/* * Copyright 2014 Google Inc. * * Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be * found in the LICENSE file. */ // This test only works with the GPU backend. #include "gm.h" #if SK_SUPPORT_GPU #include "GrContext.h" #include "GrTest.h" #include "effects/GrTextureDomain.h" #include "SkBitmap.h" #include "SkGr.h" #include "SkGradientShader.h" namespace skiagm { /** * This GM directly exercises GrTextureDomainEffect. */ class TextureDomainEffect : public GM { public: TextureDomainEffect() { this->setBGColor(0xFFFFFFFF); } protected: virtual SkString onShortName() SK_OVERRIDE { return SkString("texture_domain_effect"); } virtual SkISize onISize() SK_OVERRIDE { const SkScalar canvasWidth = kDrawPad + (kTargetWidth + 2 * kDrawPad) * GrTextureDomain::kModeCount + kTestPad * GrTextureDomain::kModeCount; return SkISize::Make(SkScalarCeilToInt(canvasWidth), 800); } virtual uint32_t onGetFlags() const SK_OVERRIDE { // This is a GPU-specific GM. return kGPUOnly_Flag; } virtual void onOnceBeforeDraw() SK_OVERRIDE { fBmp.allocN32Pixels(kTargetWidth, kTargetHeight); SkCanvas canvas(fBmp); canvas.clear(0x00000000); SkPaint paint; SkColor colors1[] = { SK_ColorCYAN, SK_ColorLTGRAY, SK_ColorGRAY }; paint.setShader(SkGradientShader::CreateSweep(65.f, 75.f, colors1, NULL, SK_ARRAY_COUNT(colors1)))->unref(); canvas.drawOval(SkRect::MakeXYWH(-5.f, -5.f, fBmp.width() + 10.f, fBmp.height() + 10.f), paint); SkColor colors2[] = { SK_ColorMAGENTA, SK_ColorLTGRAY, SK_ColorYELLOW }; paint.setShader(SkGradientShader::CreateSweep(45.f, 55.f, colors2, NULL, SK_ARRAY_COUNT(colors2)))->unref(); paint.setXfermodeMode(SkXfermode::kDarken_Mode); canvas.drawOval(SkRect::MakeXYWH(-5.f, -5.f, fBmp.width() + 10.f, fBmp.height() + 10.f), paint); SkColor colors3[] = { SK_ColorBLUE, SK_ColorLTGRAY, SK_ColorGREEN }; paint.setShader(SkGradientShader::CreateSweep(25.f, 35.f, colors3, NULL, SK_ARRAY_COUNT(colors3)))->unref(); paint.setXfermodeMode(SkXfermode::kLighten_Mode); canvas.drawOval(SkRect::MakeXYWH(-5.f, -5.f, fBmp.width() + 10.f, fBmp.height() + 10.f), paint); } virtual void onDraw(SkCanvas* canvas) SK_OVERRIDE { GrRenderTarget* rt = canvas->internal_private_accessTopLayerRenderTarget(); if (NULL == rt) { return; } GrContext* context = rt->getContext(); if (NULL == context) { return; } GrTestTarget tt; context->getTestTarget(&tt); if (NULL == tt.target()) { SkDEBUGFAIL("Couldn't get Gr test target."); return; } SkAutoTUnref texture(GrRefCachedBitmapTexture(context, fBmp, NULL)); if (!texture) { return; } SkTArray textureMatrices; textureMatrices.push_back().setIDiv(texture->width(), texture->height()); textureMatrices.push_back() = textureMatrices[0]; textureMatrices.back().postScale(1.5f, 0.85f); textureMatrices.push_back() = textureMatrices[0]; textureMatrices.back().preRotate(45.f, texture->width() / 2.f, texture->height() / 2.f); const SkIRect texelDomains[] = { fBmp.bounds(), SkIRect::MakeXYWH(fBmp.width() / 4, fBmp.height() / 4, fBmp.width() / 2, fBmp.height() / 2), }; SkRect renderRect = SkRect::Make(fBmp.bounds()); renderRect.outset(kDrawPad, kDrawPad); SkScalar y = kDrawPad + kTestPad; for (int tm = 0; tm < textureMatrices.count(); ++tm) { for (size_t d = 0; d < SK_ARRAY_COUNT(texelDomains); ++d) { SkScalar x = kDrawPad + kTestPad; for (int m = 0; m < GrTextureDomain::kModeCount; ++m) { GrTextureDomain::Mode mode = (GrTextureDomain::Mode) m; SkAutoTUnref fp( GrTextureDomainEffect::Create(texture, textureMatrices[tm], GrTextureDomain::MakeTexelDomain(texture, texelDomains[d]), mode, GrTextureParams::kNone_FilterMode)); if (!fp) { continue; } SkMatrix viewMatrix; viewMatrix.setTranslate(x, y); GrDrawState drawState; drawState.setRenderTarget(rt); drawState.addColorProcessor(fp); tt.target()->drawSimpleRect(&drawState, GrColor_WHITE, viewMatrix, renderRect); x += renderRect.width() + kTestPad; } y += renderRect.height() + kTestPad; } } } private: static const SkScalar kDrawPad; static const SkScalar kTestPad; static const int kTargetWidth = 100; static const int kTargetHeight = 100; SkBitmap fBmp; typedef GM INHERITED; }; // Windows builds did not like SkScalar initialization in class :( const SkScalar TextureDomainEffect::kDrawPad = 10.f; const SkScalar TextureDomainEffect::kTestPad = 10.f; DEF_GM( return SkNEW(TextureDomainEffect); ) } #endif