#include "SkCanvas.h" #include "SkCommandLineFlags.h" #include "SkDevice.h" #include "SkGraphics.h" #include "SkImageDecoder.h" #include "SkImageEncoder.h" #include "SkOSFile.h" #include "SkPicture.h" #include "SkStream.h" #include "SkTypeface.h" #include "SkTArray.h" #include "SkNulCanvas.h" #include "SkPdfRenderer.h" DEFINE_string2(readPath, r, "", "pdf files or directories of pdf files to process."); DEFINE_string2(writePath, w, "", "Directory to write the rendered pages."); DEFINE_bool2(noExtensionForOnePagePdf, n, false, "No page extension if only one page."); DEFINE_bool2(showMemoryUsage, m, false, "Show Memory usage."); DEFINE_string2(pages, p, "all", "What pages to render and how:\n" "\tall - all pages\n" "\treverse - all pages, in reverse order\n" "\tfirst - first page\n" "\tlast - last page\n" "\tnumber - a specific page number\n" ); DEFINE_double(DPI, 72, "DPI to be used for rendering (scale)."); DEFINE_int32(benchLoad, 0, "Load the pdf file minimally N times, without any rendering and \n" "\tminimal parsing to ensure correctness. Default 0 (disabled)."); DEFINE_int32(benchRender, 0, "Render the pdf content N times. Default 0 (disabled)"); DEFINE_string2(config, c, "8888", "Canvas to render:\n" "\t8888 - all pages\n" "\tnul - all pages, in reverse order\n" ); // TODO(edisonn): add config for device target(gpu, raster, pdf), + ability not to render at all /** * Given list of directories and files to use as input, expects to find .pdf * files and it will convert them to .png files writing them in the same directory * one file for each page. * * Returns zero exit code if all .pdf files were converted successfully, * otherwise returns error code 1. */ static const char PDF_FILE_EXTENSION[] = "pdf"; static const char PNG_FILE_EXTENSION[] = "png"; /** Replaces the extension of a file. * @param path File name whose extension will be changed. * @param old_extension The old extension. * @param new_extension The new extension. * @returns false if the file did not has the expected extension. * if false is returned, contents of path are undefined. */ static bool add_page_and_replace_filename_extension(SkString* path, int page, const char old_extension[], const char new_extension[]) { if (path->endsWith(old_extension)) { path->remove(path->size() - strlen(old_extension), strlen(old_extension)); if (!path->endsWith(".")) { return false; } if (page >= 0) { path->appendf("%i.", page); } path->append(new_extension); return true; } return false; } void make_filepath(SkString* path, const SkString& dir, const SkString& name) { size_t len = dir.size(); path->set(dir); if (0 < len && '/' != dir[len - 1]) { path->append("/"); } path->append(name); } bool is_path_seperator(const char chr) { #if defined(SK_BUILD_FOR_WIN) return chr == '\\' || chr == '/'; #else return chr == '/'; #endif } void get_basename(SkString* basename, const SkString& path) { if (path.size() == 0) { basename->reset(); return; } size_t end = path.size() - 1; // Paths pointing to directories often have a trailing slash, // we remove it so the name is not empty if (is_path_seperator(path[end])) { if (end == 0) { basename->reset(); return; } end -= 1; } size_t i = end; do { --i; if (is_path_seperator(path[i])) { const char* basenameStart = path.c_str() + i + 1; size_t basenameLength = end - i; basename->set(basenameStart, basenameLength); return; } } while (i > 0); basename->set(path.c_str(), end + 1); } /** Builds the output filename. path = dir/name, and it replaces expected * .skp extension with .pdf extention. * @param path Output filename. * @param name The name of the file. * @returns false if the file did not has the expected extension. * if false is returned, contents of path are undefined. */ static bool make_output_filepath(SkString* path, const SkString& dir, const SkString& name, int page) { make_filepath(path, dir, name); return add_page_and_replace_filename_extension(path, page, PDF_FILE_EXTENSION, PNG_FILE_EXTENSION); } static void setup_bitmap(SkBitmap* bitmap, int width, int height, SkColor color = SK_ColorWHITE) { bitmap->setConfig(SkBitmap::kARGB_8888_Config, width, height); bitmap->allocPixels(); bitmap->eraseColor(color); } /** Write the output of pdf renderer to a file. * @param outputDir Output dir. * @param inputFilename The skp file that was read. * @param renderer The object responsible to write the pdf file. * @param page -1 means there is only one page (0), and render in a file without page extension */ extern "C" SkBitmap* gDumpBitmap; extern "C" SkCanvas* gDumpCanvas; static bool render_page(const SkString& outputDir, const SkString& inputFilename, const SkPdfRenderer& renderer, int page) { SkRect rect = renderer.MediaBox(page < 0 ? 0 :page); // Exercise all pdf codepaths as in normal rendering, but no actual bits are changed. if (!FLAGS_config.isEmpty() && strcmp(FLAGS_config[0], "nul") == 0) { SkBitmap bitmap; SkAutoTUnref device(SkNEW_ARGS(SkDevice, (bitmap))); SkNulCanvas canvas(device); renderer.renderPage(page < 0 ? 