/* * Copyright 2014 Google Inc. * * * Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be * found in the LICENSE file. * */ #include "Path2D.h" #include "Global.h" Global* Path2D::gGlobal = NULL; void Path2D::ConstructPath(const v8::FunctionCallbackInfo& args) { HandleScope handleScope(gGlobal->getIsolate()); Path2D* path = new Path2D(); args.This()->SetInternalField( 0, External::New(gGlobal->getIsolate(), path)); } #define ADD_METHOD(name, fn) \ constructor->InstanceTemplate()->Set( \ String::NewFromUtf8( \ global->getIsolate(), name, \ String::kInternalizedString), \ FunctionTemplate::New(global->getIsolate(), fn)) // Install the constructor in the global scope so Path2Ds can be constructed // in JS. void Path2D::AddToGlobal(Global* global) { gGlobal = global; // Create a stack-allocated handle scope. HandleScope handleScope(gGlobal->getIsolate()); Handle context = gGlobal->getContext(); // Enter the scope so all operations take place in the scope. Context::Scope contextScope(context); Local constructor = FunctionTemplate::New( gGlobal->getIsolate(), Path2D::ConstructPath); constructor->InstanceTemplate()->SetInternalFieldCount(1); ADD_METHOD("closePath", ClosePath); ADD_METHOD("moveTo", MoveTo); ADD_METHOD("lineTo", LineTo); ADD_METHOD("quadraticCurveTo", QuadraticCurveTo); ADD_METHOD("bezierCurveTo", BezierCurveTo); ADD_METHOD("arc", Arc); ADD_METHOD("rect", Rect); ADD_METHOD("oval", Oval); ADD_METHOD("conicTo", ConicTo); context->Global()->Set(String::NewFromUtf8( gGlobal->getIsolate(), "Path2D"), constructor->GetFunction()); } Path2D* Path2D::Unwrap(const v8::FunctionCallbackInfo& args) { Handle field = Handle::Cast( args.This()->GetInternalField(0)); void* ptr = field->Value(); return static_cast(ptr); } void Path2D::ClosePath(const v8::FunctionCallbackInfo& args) { Path2D* path = Unwrap(args); path->fSkPath.close(); } void Path2D::MoveTo(const v8::FunctionCallbackInfo& args) { if (args.Length() != 2) { args.GetIsolate()->ThrowException( v8::String::NewFromUtf8( args.GetIsolate(), "Error: 2 arguments required.")); return; } double x = args[0]->NumberValue(); double y = args[1]->NumberValue(); Path2D* path = Unwrap(args); path->fSkPath.moveTo(SkDoubleToScalar(x), SkDoubleToScalar(y)); } void Path2D::LineTo(const v8::FunctionCallbackInfo& args) { if (args.Length() != 2) { args.GetIsolate()->ThrowException( v8::String::NewFromUtf8( args.GetIsolate(), "Error: 2 arguments required.")); return; } double x = args[0]->NumberValue(); double y = args[1]->NumberValue(); Path2D* path = Unwrap(args); path->fSkPath.lineTo(SkDoubleToScalar(x), SkDoubleToScalar(y)); } void Path2D::QuadraticCurveTo(const v8::FunctionCallbackInfo& args) { if (args.Length() != 4) { args.GetIsolate()->ThrowException( v8::String::NewFromUtf8( args.GetIsolate(), "Error: 4 arguments required.")); return; } double cpx = args[0]->NumberValue(); double cpy = args[1]->NumberValue(); double x = args[2]->NumberValue(); double y = args[3]->NumberValue(); Path2D* path = Unwrap(args); // TODO(jcgregorio) Doesn't handle the empty last path case correctly per // the HTML 5 spec. path->fSkPath.quadTo( SkDoubleToScalar(cpx), SkDoubleToScalar(cpy), SkDoubleToScalar(x), SkDoubleToScalar(y)); } void Path2D::BezierCurveTo(const v8::FunctionCallbackInfo& args) { if (args.Length() != 