#!/usr/bin/env python # Copyright (c) 2013 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved. # Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be # found in the LICENSE file. """Schema of the JSON summary file written out by the GM tool. This must be kept in sync with the kJsonKey_ constants in gm_expectations.cpp ! """ __author__ = 'Elliot Poger' # system-level imports import json # Key strings used in GM results JSON files (both expected-results.json and # actual-results.json). # # These constants must be kept in sync with the kJsonKey_ constants in # gm_expectations.cpp ! JSONKEY_ACTUALRESULTS = 'actual-results' # Tests whose results failed to match expectations. JSONKEY_ACTUALRESULTS_FAILED = 'failed' # Tests whose results failed to match expectations, but IGNOREFAILURE causes # us to take them less seriously. JSONKEY_ACTUALRESULTS_FAILUREIGNORED = 'failure-ignored' # Tests for which we do not have any expectations. They may be new tests that # we haven't had a chance to check in expectations for yet, or we may have # consciously decided to leave them without expectations because we are unhappy # with the results (although we should try to move away from that, and instead # check in expectations with the IGNOREFAILURE flag set). JSONKEY_ACTUALRESULTS_NOCOMPARISON = 'no-comparison' # Tests whose results matched their expectations. JSONKEY_ACTUALRESULTS_SUCCEEDED = 'succeeded' JSONKEY_EXPECTEDRESULTS = 'expected-results' # One or more [HashType/DigestValue] pairs representing valid results for this # test. Typically, there will just be one pair, but we allow for multiple # expectations, and the test will pass if any one of them is matched. JSONKEY_EXPECTEDRESULTS_ALLOWEDDIGESTS = 'allowed-digests' # If IGNOREFAILURE is set to True, a failure of this test will be reported # within the FAILUREIGNORED section (thus NOT causing the buildbots to go red) # rather than the FAILED section (which WOULD cause the buildbots to go red). JSONKEY_EXPECTEDRESULTS_IGNOREFAILURE = 'ignore-failure' # Allowed hash types for test expectations. JSONKEY_HASHTYPE_BITMAP_64BITMD5 = 'bitmap-64bitMD5' # Root directory where the buildbots store their actually-generated images... # as a publicly readable HTTP URL: GM_ACTUALS_ROOT_HTTP_URL = ( 'http://chromium-skia-gm.commondatastorage.googleapis.com/gm') # as a GS URL that allows credential-protected write access: GM_ACTUALS_ROOT_GS_URL = 'gs://chromium-skia-gm/gm' # Pattern used to assemble each image's filename IMAGE_FILENAME_PATTERN = '(\S+)_(\S+).png' # matches (testname, config) def CreateGmActualUrl(test_name, hash_type, hash_digest, gm_actuals_root_url=GM_ACTUALS_ROOT_HTTP_URL): """Return the URL we can use to download a particular version of the actually-generated image for this particular GM test. test_name: name of the test, e.g. 'perlinnoise' hash_type: string indicating the hash type used to generate hash_digest, e.g. JSONKEY_HASHTYPE_BITMAP_64BITMD5 hash_digest: the hash digest of the image to retrieve gm_actuals_root_url: root url where actual images are stored """ return '%s/%s/%s/%s.png' % (gm_actuals_root_url, hash_type, test_name, hash_digest) def LoadFromString(file_contents): """Loads the JSON summary written out by the GM tool. Returns a dictionary keyed by the values listed as JSONKEY_ constants above.""" # TODO(epoger): we should add a version number to the JSON file to ensure # that the writer and reader agree on the schema (raising an exception # otherwise). json_dict = json.loads(file_contents) return json_dict def LoadFromFile(file_path): """Loads the JSON summary written out by the GM tool. Returns a dictionary keyed by the values listed as JSONKEY_ constants above.""" file_contents = open(file_path, 'r').read() return LoadFromString(file_contents) def WriteToFile(json_dict, file_path): """Writes the JSON summary in json_dict out to file_path.""" with open(file_path, 'w') as outfile: json.dump(json_dict, outfile, sort_keys=True, indent=2)