/* * Copyright 2011 Google Inc. * * Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be * found in the LICENSE file. */ #include "gm.h" #include "SkCanvas.h" #include "SkPath.h" #include "SkTypeface.h" namespace skiagm { class StrokeFillGM : public GM { public: StrokeFillGM() { } protected: virtual uint32_t onGetFlags() const SK_OVERRIDE { return kSkipTiled_Flag; } virtual SkString onShortName() { return SkString("stroke-fill"); } virtual SkISize onISize() { return make_isize(640, 480); } static void show_bold(SkCanvas* canvas, const void* text, int len, SkScalar x, SkScalar y, const SkPaint& paint) { SkPaint p(paint); canvas->drawText(text, len, x, y, p); p.setFakeBoldText(true); canvas->drawText(text, len, x, y + SkIntToScalar(120), p); } virtual void onDraw(SkCanvas* canvas) { SkScalar x = SkIntToScalar(100); SkScalar y = SkIntToScalar(88); SkPaint paint; paint.setAntiAlias(true); paint.setTextSize(SkIntToScalar(100)); paint.setStrokeWidth(SkIntToScalar(5)); SkTypeface* face = SkTypeface::CreateFromName("Papyrus", SkTypeface::kNormal); SkSafeUnref(paint.setTypeface(face)); show_bold(canvas, "Hello", 5, x, y, paint); face = SkTypeface::CreateFromName("Hiragino Maru Gothic Pro", SkTypeface::kNormal); SkSafeUnref(paint.setTypeface(face)); const unsigned char hyphen[] = { 0xE3, 0x83, 0xBC }; show_bold(canvas, hyphen, SK_ARRAY_COUNT(hyphen), x + SkIntToScalar(300), y, paint); paint.setStyle(SkPaint::kStrokeAndFill_Style); SkPath path; path.setFillType(SkPath::kWinding_FillType); path.addCircle(x, y + SkIntToScalar(200), SkIntToScalar(50), SkPath::kCW_Direction); path.addCircle(x, y + SkIntToScalar(200), SkIntToScalar(40), SkPath::kCCW_Direction); canvas->drawPath(path, paint); SkPath path2; path2.setFillType(SkPath::kWinding_FillType); path2.addCircle(x + SkIntToScalar(120), y + SkIntToScalar(200), SkIntToScalar(50), SkPath::kCCW_Direction); path2.addCircle(x + SkIntToScalar(120), y + SkIntToScalar(200), SkIntToScalar(40), SkPath::kCW_Direction); canvas->drawPath(path2, paint); path2.reset(); path2.addCircle(x + SkIntToScalar(240), y + SkIntToScalar(200), SkIntToScalar(50), SkPath::kCCW_Direction); canvas->drawPath(path2, paint); SkASSERT(path2.cheapIsDirection(SkPath::kCCW_Direction)); path2.reset(); SkASSERT(!path2.cheapComputeDirection(NULL)); path2.addCircle(x + SkIntToScalar(360), y + SkIntToScalar(200), SkIntToScalar(50), SkPath::kCW_Direction); SkASSERT(path2.cheapIsDirection(SkPath::kCW_Direction)); canvas->drawPath(path2, paint); } private: typedef GM INHERITED; }; ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// static GM* MyFactory(void*) { return new StrokeFillGM; } static GMRegistry reg(MyFactory); }