6) { args.GetIsolate()->ThrowException( v8::String::NewFromUtf8( args.GetIsolate(), "Error: 6 arguments required.")); return; } double cp1x = args[0]->NumberValue(); double cp1y = args[1]->NumberValue(); double cp2x = args[2]->NumberValue(); double cp2y = args[3]->NumberValue(); double x = args[4]->NumberValue(); double y = args[5]->NumberValue(); Path2D* path = Unwrap(args); // TODO(jcgregorio) Doesn't handle the empty last path case correctly per // the HTML 5 spec. path->fSkPath.cubicTo( SkDoubleToScalar(cp1x), SkDoubleToScalar(cp1y), SkDoubleToScalar(cp2x), SkDoubleToScalar(cp2y), SkDoubleToScalar(x), SkDoubleToScalar(y)); } void Path2D::Arc(const v8::FunctionCallbackInfo& args) { if (args.Length() != 5 && args.Length() != 6) { args.GetIsolate()->ThrowException( v8::String::NewFromUtf8( args.GetIsolate(), "Error: 5 or 6 args required.")); return; } double x = args[0]->NumberValue(); double y = args[1]->NumberValue(); double radius = args[2]->NumberValue(); double startAngle = args[3]->NumberValue(); double endAngle = args[4]->NumberValue(); bool antiClockwise = false; if (args.Length() == 6) { antiClockwise = args[5]->BooleanValue(); } double sweepAngle; if (!antiClockwise) { sweepAngle = endAngle - startAngle; } else { sweepAngle = startAngle - endAngle; startAngle = endAngle; } Path2D* path = Unwrap(args); SkRect rect = { SkDoubleToScalar(x-radius), SkDoubleToScalar(y-radius), SkDoubleToScalar(x+radius), SkDoubleToScalar(y+radius) }; path->fSkPath.addArc(rect, SkRadiansToDegrees(startAngle), SkRadiansToDegrees(sweepAngle)); } void Path2D::Rect(const v8::FunctionCallbackInfo& args) { if (args.Length() != 4) { args.GetIsolate()->ThrowException( v8::String::NewFromUtf8( args.GetIsolate(), "Error: 4 arguments required.")); return; } double x = args[0]->NumberValue(); double y = args[1]->NumberValue(); double w = args[2]->NumberValue(); double h = args[3]->NumberValue(); SkRect rect = { SkDoubleToScalar(x), SkDoubleToScalar(y), SkDoubleToScalar(x) + SkDoubleToScalar(w), SkDoubleToScalar(y) + SkDoubleToScalar(h) }; Path2D* path = Unwrap(args); path->fSkPath.addRect(rect); } void Path2D::Oval(const v8::FunctionCallbackInfo& args) { if (args.Length() != 4 && args.Length() != 5) { args.GetIsolate()->ThrowException( v8::String::NewFromUtf8( args.GetIsolate(), "Error: 4 or 5 args required.")); return; } double x = args[0]->NumberValue(); double y = args[1]->NumberValue(); double radiusX = args[2]->NumberValue(); double radiusY = args[3]->NumberValue(); SkPath::Direction dir = SkPath::kCW_Direction; if (args.Length() == 5 && !args[4]->BooleanValue()) { dir = SkPath::kCCW_Direction; } Path2D* path = Unwrap(args); SkRect rect = { SkDoubleToScalar(x-radiusX), SkDoubleToScalar(y-radiusX), SkDoubleToScalar(x+radiusY), SkDoubleToScalar(y+radiusY) }; path->fSkPath.addOval(rect, dir); } void Path2D::ConicTo(const v8::FunctionCallbackInfo& args) { if (args.Length() != 5) { args.GetIsolate()->ThrowException( v8::String::NewFromUtf8( args.GetIsolate(), "Error: 5 args required.")); return; } double x1 = args[0]->NumberValue(); double y1 = args[1]->NumberValue(); double x2 = args[2]->NumberValue(); double y2 = args[3]->NumberValue(); double w = args[4]->NumberValue(); Path2D* path = Unwrap(args); path->fSkPath.conicTo( SkDoubleToScalar(x1), SkDoubleToScalar(y1), SkDoubleToScalar(x2), SkDoubleToScalar(y2), SkDoubleToScalar(w) ); }