
Copyright 2014 Google Inc.

Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
found in the LICENSE file.

ImagePair class (see class docstring for details)

import posixpath

# Keys used within ImagePair dictionary representations.
KEY_DIFFERENCE_DATA = 'differenceData'
KEY_EXPECTATIONS_DATA = 'expectationsData'
KEY_EXTRA_COLUMN_VALUES = 'extraColumnValues'
KEY_IMAGE_A_URL = 'imageAUrl'
KEY_IMAGE_B_URL = 'imageBUrl'
KEY_IS_DIFFERENT = 'isDifferent'

class ImagePair(object):
  Describes a pair of images, along with optional metadata (pixel difference
  metrics, whether to ignore mismatches, etc.)

  def __init__(self, image_diff_db,
               base_url, imageA_relative_url, imageB_relative_url,
               expectations=None, extra_columns=None):
      image_diff_db: ImageDiffDB instance we use to generate/store image diffs
      base_url: base of all image URLs
      imageA_relative_url: URL pointing at an image, relative to base_url
      imageB_relative_url: URL pointing at an image, relative to base_url
      expectations: optional dictionary containing expectations-specific
          metadata (ignore-failure, bug numbers, etc.)
      extra_columns: optional dictionary containing more metadata (test name,
          builder name, etc.)
    self.base_url = base_url
    self.imageA_relative_url = imageA_relative_url
    self.imageB_relative_url = imageB_relative_url
    self.expectations_dict = expectations
    self.extra_columns_dict = extra_columns
    if imageA_relative_url == imageB_relative_url:
      self.diff_record = None
      # TODO(epoger): Rather than blocking until image_diff_db can read in
      # the image pair and generate diffs, it would be better to do it
      # asynchronously: tell image_diff_db to download a bunch of file pairs,
      # and only block later if we're still waiting for diff_records to come
      # back.
          expected_image_url=posixpath.join(base_url, imageA_relative_url),
          actual_image_url=posixpath.join(base_url, imageB_relative_url))
      self.diff_record = image_diff_db.get_diff_record(

  def as_dict(self):
    Return a dictionary describing this ImagePair, as needed when constructing
    the JSON representation.  Uses the KEY_* constants as keys.
    asdict = {
        KEY_IMAGE_A_URL: self.imageA_relative_url,
        KEY_IMAGE_B_URL: self.imageB_relative_url,
    if self.expectations_dict:
      asdict[KEY_EXPECTATIONS_DATA] = self.expectations_dict
    if self.extra_columns_dict:
      asdict[KEY_EXTRA_COLUMN_VALUES] = self.extra_columns_dict
    if self.diff_record and (self.diff_record.get_num_pixels_differing() > 0):
      asdict[KEY_IS_DIFFERENT] = True
      asdict[KEY_DIFFERENCE_DATA] = self.diff_record.as_dict()
      asdict[KEY_IS_DIFFERENT] = False
    return asdict