Instructions, roadmap, etc. are at

Loading results from {{resultsToLoad}} ... {{loadingMessage}}
WARNING! The URL you loaded used schema version {{urlSchemaVersionLoaded}}, rather than the most recent version {{constants.URL_VALUE__SCHEMA_VERSION__CURRENT}}. It has been converted to the most recent version on a best-effort basis; you may wish to double-check which records are displayed.
WARNING! These results are editable and exported, so any user who can connect to this server over the network can modify them.
These results, from raw JSON file {{resultsToLoad}}, current as of {{localTimeString(header[constants.KEY__HEADER__TIME_UPDATED])}}
To see other sets of results (all results, failures only, etc.), click here
 {{tab}} ({{numResultsPerTab[tab]}}) 

Filters Settings

Show thumbnails
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Submitting, please wait...
Advanced settings... show
  • {{setting}}
  • {{setting}}

all tests shown:
Found {{filteredImagePairs.length}} matches; displaying the first {{limitedImagePairs.length}}. displaying them all. Rendered in {{(renderEndTime - renderStartTime).toFixed(0)}} ms.
(click on the column header radio buttons to re-sort by that column)
{{extraColumnHeaders[columnName][constants.KEY__EXTRACOLUMNHEADERS__HEADER_TEXT]}} bugs {{imageSets[constants.KEY__IMAGESETS__SET__IMAGE_A][constants.KEY__IMAGESETS__FIELD__DESCRIPTION]}} {{imageSets[constants.KEY__IMAGESETS__SET__IMAGE_B][constants.KEY__IMAGESETS__FIELD__DESCRIPTION]}} differing pixels in white perceptual difference

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