL_TEXTURE_2D, 0, x, y, width, height, fUploadFormat, fUploadType, srcData)); } intptr_t GrGLTexture::getTextureHandle() { return fTextureID; }