0 : page, &canvas, rect); } else { // 8888 SkRect rect = renderer.MediaBox(page < 0 ? 0 :page); SkBitmap bitmap; SkScalar width = SkScalarMul(rect.width(), SkDoubleToScalar(sqrt(FLAGS_DPI / 72.0))); SkScalar height = SkScalarMul(rect.height(), SkDoubleToScalar(sqrt(FLAGS_DPI / 72.0))); rect = SkRect::MakeWH(width, height); #ifdef PDF_DEBUG_3X setup_bitmap(&bitmap, 3 * (int)SkScalarToDouble(width), 3 * (int)SkScalarToDouble(height)); #else setup_bitmap(&bitmap, (int)SkScalarToDouble(width), (int)SkScalarToDouble(height)); #endif SkAutoTUnref device(SkNEW_ARGS(SkDevice, (bitmap))); SkCanvas canvas(device); gDumpBitmap = &bitmap; gDumpCanvas = &canvas; renderer.renderPage(page < 0 ? 0 : page, &canvas, rect); SkString outputPath; if (!make_output_filepath(&outputPath, outputDir, inputFilename, page)) { return false; } SkImageEncoder::EncodeFile(outputPath.c_str(), bitmap, SkImageEncoder::kPNG_Type, 100); if (FLAGS_showMemoryUsage) { SkDebugf("Memory usage after page %i rendered: %u\n", page < 0 ? 0 : page, (unsigned int)renderer.bytesUsed()); } } return true; } /** Reads an skp file, renders it to pdf and writes the output to a pdf file * @param inputPath The skp file to be read. * @param outputDir Output dir. * @param renderer The object responsible to render the skp object into pdf. */ static bool process_pdf(const SkString& inputPath, const SkString& outputDir, SkPdfRenderer& renderer) { SkDebugf("Loading PDF: %s\n", inputPath.c_str()); SkString inputFilename; get_basename(&inputFilename, inputPath); SkFILEStream inputStream; inputStream.setPath(inputPath.c_str()); if (!inputStream.isValid()) { SkDebugf("Could not open file %s\n", inputPath.c_str()); return false; } bool success = false; success = renderer.load(inputPath); if (FLAGS_showMemoryUsage) { SkDebugf("Memory usage after load: %u\n", (unsigned int)renderer.bytesUsed()); } // TODO(edisonn): bench timers if (FLAGS_benchLoad > 0) { for (int i = 0 ; i < FLAGS_benchLoad; i++) { success = renderer.load(inputPath); if (FLAGS_showMemoryUsage) { SkDebugf("Memory usage after load %i number : %u\n", i, (unsigned int)renderer.bytesUsed()); } } } if (success) { if (!renderer.pages()) { SkDebugf("ERROR: Empty PDF Document %s\n", inputPath.c_str()); return false; } else { for (int i = 0; i < FLAGS_benchRender + 1; i++) { // TODO(edisonn) if (i == 1) start timer if (strcmp(FLAGS_pages[0], "all") == 0) { for (int pn = 0; pn < renderer.pages(); ++pn) { success = render_page(outputDir, inputFilename, renderer, FLAGS_noExtensionForOnePagePdf && renderer.pages() == 1 ? -1 : pn) && success; } } else if (strcmp(FLAGS_pages[0], "reverse") == 0) { for (int pn = renderer.pages() - 1; pn >= 0; --pn) { success = render_page(outputDir, inputFilename, renderer, FLAGS_noExtensionForOnePagePdf && renderer.pages() == 1 ? -1 : pn) && success; } } else if (strcmp(FLAGS_pages[0], "first") == 0) { success = render_page(outputDir, inputFilename, renderer, FLAGS_noExtensionForOnePagePdf && renderer.pages() == 1 ? -1 : 0) && success; } else if (strcmp(FLAGS_pages[0], "last") == 0) { success = render_page(outputDir, inputFilename, renderer, FLAGS_noExtensionForOnePagePdf && renderer.pages() == 1 ? -1 : renderer.pages() - 1) && success; } else { int pn = atoi(FLAGS_pages[0]); success = render_page(outputDir, inputFilename, renderer, FLAGS_noExtensionForOnePagePdf && renderer.pages() == 1 ? -1 : renderer.pages() - 1) && pn; } } } } return success; } /** For each file in the directory or for the file passed in input, call * parse_pdf. * @param input A directory or an pdf file. * @param outputDir Output dir. * @param renderer The object responsible to render the skp object into pdf. */ static int process_input(const char* input, const SkString& outputDir, SkPdfRenderer& renderer) { int failures = 0; if (sk_isdir(input)) { SkOSFile::Iter iter(input, PDF_FILE_EXTENSION); SkString inputFilename; while (iter.next(&inputFilename)) { SkString inputPath; SkString _input; _input.append(input); make_filepath(&inputPath, _input, inputFilename); if (!process_pdf(inputPath, outputDir, renderer)) { ++failures; } } } else { SkString inputPath(input); if (!process_pdf(inputPath, outputDir, renderer)) { ++failures; } } return failures; } int tool_main(int argc, char** argv); int tool_main(int argc, char** argv) { SkCommandLineFlags::SetUsage("Parse and Render .pdf files (pdf viewer)."); SkCommandLineFlags::Parse(argc, argv); if (FLAGS_readPath.isEmpty()) { SkDebugf(".pdf files or directories are required.\n"); exit(-1); } SkPdfRenderer renderer; SkString outputDir; if (FLAGS_writePath.count() == 1) { outputDir.set(FLAGS_writePath[0]); } int failures = 0; for (int i = 0; i < FLAGS_readPath.count(); i ++) { failures += process_input(FLAGS_readPath[i], outputDir, renderer); renderer.unload(); } reportPdfRenderStats(); if (failures != 0) { SkDebugf("Failed to render %i PDFs.\n", failures); return 1; } return 0; } #if !defined SK_BUILD_FOR_IOS int main(int argc, char * const argv[]) { return tool_main(argc, (char**) argv); } #endif