/* * Copyright 2016 Google Inc. * * Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be * found in the LICENSE file. */ #include "gm.h" #include "Resources.h" #include "SkCanvas.h" #include "SkData.h" #include "SkImage.h" #include "SkImageEncoderPriv.h" #include "SkJpegEncoder.h" #include "SkPngEncoder.h" #include "SkUnPreMultiply.h" #include "SkWebpEncoder.h" namespace skiagm { static void make_opaque_256(SkBitmap* bitmap) { GetResourceAsBitmap("images/mandrill_256.png", bitmap); } static void make_premul_256(SkBitmap* bitmap) { SkBitmap tmp; GetResourceAsBitmap("images/yellow_rose.png", &tmp); tmp.extractSubset(bitmap, SkIRect::MakeWH(256, 256)); } static void make_unpremul_256(SkBitmap* bitmap) { make_premul_256(bitmap); for (int y = 0; y < bitmap->height(); y++) { for (int x = 0; x < bitmap->width(); x++) { SkPMColor* pixel = bitmap->getAddr32(x, y); *pixel = SkUnPreMultiply::UnPreMultiplyPreservingByteOrder(*pixel); } } bitmap->setAlphaType(kUnpremul_SkAlphaType); } #if defined(SK_BUILD_FOR_MAC) || defined(SK_BUILD_FOR_IOS) static SkEncodedImageFormat kTypes[] { SkEncodedImageFormat::kPNG, SkEncodedImageFormat::kJPEG, SkEncodedImageFormat::kGIF, SkEncodedImageFormat::kBMP, SkEncodedImageFormat::kICO, }; #elif defined(SK_BUILD_FOR_WIN) // Use PNG multiple times because our WIC encoder does not support GIF, BMP, or ICO. static SkEncodedImageFormat kTypes[] { SkEncodedImageFormat::kPNG, SkEncodedImageFormat::kJPEG, SkEncodedImageFormat::kPNG, SkEncodedImageFormat::kPNG, SkEncodedImageFormat::kPNG, }; #else // Use WEBP in place of GIF. Use PNG two extra times. We don't support GIF, BMP, or ICO. static SkEncodedImageFormat kTypes[] { SkEncodedImageFormat::kPNG, SkEncodedImageFormat::kJPEG, SkEncodedImageFormat::kWEBP, SkEncodedImageFormat::kPNG, SkEncodedImageFormat::kPNG, }; #endif static sk_sp encode_data(SkEncodedImageFormat type, const SkBitmap& bitmap) { SkPixmap src; if (!bitmap.peekPixels(&src)) { return nullptr; } SkDynamicMemoryWStream buf; #if defined(SK_BUILD_FOR_MAC) || defined(SK_BUILD_FOR_IOS) return SkEncodeImageWithCG(&buf, src, type) ? buf.detachAsData() : nullptr; #elif defined(SK_BUILD_FOR_WIN) return SkEncodeImageWithWIC(&buf, src, type, 100) ? buf.detachAsData() : nullptr; #else switch (type) { case SkEncodedImageFormat::kPNG: { SkPngEncoder::Options options; options.fUnpremulBehavior = SkTransferFunctionBehavior::kIgnore; bool success = SkPngEncoder::Encode(&buf, src, options); return success ? buf.detachAsData() : nullptr; } case SkEncodedImageFormat::kJPEG: { bool success = SkJpegEncoder::Encode(&buf, src, SkJpegEncoder::Options()); return success ? buf.detachAsData() : nullptr; } case SkEncodedImageFormat::kWEBP: { SkWebpEncoder::Options options; options.fUnpremulBehavior = SkTransferFunctionBehavior::kIgnore; bool success = SkWebpEncoder::Encode(&buf, src, options); return success ? buf.detachAsData() : nullptr; } default: SkASSERT(false); return nullptr; } #endif } class EncodePlatformGM : public GM { public: EncodePlatformGM() {} protected: SkString onShortName() override { return SkString("encode-platform"); } SkISize onISize() override { return SkISize::Make(256 * SK_ARRAY_COUNT(kTypes), 256 * 3); } void onDraw(SkCanvas* canvas) override { SkBitmap opaqueBm, premulBm, unpremulBm; make_opaque_256(&opaqueBm); make_premul_256(&premulBm); make_unpremul_256(&unpremulBm); for (SkEncodedImageFormat type : kTypes) { auto opaqueImage = SkImage::MakeFromEncoded(encode_data(type, opaqueBm)); auto premulImage = SkImage::MakeFromEncoded(encode_data(type, premulBm)); auto unpremulImage = SkImage::MakeFromEncoded(encode_data(type, unpremulBm)); canvas->drawImage(opaqueImage.get(), 0.0f, 0.0f); canvas->drawImage(premulImage.get(), 0.0f, 256.0f); canvas->drawImage(unpremulImage.get(), 0.0f, 512.0f); canvas->translate(256.0f, 0.0f); } } private: typedef GM INHERITED; }; DEF_GM( return new EncodePlatformGM; ) }