#ifndef __DEFINED__SkPdfType0FontDictionary #define __DEFINED__SkPdfType0FontDictionary #include "SkPdfEnums_autogen.h" #include "SkPdfArray_autogen.h" #include "SkPdfFontDictionary_autogen.h" // Entries in a Type 0 font dictionary class SkPdfType0FontDictionary : public SkPdfFontDictionary { public: virtual SkPdfObjectType getType() const { return kType0FontDictionary_SkPdfObjectType;} virtual SkPdfObjectType getTypeEnd() const { return kType0FontDictionary__End_SkPdfObjectType;} public: virtual SkPdfType0FontDictionary* asType0FontDictionary() {return this;} virtual const SkPdfType0FontDictionary* asType0FontDictionary() const {return this;} private: virtual SkPdfCIDFontDictionary* asCIDFontDictionary() {return NULL;} virtual const SkPdfCIDFontDictionary* asCIDFontDictionary() const {return NULL;} virtual SkPdfType1FontDictionary* asType1FontDictionary() {return NULL;} virtual const SkPdfType1FontDictionary* asType1FontDictionary() const {return NULL;} virtual SkPdfMultiMasterFontDictionary* asMultiMasterFontDictionary() {return NULL;} virtual const SkPdfMultiMasterFontDictionary* asMultiMasterFontDictionary() const {return NULL;} virtual SkPdfTrueTypeFontDictionary* asTrueTypeFontDictionary() {return NULL;} virtual const SkPdfTrueTypeFontDictionary* asTrueTypeFontDictionary() const {return NULL;} public: private: public: SkPdfType0FontDictionary(const PdfMemDocument* podofoDoc = NULL, const PdfObject* podofoObj = NULL) : SkPdfFontDictionary(podofoDoc, podofoObj) {} virtual bool valid() const {return true;} SkPdfType0FontDictionary& operator=(const SkPdfType0FontDictionary& from) {this->fPodofoDoc = from.fPodofoDoc; this->fPodofoObj = from.fPodofoObj; return *this;} /** (Required) The type of PDF object that this dictionary describes; must be * Font for a font dictionary. **/ bool has_Type() const { return (ObjectFromDictionary(fPodofoDoc, fPodofoObj->GetDictionary(), "Type", "", NULL)); } std::string Type() const { std::string ret; if (NameFromDictionary(fPodofoDoc, fPodofoObj->GetDictionary(), "Type", "", &ret)) return ret; // TODO(edisonn): warn about missing required field, assert for known good pdfs return ""; } /** (Required) The type of font; must be Type0 for a Type 0 font. **/ bool has_Subtype() const { return (ObjectFromDictionary(fPodofoDoc, fPodofoObj->GetDictionary(), "Subtype", "", NULL)); } std::string Subtype() const { std::string ret; if (NameFromDictionary(fPodofoDoc, fPodofoObj->GetDictionary(), "Subtype", "", &ret)) return ret; // TODO(edisonn): warn about missing required field, assert for known good pdfs return ""; } /** (Required) The PostScript name of the font. In principle, this is an arbitrary * name, since there is no font program associated directly with a Type 0 font * dictionary. The conventions described here ensure maximum compatibility * with existing Acrobat products. * If the descendant is a Type 0 CIDFont, this name should be the concatenation * of the CIDFont's BaseFont name, a hyphen, and the CMap name given in the * Encoding entry (or the CMapName entry in the CMap program itself). If the * descendant is a Type 2 CIDFont, this name should be the same as the * CIDFont's BaseFont name. **/ bool has_BaseFont() const { return (ObjectFromDictionary(fPodofoDoc, fPodofoObj->GetDictionary(), "BaseFont", "", NULL)); } std::string BaseFont() const { std::string ret; if (NameFromDictionary(fPodofoDoc, fPodofoObj->GetDictionary(), "BaseFont", "", &ret)) return ret; // TODO(edisonn): warn about missing required field, assert for known good pdfs return ""; } /** (Required) The name of a predefined CMap, or a stream containing a CMap * program, that maps character codes to font numbers and CIDs. If the descen- * dant is a Type 2 CIDFont whose associated TrueType font program is not em- * bedded in the PDF file, the Encoding entry must be a predefined CMap name * (see "Glyph Selection in CIDFonts" on page 339). **/ bool has_Encoding() const { return (ObjectFromDictionary(fPodofoDoc, fPodofoObj->GetDictionary(), "Encoding", "", NULL)); } bool isEncodingAName() const { SkPdfObject* ret = NULL; if (!ObjectFromDictionary(fPodofoDoc, fPodofoObj->GetDictionary(), "Encoding", "", &ret)) return false; return ret->podofo()->GetDataType() == ePdfDataType_Name; } std::string getEncodingAsName() const { std::string ret = ""; if (NameFromDictionary(fPodofoDoc, fPodofoObj->GetDictionary(), "Encoding", "", &ret)) return ret; // TODO(edisonn): warn about missing required field, assert for known good pdfs return ""; } bool isEncodingAStream() const { SkPdfObject* ret = NULL; if (!ObjectFromDictionary(fPodofoDoc, fPodofoObj->GetDictionary(), "Encoding", "", &ret)) return false; return ret->podofo()->HasStream(); } SkPdfStream* getEncodingAsStream() const { SkPdfStream* ret = NULL; if (StreamFromDictionary(fPodofoDoc, fPodofoObj->GetDictionary(), "Encoding", "", &ret)) return ret; // TODO(edisonn): warn about missing required field, assert for known good pdfs return NULL; } /** (Required) An array specifying one or more fonts or CIDFonts that are * descendants of this composite font. This array is indexed by the font number * that is obtained by mapping a character code through the CMap specified in * the Encoding entry. * Note: In all PDF versions up to and including PDF 1.4, DescendantFonts must * be a one-element array containing a CIDFont dictionary. **/ bool has_DescendantFonts() const { return (ObjectFromDictionary(fPodofoDoc, fPodofoObj->GetDictionary(), "DescendantFonts", "", NULL)); } SkPdfArray DescendantFonts() const { SkPdfArray ret; if (ArrayFromDictionary(fPodofoDoc, fPodofoObj->GetDictionary(), "DescendantFonts", "", &ret)) return ret; // TODO(edisonn): warn about missing required field, assert for known good pdfs return SkPdfArray(); } /** (Optional) A stream containing a CMap file that maps character codes to * Unicode values (see Section 5.9, "ToUnicode CMaps"). **/ bool has_ToUnicode() const { return (ObjectFromDictionary(fPodofoDoc, fPodofoObj->GetDictionary(), "ToUnicode", "", NULL)); } SkPdfStream* ToUnicode() const { SkPdfStream* ret; if (StreamFromDictionary(fPodofoDoc, fPodofoObj->GetDictionary(), "ToUnicode", "", &ret)) return ret; // TODO(edisonn): warn about missing required field, assert for known good pdfs return NULL; } }; #endif // __DEFINED__SkPdfType0FontDictionary